Hi there, i would like to aske for your help for the following topic
site |*******down **** | *********up
site1 | 2001-12-23 00:39:22 | 2001-12-23 01:00:03
site1 | 2001-12-24 09:52:19 | 2001-12-24 10:15:34
site1 | 2001-12-24 11:49:14 | 2001-12-24 12:12:50
site1 | 2001-12-24 13:49:48 | 2001-12-24 15:01:51
site2 | 2001-12-24 15:50:17 | 2001-12-24 16:38:28
site2 | 2001-12-27 05:52:28 | 2001-12-27 07:40:42
site2 | 2001-12-27 11:13:34 | 2001-12-27 11:36:01
site2 | 2001-12-29 08:46:55 | 2001-12-29 09:12:54
this is my mysql table-downup, and i inserted data by writting
insert into dowup values ('site1', '2001-12-23 00:39:22', '2001-12-23 01:00:03')
insert into dowup values ('site1', '2001-12-24 09:52:19', '2001-12-24 10:15:34')
........ etc etc etc
where 'down' & 'up' data are taken from the uptime.html file:
uptime.html file on the screen
2001-12-23 01:00:03 : back_up
2001-12-23 00:39:22 : down
2001-12-24 10:15:34 : back_up
2001-12-24 09:52:19 : down
2001-12-24 12:12:50 : back_up
2001-12-24 11:49:14 : down
1) i need to do the same (transfer data to mysql table) automatically.
2) the highest date has to be on the top, the last one
3) to check if (back_up/up is true) then parse data, else if (!back_up) 'down' data don't parse.....
Should i use mysql command LOAD DATA INFILE in this case or not?
Thank you in advance
site |*******down **** | *********up
site1 | 2001-12-23 00:39:22 | 2001-12-23 01:00:03
site1 | 2001-12-24 09:52:19 | 2001-12-24 10:15:34
site1 | 2001-12-24 11:49:14 | 2001-12-24 12:12:50
site1 | 2001-12-24 13:49:48 | 2001-12-24 15:01:51
site2 | 2001-12-24 15:50:17 | 2001-12-24 16:38:28
site2 | 2001-12-27 05:52:28 | 2001-12-27 07:40:42
site2 | 2001-12-27 11:13:34 | 2001-12-27 11:36:01
site2 | 2001-12-29 08:46:55 | 2001-12-29 09:12:54
this is my mysql table-downup, and i inserted data by writting
insert into dowup values ('site1', '2001-12-23 00:39:22', '2001-12-23 01:00:03')
insert into dowup values ('site1', '2001-12-24 09:52:19', '2001-12-24 10:15:34')
........ etc etc etc
where 'down' & 'up' data are taken from the uptime.html file:
uptime.html file on the screen
2001-12-23 01:00:03 : back_up
2001-12-23 00:39:22 : down
2001-12-24 10:15:34 : back_up
2001-12-24 09:52:19 : down
2001-12-24 12:12:50 : back_up
2001-12-24 11:49:14 : down
1) i need to do the same (transfer data to mysql table) automatically.
2) the highest date has to be on the top, the last one
3) to check if (back_up/up is true) then parse data, else if (!back_up) 'down' data don't parse.....
Should i use mysql command LOAD DATA INFILE in this case or not?
Thank you in advance