I am developing an IDE for a bespoke scripting language and I want to produce some code that will higlight the reserved words in this language as they are typed (like Visual Studio)using the QT library.
I am doing the follwing things to try and achieve this:
1. Setting the color properties of the text edit area (CalcEditArea->setColor(blue))
2. Setting the bold property (CalcEditArea->setBold(TRUE))
3. Lastly, setting the text in the TextEdit area to what ever text is required e.g CalcEditArea->setText(QString("Test")
The problem is, once I call the setText function it displays the text on the screen okay but does not display it with the properties that I specified in the two previous funtion calls. What am I doing wrong???????????
I am doing the follwing things to try and achieve this:
1. Setting the color properties of the text edit area (CalcEditArea->setColor(blue))
2. Setting the bold property (CalcEditArea->setBold(TRUE))
3. Lastly, setting the text in the TextEdit area to what ever text is required e.g CalcEditArea->setText(QString("Test")
The problem is, once I call the setText function it displays the text on the screen okay but does not display it with the properties that I specified in the two previous funtion calls. What am I doing wrong???????????