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Automating a telnet session 1

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Technical User
May 2, 2002
I'm trying to grab some interface statistics off one of our switches. I've tried a few methods so far and have had little luck. At first I thought I could use Exec in WScript.Shell. However when I tried that method I couldn't send any keystrokes to work through the menus. When I tried just using the sendkys command I can get to the section I want but I can't capture the output to parse out the statistics. Does anyone know how you can get VBscript to do this? Its really annoying since I used to have a number of perl scripts that did this stuff just fine.
Have you tried to play with the StdIn property of the WshScriptExec object to send your keystrokes ?

Hope This Help
Yeah. No luck though. Its almost like the telnet closes right after its called. This is the current incarnation of my little telnet script.

'This section will pass the ping command and address to the host
set oSh=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oEx=oSh.Exec("telnet")
oEx.StdIn.Writeline "?" & vbcrlf
oEx.StdIn.Writeline "interface statistics 13" & vbcrlf
oEx.StdIn.Writeline "exit" & vbcrlf
oEx.StdIn.Writeline "logout" & vbcrlf

do while oEx.Status=0
Wscript.Sleep 100

'Grabs the results of the Telnet
if not oEx.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
End if

msgbox buf

As it is all that I get is a blank message box. If I try adding in some sleep statments I just get a "the pipe is being closed" error. So my script isn't getting killed by sending commands before the telnet is ready.

I've done it with perl scripting in hp unix once upon a time. VBScript however is being troublesome with this.

After reading over the link I decided to give Run a shot again. The following code works for communicating with the switch. However, according to the MS Windows 2000 Scripting Guide the Run method CAN NOT retrieve output from a Command-Line tool. I tried several different ways to pull the Standard Output but all of them generated errors.

set oShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

oShell.Run "telnet", 9
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "MONITOR{ENTER}{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 500

WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys " "
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys " "
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "EXIT{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "LOGOUT{ENTER}"

From pretty much all the documentation I found Run seems only useful for commnand line macros since it can not do anything with the output. Exec seems like the only method that will allow collection of the output. However, when using Exec my telnets behave like they are exiting before the next line of code in the script can be executed. According to the documentation Exec does indeed have a StdIn but I can not get it to work.

Modified your snippet for my HP Unix system and it works fine.

set oShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

oShell.Run "telnet", 9
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "logonname{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "password{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 500

oShell.Sendkeys "ls -l{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 2500

oShell.Sendkeys "exit{ENTER}"

Did not recognize your other codes so I only worked some that I could relate too..

The script will run and will indeed telnet to the interface. What I can not do however is GATHER the information that is returned. My objective is to have the script capture the text in a string. Then I can search it for just a couple statistics on the interface and save them off.

I've already done this with pings to critical hardware. However, the only arguments that ping has are command line.


Well, I am going to guess you already have considered sending the information by piping it to a file? Then you could dload it and do your stuff their.

Many of the higher end Telnet apps provide scripting that could accommodate this. Procomm Plus, KEAx and others.

Sorry I wasn't much help.

Yep. Pipe does not seem to work with anything besides basic command line stuff (i.e. ping, ipconfig, etc).

I am starting to wonder if VBscript can do this with telnets. I've been piddleing with this on and off for about a week and all I can even find online is extra librarys and apps that do nothing but this. It just seems strange that I can do everything from firing a bat file to updating and modifying the regestry and Active Directories. Yet can not grab the info a telnet seession gives.

Have you looked at trying to script HyperTerminal?

Standard with 95, NT and 2k.

Has a capture to disk feature.

Look at HyperTerminal.

Just a thought.
Some of the alternatives listed look interesting, but in many ways they fall short.

The big problem you have is that the telnet.exe supplied by Microsoft does not do its console I/O via stdin and stdout. I found another "telnet" program at SourceForge called "Console Telnet" or "Telnet-Win32" (aliases) that promises this capability, but in my tests fails miserably to deliver... i.e. I couldn't get it to work.

Some of the tools at the links above are downright ludricrous (they don't seem to have any idea what Telnet really is). Other show some promise (such as the one referenced at the dbforums link above), but clearly were written by a non-native English speaker and have nearly unintelligible documentation. Might be great, but I haven't the patience to decipher them right now.

Your best bet might indeed be some 3rd party scriptable Telnet application, if you aren't set on running things from a WSH script.

Otherwise you will need to do this via some ActiveX component. But as I said, the ones above are either just fancy Winsock components in some cases, or possibly just what you need (but hard to figure out quickly) in other cases.

There are several commercial Telnet components however. Dart, Distinct, and Catalyst are well-known brands.

It appears that a script component could be written based upon Microsoft's Winsock control, the free SocketWrench control from Catalyst, or any of several other free Winsock controls. This would take some effort to do a good job though: a halfway-decent Telnet implementation involves dealing with option negotiation at least in a passive manner. For some applications you might get by with a Winsock component and just "hope for the best" (i.e. that the server you want to talk to is really dumb too). In your case the "server" is a switch.

You'd be home free if only you had a Telnet application that truly used stdin/stdout for console I/O. I think that's where we're stuck here.

Don't feel too bad, I don't think the problem is you (or us responding). See for an idea how badly others hunger for the same capability. The answer given there might be just the ticket, I just don't see any followups beyond where somebody posted there erroneous attempt to use the "solution."

This is the telscript solution that dougcranston's last link points (ultimately) to. It's also the one that might work fine, except I can't make any sense out of its documentation. It looks more like an application supporting an ActiveX Automation interface (like Word, etc.) than an ActiveX component.

Maybe the lack of followups means this is a dead-end as well?

Thanks guys. After reading over the links both of you sent I went and tracked down the Toolsack library. That appears to do everything I was currently looking to do and even provides some very useful objects to flesh out some of my other diagnostic tools. It would have been nice to stick to native VBScript but it doesn't look like it can do it.

Here is my basic code that does a telnet and captures the result in a var for a multitude of uses. Please note that this will require Toolsack which was available for free from
'' Bert Rhoads Jr. December 10, 2003
'' This script uses the sockets operator
'' from Toolsack to communicate with a
'' network device.
'' Toolsack can be found at:
'' ''

'The target device
cHost = ""
'The port to connect to. Telnet is 23
nPort = 23

'This script will not run withought the Toolsack
'library installed.
set s = CreateObject("Toolsack.Socket")

s.Connect cHost, nPort

'sequence of commands, they dont seem to need
'a sleep time like sendkeys does.
s.Write "monitor" & vbCR
s.Write "interface statistics 13" & vbcrlf
s.Write " "
s.Write "exit" & vbcrlf
s.Write "logout" & vbcrlf

'Need a sleep statment or script will try and read
'the buffer before its full.
wscript.sleep 800

'Save the output to a string for general use
sBuf = s.read
wscript.echo sBuf

Anyway, to do I/O redirection with the Run method you have to play with the command interpreter:
obj.Run "%COMSPEC% /C " & CmdLine & " >Myout"

Hope This Help
You can't redirect a command line telnet session. At least in Win2k. Run will not work with telnet anyway. It seems to kill the telnet session before the next line of code can be executed.
I agree, it was just a general note.

Hope This Help

If Toolsack's socket control works for you, great!

For many of us this is still a problem at times though. As I alluded to ealier, a TCP socket connection is NOT a Telnet session. What I mean is, Telnet operates over a TCP session on port 23, but THERE IS A TELENET PROTOCOL THAT OPERATES AT A LAYER ABOVE TCP, i.e. the Telnet application layer protocol.

Some devices supporting "Telnet" access are truly "dumb" enough to let you talk to them over a simple TCP socket. But many will lock up on you because they are expecting things like "Telnet option negotiation" to take place, and they won't just ignore your socket's non-response to session attribute negotiation.

This is activity that normally is strictly between the Telnet client program and the Telnet server. The user never sees it.

As an example, I've captured a very short session between a Windows Telnet client and a Windows Telnet server. This text seems to cause Tek-Tips' TGML processor grief, so I've had to present it here in plain text. It'll make more sense if you copy it from here and paste it into NotePad, where you can see it in a monospaced font (and therefore columns will align properly).

TCPTap - TCP Traffic Capture Tool (0.10.1 beta)
Copyright © 2001 Robert D. Riemersma, Jr.

Capture Mode: ASCII
Client Port: 23
Server Port: 23
Server Host: BigDog
Capture appended to: C:\Documents and Settings\George\Desktop\BigDog.log

Capture initiated: 12/10/2003 9:27:14 PM

21:27:21 Client connected. Port 23 Host [IP]

21:27:21 Server connected. Port 23 Host "BigDog" [IP]

21:27:21 <- 0000 FF FB 01 FF FB 03 FF FD 27 FF FD 1F FF FD 00 FF ÿû.ÿû.ÿý'ÿý.ÿý.ÿ
0010 FB 00 û.
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FD 01 ÿý.
21:27:21 <- 0000 57 65 6C 63 6F 6D 65 20 74 6F 20 4D 69 63 72 6F Welcome to Micro
0010 73 6F 66 74 20 54 65 6C 6E 65 74 20 53 65 72 76 soft Telnet Serv
0020 69 63 65 20 0D 0A ice ..
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FD 03 ÿý.
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FB 27 ÿû'
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FB 1F ÿû.
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FA 1F 00 50 00 19 FF F0 ÿú..P..ÿð
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FB 00 ÿû.
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FD 00 ÿý.
21:27:21 <- 0000 FF FA 27 01 FF F0 FF FA 27 01 03 53 46 55 54 4C ÿú'.ÿðÿú'..SFUTL
0010 4E 54 56 45 52 03 53 46 55 54 4C 4E 54 4D 4F 44 NTVER.SFUTLNTMOD
0020 45 FF F0 Eÿð
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FA 27 00 FF F0 ÿú'.ÿð
21:27:21 <- 0000 0A 0D 6C 6F 67 69 6E 3A 20 ..login:
21:27:21 -> 0000 FF FA 27 00 03 53 46 55 54 4C 4E 54 56 45 52 01 ÿú'..SFUTLNTVER.
0010 32 03 53 46 55 54 4C 4E 54 4D 4F 44 45 01 43 6F 2.SFUTLNTMODE.Co
0020 6E 73 6F 6C 65 FF F0 nsoleÿð
21:27:25 -> 0000 47 G
21:27:25 <- 0000 47 G
21:27:27 -> 0000 65 e
21:27:27 <- 0000 65 e
21:27:27 -> 0000 6F o
21:27:27 <- 0000 6F o
21:27:27 -> 0000 72 r
21:27:27 <- 0000 72 r
21:27:28 -> 0000 67 g
21:27:28 <- 0000 67 g
21:27:28 -> 0000 65 e
21:27:28 <- 0000 65 e
21:27:28 -> 0000 0D .
21:27:28 <- 0000 0A 0D 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 3A 20 ..password:
21:27:29 -> 0000 78 x
21:27:30 -> 0000 78 x
21:27:30 -> 0000 78 x
21:27:31 -> 0000 0D .
21:27:31 <- 0000 FF FD 18 ÿý.
21:27:31 -> 0000 FF FB 18 ÿû.
21:27:31 <- 0000 FF FA 18 01 FF F0 ÿú..ÿð
21:27:31 -> 0000 FF FA 18 00 41 4E 53 49 FF F0 ÿú..ANSIÿð
21:27:31 <- 0000 1B 5B 31 3B 31 48 2A 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D .[1;1H*=========
0010 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D ================
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21:27:34 <- 0000 69 i
21:27:34 -> 0000 72 r
21:27:34 <- 0000 72 r
21:27:34 -> 0000 0D .
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0270 6E 69 73 74 72 61 74 6F 72 3E nistrator>
21:27:36 -> 0000 65 e
21:27:36 <- 0000 65 e
21:27:36 -> 0000 78 x
21:27:36 <- 0000 78 x
21:27:36 -> 0000 69 i
21:27:37 <- 0000 69 i
21:27:37 -> 0000 74 t
21:27:37 <- 0000 74 t
21:27:37 -> 0000 0D .

21:27:37 Server port 23 closed.

21:27:40 Client port 23 closed.

Capture terminated: 12/10/2003 9:27:40 PM

Client Port Traffic Totals: 33 sent 107 bytes.
Server Port Traffic Totals: 22 xcvd 1,324 bytes.

All of that activity was just &quot;George&quot; the admin of &quot;BigDog&quot; logging on with his password &quot;xxx&quot; and then entering &quot;dir&quot; to see his directory, and finally entering &quot;exit&quot; to log off. Most of the weird-looking stuff is Telnet handshake going back and forth between the client program and the server. It is a discussion of emulation types to support and so on.

Some of the other &quot;gingerbread&quot; shown there is the NEXT layer protocol above even Telnet itself. This is mostly emulation control sequences, cursor control, etc. In this case I let the client default to ANSI, so we see a lot of ANSI control sequences, typically beginning ESC [ ...

What most of us want when we ask for a Telnet we can use from WSH is an ActiveX component that will deal with this background chatter with the server. We just want to set some properties and then pass text back and forth.

This is what some of the commercial component suites do. Alas, I haven't found a free one yet.

As I said, glad you have things working though. And good luck!
dilettante -
I think I see what you mean. I think I need to do a little quick research on just what the Telnet protocol does vs. TCP sockets. I just assumend since I was talking over port 23 that is was a telnet session. The sample code failed on the other ports I tried at least.

So far all our old DEC networking hardware seems happy with the TCP Socket communication. What sort of things have you found TCP sockets to not work on so far?
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