Here's the situation, I have two systems, a windows system running active directory, and a linux system running Samba on a Red Hat Distro.
I need to find a way to add a user to both systems, same name, same password, but only enter the user once.
My end goal is to have a script (program, batch file, whatever) that runs the appropriate commands in both systems after entering the necessary information.
Any ideas on how to proceed would be appriciated, or, if someone know of a previous attempt to do a similar thing, a link to that would be GREAT!
I need to find a way to add a user to both systems, same name, same password, but only enter the user once.
My end goal is to have a script (program, batch file, whatever) that runs the appropriate commands in both systems after entering the necessary information.
Any ideas on how to proceed would be appriciated, or, if someone know of a previous attempt to do a similar thing, a link to that would be GREAT!