Hi ,I'm developing an excel 97 vba app. I have hit a problem when deploying it or other machines. I now get the error message " Automation Error" "Compile error" and debugger stops on following line:-
set dbcomboreg = NEW connection
Sometimes the error is "Invalid data" and debugger stops on same line. Also get the same messages on my worksheet_beforeclose event where I have the following lines:-
set userform1=nothing
set userform2=nothing
set userform3=nothing
set userform4=nothing
set userform5=nothing
set userform6=nothing
Debuuger complains about the fourth line above only! Comment it out and it skips through the rest no problem.
The app works fine on the machine it was created/maintained on, just has problems on other machines and only since yesterday. Other machines are running same O/S and office versions of developer machine. Also none of the above code has been touched in weeks. This has only been a problem since yesterday. Any ideas
set dbcomboreg = NEW connection
Sometimes the error is "Invalid data" and debugger stops on same line. Also get the same messages on my worksheet_beforeclose event where I have the following lines:-
set userform1=nothing
set userform2=nothing
set userform3=nothing
set userform4=nothing
set userform5=nothing
set userform6=nothing
Debuuger complains about the fourth line above only! Comment it out and it skips through the rest no problem.
The app works fine on the machine it was created/maintained on, just has problems on other machines and only since yesterday. Other machines are running same O/S and office versions of developer machine. Also none of the above code has been touched in weeks. This has only been a problem since yesterday. Any ideas