Hi all,
I'm working on a autocomplete/autosuggest box to search for a member in my mssql database ( >9000 records ) and succeed doing so.
My only problem is load time get up to almost 10 sec every time the page loads.
- I opened db and saved the table to GetRows().
- Run the array to save Names and IDs into 2 different strings with comma deliminator.
- Assigned the 2 strings to JScript variables.
- JScript will then autocomplete searching for match typing name.
- When name was clicked, the Onclick will take me to the next page with the right ID# that has the same in the JScript For Loop.
I'm hoping that there is/are better way to do this and here is my code, briefly:
Most of tutorials out there only get me to set the Name to input text field without the ID#, so keeping this structure is preferable.
Thank you.
I'm working on a autocomplete/autosuggest box to search for a member in my mssql database ( >9000 records ) and succeed doing so.
My only problem is load time get up to almost 10 sec every time the page loads.
- I opened db and saved the table to GetRows().
- Run the array to save Names and IDs into 2 different strings with comma deliminator.
- Assigned the 2 strings to JScript variables.
- JScript will then autocomplete searching for match typing name.
- When name was clicked, the Onclick will take me to the next page with the right ID# that has the same in the JScript For Loop.
I'm hoping that there is/are better way to do this and here is my code, briefly:
mySQL = "SELECT memberName, id " _
& "FROM tblMembers " _
& "ORDER BY memberName"
set rs = objConn.Execute(mySQL)
If NOT rs.eof then
arrContacts = rs.GetRows()
End If
call closeRS(rs)
If isArray(arrContacts) then
For iCust = 0 to uBound(arrContacts,2)
if len(trim(arrContacts(0,iCust)))>0 then
mNames = mNames & ", """ & REPLACE(arrContacts(0,iCust),"""", "'") & " (" & Trim(arrContacts(1,iCust)) & ")" & """"
custIDs = custIDs & ", """ & arrContacts(2,iCust) & """"
end if
custNames = Mid(custNames,3)
custIDs = MID(custIDs,3)
custNames = ""
custIDs = ""
End If
<script type="text/javascript">
// This Javascript is granted to the public domain.
// This is the javascript array holding the function list
// The PrintJavascriptArray ASP function can be used to print this array.
//Contact Company Name List
var functionlist = Array(<%=custNames%>);
//Contact ID list
var functionlistid = Array(<%=custIDs%>);
// This is the function that refreshes the list after a keypress.
// The maximum number to show can be limited to improve performance with
// huge lists (1000s of entries).
// The function clears the list, and then does a linear search through the
// globally defined array and adds the matches back to the list.
function handleKeyUp(maxNumToShow)
var selectObj, textObj, functionListLength;
var i, searchPattern, numShown;
// Set references to the form elements
selectObj = document.forms[0].functionselect;
textObj = document.forms[0].functioninput;
// Remember the function list length for loop speedup
functionListLength = functionlist.length;
// Set the search pattern depending
// if(document.forms[0].functionradio[0].checked == true)
// {
searchPattern = "^"+textObj.value;
// }
// else
// {
// searchPattern = textObj.value;
// }
// Create a regulare expression
re = new RegExp(searchPattern,"gi");
// Clear the options list
selectObj.length = 0;
// Loop through the array and re-add matching options
numShown = 0;
for(i = 0; i < functionListLength; i++)
if(functionlist[i].search(re) != -1)
document.forms[0].functionselect.style.display = "none";
selectObj[numShown] = new Option(functionlist[i],functionlistid[i]);
//selectObj[numShown] = new Option(functionlist[i],i+100);
} else {
document.forms[0].functionselect.style.display = "";
// Stop when the number to show is reached
if(numShown == maxNumToShow)
// When options list whittled to one, select that entry
if(selectObj.length == 1)
selectObj.options[0].selected = true;
// this function gets the selected value and loads the appropriate
// php reference page in the display frame
// it can be modified to perform whatever action is needed, or nothing
function handleSelectClick()
selectObj = document.forms[0].functionselect;
textObj = document.forms[0].functioninput;
selectedValue = selectObj.options[selectObj.selectedIndex].value;
// selectedValue = selectedValue.replace(/_/g, '-') ;
parent.location.href =
<table width="300" style="margin:auto;">
<tbody><tr><td valign="top">
<div class="headertitle2" style="margin-top:-4px; color:#ff7f00">Search For Name</div>
<form onSubmit="handleSelectClick();return false;" action="#">
<input onKeyUp="handleKeyUp(100);" name="functioninput" style="font-size: 10pt; width: 40ex;" type="text" /><br />
<select onclick="handleSelectClick();" name="functionselect" size="20" style="display:none; font-size:10pt; width:41ex; height:auto">
Most of tutorials out there only get me to set the Name to input text field without the ID#, so keeping this structure is preferable.
Thank you.