I had a survey on the web that had auto-emailing feature that used the CDO library from an ASP page. Then all of a sudden the code stopped working and gave a page 500 error. I do not know the history of changes to the server since I do not maitain the server, but if I know what the problem is I can have it fixed.
dim mail, mailcon, fld, strHTML
set mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message"
set mailcon = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration"
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = 2
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = "mymailserver"
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = 10
set mail.Configuration = mailcon
mail.to = "myName@domain.com"
mail.from = "myName@domain.com"
mail.subject = "Evaluation Questionnaire"
mail.HTMLBody = strHTML
If you comment out mail.send the page works but no email is sent. Otherwise, all I get is a 500 page error.
dim mail, mailcon, fld, strHTML
set mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message"
set mailcon = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration"
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = 2
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = "mymailserver"
mailcon.Fields.Item(" = 10
set mail.Configuration = mailcon
mail.to = "myName@domain.com"
mail.from = "myName@domain.com"
mail.subject = "Evaluation Questionnaire"
mail.HTMLBody = strHTML
If you comment out mail.send the page works but no email is sent. Otherwise, all I get is a 500 page error.