I need a flexgrid to have certain set widths for each column, and then to auto-set the row height so that all the data fits in each cell w/o the user having to re-size everything by hand. Thanks
do this for as many columns as you have.
With FlexGrid
.ColWidth(0) = .Width * 0.20 ''(% of total width of grid)
.ColWidth(1) = .Width * 0.45
.ColWidth(2) = .Width * 0.15
.ColWidth(3) = .Width * 0.20
End With
As far as the height, do you want the row height to grow as the amount of data grows?
Well sort of. But this part of my program opens databases more than edits them. So basically, when you open a database, or i guess when u input data, the row height changes so that you can see all the data at once. The purpose is that I eventually wanna print the info, and if it prints, the person should be able to see all the data. follow me? So to answer your question, yes. All the cells will be wordwrapped, and since there are set column widths, the height of the rows will grow as the amount of data grows.
Thanks for the first column part.
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