As background, we have a number of different applications that run unattended using Extra! sessions. I have wrapped the Extra! object in a class located in an .ocx file so that the calling program doesn't have to mess with object creation / setup, command sending, and waiting for / retrieving the responses, since these activities are common to all applications. It also does a little bit of pre-processing of the response (handling multi-page responses, masking credit card numbers if required, breaking the response into lines to be processed individually, etc.)
Everything is VB6, running on WIn2K Pro machines.
When I am running 3 different applications on the same machine, connected to different sessions, I have no problems.
Now for my problem. I have an application that I need to run multiple instances of (connecting to separate sessions), and we want to run them all (right now 2, but might go up to 3 or 4 in the future) on the same machine. When I try to run two instances of the same program on the same machine, I get intermittent Automation Errors. Generally, it seems that whichever instance started first usually runs fine, and the one started second is the one having issues. There are no other applications running on this machine, just the two instances of the one application.
As a test, I've tried having separate compilations of the program with different process names, and that so far seems to be working, although it's only been running for about an hour, so I won't know for certain until tomorrow.
Any suggestions as to what I could change to get both instances working alongside one another nicely?
Everything is VB6, running on WIn2K Pro machines.
When I am running 3 different applications on the same machine, connected to different sessions, I have no problems.
Now for my problem. I have an application that I need to run multiple instances of (connecting to separate sessions), and we want to run them all (right now 2, but might go up to 3 or 4 in the future) on the same machine. When I try to run two instances of the same program on the same machine, I get intermittent Automation Errors. Generally, it seems that whichever instance started first usually runs fine, and the one started second is the one having issues. There are no other applications running on this machine, just the two instances of the one application.
As a test, I've tried having separate compilations of the program with different process names, and that so far seems to be working, although it's only been running for about an hour, so I won't know for certain until tomorrow.
Any suggestions as to what I could change to get both instances working alongside one another nicely?