I am very interrested in coding some scripts to assist me in doing my job quicker. I work on a Service desk that uses Service Center (build 0005). We use Peregrine to create Calls and Incidents.
I have created a script that creates calls from emails and then in turn generates incidents from those calls. I have been using VBS to manipulate Outlook and AutoIt3 to manipluate Peregrine to create the call and incident tickets.
I would really like to learn how I can use an object oriented programming lanuage that can create tickets for me rather than using AutoIt3 to modify controls and send key strokes.
Can someone start me out in the right direction? I have read that scmacro.exe isn't in version 6 of SC, however is there something else like that? Can I use VBS to create a script to create a call? Does anyone have something like this already that I could see as a proof of concept?
I really appreciate any and all help in this regard.
Stephen (Radsam)
I am very interrested in coding some scripts to assist me in doing my job quicker. I work on a Service desk that uses Service Center (build 0005). We use Peregrine to create Calls and Incidents.
I have created a script that creates calls from emails and then in turn generates incidents from those calls. I have been using VBS to manipulate Outlook and AutoIt3 to manipluate Peregrine to create the call and incident tickets.
I would really like to learn how I can use an object oriented programming lanuage that can create tickets for me rather than using AutoIt3 to modify controls and send key strokes.
Can someone start me out in the right direction? I have read that scmacro.exe isn't in version 6 of SC, however is there something else like that? Can I use VBS to create a script to create a call? Does anyone have something like this already that I could see as a proof of concept?
I really appreciate any and all help in this regard.
Stephen (Radsam)