Hello! Having troubel figuring this one out.
My main form is called "Loans". Within that form I have a Tab control called "LoanDetailsTabs". Tab one is called "IndividualItemsLoans and has a subform called "Loandetails. Tab two is called "DeployableKitsLoan" and subform called "LoanDetailsKits".
What I am trying to do is check to see if there is a value present within a field called "EquipmentID" on the "LoanDetailsKits" subform. If a value is present I want the tab control to automatically switch to the "DeployableKitsLoan" tab. I currently have the coding on the Form_Current event but it always returns a "Object doesn't support this method error".
Any ideas?
My main form is called "Loans". Within that form I have a Tab control called "LoanDetailsTabs". Tab one is called "IndividualItemsLoans and has a subform called "Loandetails. Tab two is called "DeployableKitsLoan" and subform called "LoanDetailsKits".
What I am trying to do is check to see if there is a value present within a field called "EquipmentID" on the "LoanDetailsKits" subform. If a value is present I want the tab control to automatically switch to the "DeployableKitsLoan" tab. I currently have the coding on the Form_Current event but it always returns a "Object doesn't support this method error".
Any ideas?