I want to automate the following process: In database, delete (or overwite would be even better) 6 existing tables, and re-import them using my VIAodbc driver.
Example of manual process:
1- Delete existing "Via_PR_PRCheckMaster" table from database
2- Select File, Import, Type = ODBC
3- Click Machine Data Source Tab
4- Locate Data Sourse Name: cristy_pr
5- Click OK
6- List appears showing all tables I can import
7- I scroll down to find table: "Via_PR_PRCheckMaster"
8- Click OK
In addition to automating the link procedure, I need to delete & import all 6 tables at once.
Example of manual process:
1- Delete existing "Via_PR_PRCheckMaster" table from database
2- Select File, Import, Type = ODBC
3- Click Machine Data Source Tab
4- Locate Data Sourse Name: cristy_pr
5- Click OK
6- List appears showing all tables I can import
7- I scroll down to find table: "Via_PR_PRCheckMaster"
8- Click OK
In addition to automating the link procedure, I need to delete & import all 6 tables at once.