I have a form:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ( ':standard' );
my $title = 'Sequence Search';
my $seq = param( 'Seq' );
print header,
start_html( $title ),
h1( $title ),<<"PrintTag",end_html;
<form name="SearchSeq" method="post" action="SearchSeqResult.cgi">
<select name="Seq1">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
In the option (dropdown), I want to put the lists from the query statement:
select Seq1 from table1 order by Seq1;
There are more dropdowns to be added from the sql:
select Seq2 from table2 order by Seq2;
select Seq3 from table3 order by Seq3;
select Seq4 from table4 order by Seq4;
How do you auto-populate them?
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ( ':standard' );
my $title = 'Sequence Search';
my $seq = param( 'Seq' );
print header,
start_html( $title ),
h1( $title ),<<"PrintTag",end_html;
<form name="SearchSeq" method="post" action="SearchSeqResult.cgi">
<select name="Seq1">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
In the option (dropdown), I want to put the lists from the query statement:
select Seq1 from table1 order by Seq1;
There are more dropdowns to be added from the sql:
select Seq2 from table2 order by Seq2;
select Seq3 from table3 order by Seq3;
select Seq4 from table4 order by Seq4;
How do you auto-populate them?