Is there anyway that I can use the text data type wth a set format ie /MM"000" and so that it will contine onto 001, 002, 0003 etc WITHOUT using the Autonumber data type
Yes,<br>You need a table to store a number, so each time the number increments one. I called it "LastNumber"<br>-----------------------------<br>'open table and get the last number used<br> Dim MyDB As Database, MySet As Recordset<br> Dim Temp1, Temp2 As Single, MyValue As String<br> Set MyDB = CurrentDb<br> <br> Set MySet = MyDB.OpenRecordset("LastNumber"<br> MySet.MoveFirst<br> MySet.Edit<br> Temp1 = Trim(Str(MySet.Fields("LastNumber"))<br> MyValue = Format(Now, "/MM" & String(3 - Len(Temp1), "0" & Temp1<br> Temp2 = Val(Temp1) + 1<br> MySet.Fields("LastNumber" = Temp2<br> MySet.Update<br> MySet.Close<br> MyDB.Close<br> <br> Text2 = MyValue<br>-------------------------------------<br><br>If you want Double quotes "" around it then change "MyValue" line to:<br>MyValue = Format(Now, "/MM" & Chr$(34) & String(3 - Len(Temp1), "0" & Temp1 & Chr$(34)<br><br> <p>DougP<br><a href=mailto:></a><br><a href= > </a><br> Ask me how Bar-codes can help you be more productive.
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