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Autocomplete and Search issues

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Technical User
Sep 18, 2002
I have a webpage that has a search feature on it. The search feature page is embedded into an iFrame on the parent page. The search page also has the javascript UI Autocomplete incorporated into it. It currently works, but I've come across a few issues as mentioned below:

1. On Chrome and Firefox the Autocomplete and search work. On the popup page there is a button on it that if clicked, will close the popup window and refresh the parent page the search iFrame is on. However, when the X in the upper right corner of the popup is clicked, it closes the page, but it doesn't refresh the parent page. Is there a way to get the X close button to respond like the close button on the popup page?

2. When you type into the search box, the Autocomplete presents a list of items to choose from, but when you select the item, it only searches for what was originally typed into the search box and not what was clicked on. Is there a way to get it to search for what was actually clicked on?

3. The Autocomplete doesn't seem to allow items in the list to be clicked on in IE. You have to arrow down to select it and then click on the search button. Is there a way for it to work?

Below is the code for the search page with the javascript search code and Autocomplete javascript on it. Any help is appreciated!


	<meta name="WT.qs_dlk" content="UjCgagrIZ2cAAGqsGkQAAAAT"/>

	<meta name="inject_params" content="WT.qs_dlk=UjCgagrIZ2cAAGqsGkQAAAAT&"/>

<TITLE>Search Engine</TITLE>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" />
  <script src="[URL unfurl="true"]http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>[/URL]
  <script src="[URL unfurl="true"]http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>[/URL]
  .ui-autocomplete {
    max-height: 100px;
    overflow-y: auto;
    /* prevent horizontal scrollbar */
    overflow-x: hidden;
  /* IE 6 doesn't support max-height
   * we use height instead, but this forces the menu to always be this tall
  * html .ui-autocomplete {
    height: 100px;
  $(function() {
    var availableTags = [
      "Generic Search Term",

    $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
    source: availableTags,
    select: function(event, ui) {
    //    console.log($(this));
    console.log(ui.item.value); //Basic or Fortran, etc.
    $('#btnSearch').click();  // Uncomment and the form submits to new_page.htm shown below

title = new Object();
desc = new Object();
links= new Object();
matched= new Object();
keywords= new Object();
found= new Object();
var temp=0;
// actual location or the item to be searched
// description of he location
// actual link
// percentage match found
// keywords as parsed from the input
// # of titles present in the database


//no of keywords after parsing
//no of  matches found.
<!-- Begin List of Searchable Items -->
title[1]="Generic Search Term"
desc[1]="Generic Search Term"
links[1]="Generic Search Term.html"
<!-- End list of Searchable items -->

function search(){
// get the input from the input by the user and strip it into keywords
var skeyword=document.searchengine.keywords.value.toLowerCase();
var check=1;
var pos=0;
var i=0;
var j=0;
var  itemp=0;
var config='';
while (true)
	if (skeyword.indexOf("+") == -1 )
	if (skeyword !="+")	
	skeyword=skeyword.substring(pos+1, skeyword.length);	
	if (skeyword.length ==0)
// the keywords have been put in keywords object.
// matching and storing the matches in matched
for ( i=1; i<=keywords[0];i++)
	for (j=1;j<=title[0];j++)
		if (title[j].toLowerCase().indexOf(keywords[i]) > -1 )
// putting all the indexes of the matched records  in found
for (i=1;i<=title[0];i++)
	if (matched[i] > 0 )
		// increment the found 	
//alert("found 0 " +  found[0]);
// sort the list as per max percentage of matches
for (i=1;i<=found[0]-1;i++)
		if ( matched[found[i]]< matched[found[j]] )
			temp= found[j];
// end of sort
// prepare for document write.
config += 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes' 
output = window.open ("","outputwindow",config) 
output.document.write('<title> My Search Window </title>');
output.document.write('<BODY bgcolor=#ffffff  text=#000000  link=#990099 vlink =#339966 >');
output.document.write('<center> <h1>My Search Window</h1></center>');    
output.document.write(' The Keyword(s) you searched :: '.big() )
for (i=1;  i<=keywords[0]; i++)
	output.document.write( keywords[i].bold() +"   ");
if (found[0]==0)
	 output.document.write("<b>No matches resulted in this search </b> <br>");
	output.document.write("You may close the results and reduce the length/number of the keywords  <br>");
	// data has been found
	output.document.write(" <hr> <b> The Results of the search are  : </b>  ");
	output.document.write( found[0] +"  Entries found  ".italics());
	output.document.write("<table border=1 width=100%>");
	for (i=1; i<=found[0];i++)
		output.document.write("<tr><td valign=top bgcolor=#9999ff>");
		output.document.write("<h3>" +i +"</h3>");
		output.document.write("<td valign=top>");
		output.document.write(desc[itemp].bold() +"<br>" + '<a href="' + links[itemp] + '" target="_blank">' + links[itemp] + '</a>' +"<br>");
output.document.write ("<hr>");
output.document.write ("<form><center>") 
output.document.write ("<input type='submit' value='Back to Search Page' onClick = 'refreshParent()'>") 
output.document.write ("</center></form>") 

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
<body bgcolor="#E7E7E7">
<form name="searchengine" id="searchFeature">

<input type="text" id="tags" name="keywords" value="Enter keyword(s)" onfocus="this.value=''" maxlength=40 onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) document.getElementById('btnSearch').search()">
<input type="button" name="go" id="btnSearch" Value="Search Help Docs" onClick="search()">

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
	var gDomain="[URL unfurl="true"]www.qsstats.com";[/URL]
	var gDcsId="dcs37pv2c00000oun93vypyva_4k6d";
	var gFpc="WT_FPC";
	var gConvert=true;
	var gFpcDom = "htmlgoodies.com";
	if ((typeof(gConvert) != "undefined") && gConvert && (document.cookie.indexOf(gFpc + "=") == -1) && (document.cookie.indexOf("WTLOPTOUT=")==-1)) {
	    document.write("<SCR"+"IPT TYPE='text/javascript' SRC='http"+(window.location.protocol.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':'')+"://"+gDomain+"/"+gDcsId+"/wtid.js"+"'><\/SCR"+"IPT>");
	function dcsAdditionalParameters() {}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/imageserver/common/webtrends.js"></script>
    <noscript><img alt="" border="0" name="DCSIMG" width="1" height="1" src="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.qsstats.com/dcs37pv2c00000oun93vypyva_4k6d/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&amp;WT.js=No&amp;WT.tv=8.0.2;WT.qs_dlk=UjCgagrIZ2cAAGqsGkQAAAAT;"[/URL] /></noscript>
<!--# removed from below links[itemp].link(links[itemp])+"<br>"); -->
<!--# 		temp= (matched[itemp]/keywords[0])*100
		output.document.write("<i> Matched  with keywords  :: " +temp+" %  </i>" );
		matched[itemp]=0 -->

Anybody have any idea on how I can get this working?

is the intended use case the following:

1. click on the 'Search Help Docs' button and a new window opens searching on the text that was entered in the box
2. click on one of the links displayed below the search box and a new window opens showing the clicked value as that which you are searching for

If so, then the issue is as shown here:

                var availableTags = ["Generic Search Term", ];
                    source: availableTags,
                    select: function(event, ui){
                        //    console.log($(this));
                        console.log(ui.item.value); //Basic or Fortran, etc.
[red]------>>>>>[/red]  $('#btnSearch').click(); // Uncomment and the form submits to new_page.htm shown below

this entry emulates a click on the btnSearch button when you click a link. so the search will be repeated on whatever is then in the box (rather than what is clicked on). If you remove the .click() event, the box will be populated by the value of whatever item is selected. you would then have to click manually.

If you want to avoid the manual click you can take the value of ui.item.label or ui.item.value (whichever is the most apt), insert it into the search box and then call click().
  source: availableTags,
  select: function(event, ui){

If you want to go directly to a url embedded in the availableTags you would need first to split out the variable into an array of objects like so:

availableTags = [ {label: 'my label', value:'[URL unfurl="true"]http://mysite.com'},[/URL] {label: 'second label', value:'[URL unfurl="true"]http://second.com'}[/URL]];
  source: availableTags,
  select: function(event, ui){
    window.open( ui.item.value ); //open a new window
ps, i don't have IE to test the clickability thing but the issue is perhaps linked to the tab-index of the items. and perhaps to the trailing comma in the list of availableTags (IE sometimes used to get mad about that) or perhaps the tab-index of the li elements? or perhaps to do with doctype issues (make sure the page validates and use an html5 doctype)

and for the first issue, i don't have a cross at the top right of the page - maybe a windows thing? anyway you can capture the window beforeunload event and intercept it.

  var btn = $('input[value="Back to Search Page"]'); //button that closes the form
  $(btn).on('click', function(){
    $(window).off("beforeunload"); //need this to stop recursion

  $(window).on('beforeunload', function(e){

Thanks for replying with some things to try. I tried the suggestions you gave but they didn't seem to help much. It seemed that when I tried them, the Autocomplete portion wasn't displaying anything.

which in particular? the code in the first post is tested - the rest I cannot test as (i) I don't have IE and (ii) you haven't given the code that generates the window and provides the full set of availableTags etc

Sorry for the late response. As far as your questions go...

which in particular? the code in the first post is tested - the rest I cannot test as (i) I don't have IE and (ii) you haven't given the code that generates the window and provides the full set of availableTags etc

Below is the code that defines the search tags (availableTags). The term "Generic Search Term" is just that. If you replace that and duplicate the line, it emulates the Autocomplete terms to search for

  $(function() {
    var availableTags = [
      [COLOR=#EF2929]"Generic Search Term",[/color]
    $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
    source: availableTags,
    select: function(event, ui) {
    //    console.log($(this));
    console.log(ui.item.value); //Basic or Fortran, etc.
    $('#btnSearch').click();  // Uncomment and the form submits to new_page.htm shown below

The code below simulates how Autocomplete searches for the terms (by title). If you change Title, Desc and Links to match what you want (Title has to remain the same as above), it will show the item in the Autocomplete.


//no of keywords after parsing
//no of  matches found.
<!-- Begin List of Searchable Items -->
title[1]="Generic Search Term"
desc[1]="Generic Search Term Description"
links[1]="Generic Search Term.html"

Below is the code that makes the output window

// prepare for document write.
config += 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes' 
output = window.open ("","outputwindow",config) 
output.document.write('<title>Search Results </title>');
output.document.write('<BODY bgcolor=#ffffff  text=#000000  link=#990099 vlink =#339966 >');
output.document.write('<center> <h1><img src="resources/images/logo.png">Search Results</h1></center>');    
output.document.write(' The Keyword(s) you searched :: '.big() )
for (i=1;  i<=keywords[0]; i++)
	output.document.write( keywords[i].bold() +"   ");
if (found[0]==0)
	 output.document.write("<b>No matches resulted in this search </b> <br>");
	output.document.write("You may close the results and reduce the length/number of the keywords  <br>");
	// data has been found
	output.document.write(" <hr> <b> The Results of the search are  : </b>  ");
	output.document.write( found[0] +"  Entries found  ".italics());
	output.document.write("<table border=1 width=100%>");
	for (i=1; i<=found[0];i++)
		output.document.write("<tr><td valign=top bgcolor=#9999ff>");
		output.document.write("<h3>" +i +"</h3>");
		output.document.write("<td valign=top>");
		output.document.write(desc[itemp].bold() +"<br>" + '<a href="' + links[itemp] + '" target="_blank">' + links[itemp] + '</a>' +"<br>");
output.document.write ("<hr>");
output.document.write ("<form><center>") 
output.document.write ("<input type='submit' value='Back to Main' onClick = 'refreshParent()'>") 
output.document.write ("</center></form>") 

Below is the code that will close the pop-up search window and refresh the iFrame in the parent window
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){

Below is the code I have for the input box and search button
<input type="text" id="tags" name="keywords" value="Enter keyword(s)" onfocus="this.value=''" maxlength=40 onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) document.getElementById('btnSearch').search()"/>
<input type="button" name="go" id="btnSearch" Value="Search Help Docs" onClick="search()"/>

Hopefully this will give a little more insight as to how the code works. I'm not too overly concerned about it not working in IE, but would like to see if I can get the first 2 questions resolved:

1. On Chrome and Firefox the Autocomplete and search work. On the popup page there is a button on it that if clicked, will close the popup window and refresh the parent page the search iFrame is on. However, when the X in the upper right corner of the popup is clicked, it closes the page, but it doesn't refresh the parent page. Is there a way to get the X close button to respond like the close button on the popup page?

2. When you type into the search box, the Autocomplete presents a list of items to choose from, but when you select the item, it only searches for what was originally typed into the search box and not what was clicked on. Is there a way to get it to search for what was actually clicked on?

Thanks a lot for taking time to assist me with this. It's really appreciated!!!

both issues already have code fixes posted for them.

you reported they 'did not work'. i asked you to explain what it was that did not work and what aspect did not work and (by extension) to provide any error messages or associated information that would be reported in firebug or whatever javascript console you use.

to recap:

  source: availableTags,
  select: function(event, ui){

/* to be included in the pop up window */
  var btn = $('input[value="Back to Search Page"]'); //button that closes the form
  $(btn).on('click', function(){
    $(window).off("beforeunload"); //need this to stop recursion

  $(window).on('beforeunload', function(e){
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