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Autocreated printers - clients cannot print

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Technical User
May 19, 2004
(didt know there was a citrix section here.. so i think i double posted). anyway, my prob:

i'm having a problem with citrix, and can't find any soution for it so i thought, maybe someone here might know what to do.

We are using Citrix XP 1.0, SP3, all patches installed. The problem we have is, that the clients can't print on their autocreated printers.

Doesn't matter what application is used, even the standard test page won't work. Drivers and everything is correct. No error message is displayed either.
The document is just listed in the printer queue on the server stated as 'printing'. The printjob doesnt even get send to the client station..

Every help is apreciated


Go to one user and log them off.

Does the printer dissappeear, my guess is it won't cause there is a job in the print queue. If there is a print job in the queue then the printeer will no dissappear and the printer will never work again.
Cure for this is delete jobs in that queue, stop and start the spooler, refresh print jobs for that printer and it should be blank. Delete the printer. Log on as the user and check event viewer to make sure correct driver is being used. Try printing.

Do the same for all auto created printers.

If the driver is not correct the use the mapping bit in printer manager to set up a mapping for the driver.

well, this would mean, that they cannot print, because there was already a faulty printjob in 1st place, which was not.

i logged in with a user account for the 1st time (so there can't be any other autocreated printers of this user nor a job in the queue) and it still does not work.

No, an incorrect print driver could make the print job stay in the print queue.

The printer will attach for a client pc not for a user.

Look in the event viewer for error messages regarding the auto creation of the printer.

Here is the script

1) User logs in.
2) Citrix intrrogates the local pc and will try and create any locally attached printers.
3) It interogates the local driver used.
4) It looks to see if that print driver is installed on Citrix box. The driver names must match identically.
5) If driver is ok the printer creates successfully
6) If no driver then it tries to install if its on the list in microsoft defaults.
7) If this doesn't work then it will try to uis a UPD driver.
8) If this doesn't work (I am sure it tries to guess) it will try and assign a driver.
9) If this doesn't work no auto-created printer will appear.

I am certain your issue is driver related.

99% of them always are.

nope, the driver is correct. i double checked it, cause i thought about that 1st.. but it's not the driver which is making the prob .-(

What happens if you go into the print settings, alter the print driver from the 4200 to HP LaserJet 4? Does it print then?

If it does, add a mapping into the CMC so that whenever Citrix sees the 4200, it uses the LJ4 Driver.

Does that help any?
we dont print on HP printers ;-)
so that is not a option

Sorry! Thought you were having problems with HP 4200 (that's another post....as they say!....Maybe!)


What printers are you having issues with then?


Get the user to log in to a desk top.
Look at the printer it auto creates.

What is the driver.

After they log off, does that printer dissappear

the problem is citrix is creating invalid print queue's
it should be client\anon00000000000#\\\server\queue
instead client/anon00000000000#///server/queue

it all looks fine from the desktop but if you run tjis vbs
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oPrinters = WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections
For i = 1 to oPrinters.Count Step 2
WScript.Echo oPrinters.Item(i)

you will see that citrix did something wrong.. we havent found a solution and microsoft told us its a Citrix issue..
Have you checked whether the spooler services started?

This is in the control panel/services
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