Anyone's got any clue on how to import automatically some jpg pictures into an OLE Object data field using some VBA code in Access? Let's say I have every picture named in a uniform way (identifier of register,...)
There is probably a much better way but this worked with a number of bmp files using PaintShop Pro and AppActivate to switch between the programs. It was some time ago with OFFICE 97 but AppActivate is still in 2000
Function Getpics()
'pictures are named 0438.bmp to 0740.bmp
For a = 438 To 740
fno = Str(a)
fno = Right(fno, Len(fno) - 1) 'remove the sign from the number
While Len(fno) < 4
fno = "0" + fno ' add leading zeros
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