Not sure. However, this feature tends to slow things down a bit, not sure if you really want it on. Update manually, and scan for viruses, might be a virus that is causing the problem. Also, you might uninstall Norton, uninstall Liveupdate, and then reinstall the applications.
I normally create a shortcut to the luall.exe application located in Program Files\Symantec\Liveupdate folder, on my desktop. You can also edit the properties of the shortcut, and append a -s to the end of the path to luall.exe, and it will run in silent mode, so you will not be prompted for anything. To take it a step further, you could copy this shortcut, and paste it into your startup folder, and it will execute on startup.
Good luck.
Matt J.
Please always take the time to backup any and all data before performing any actions suggested for ANY problem, regardless of how minor a change it might seem. Also test the backup to make sure it is intact.
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