For a sampling routine I use at work, I've got to create an Access form that contains 100 fields, each field containing a random number between 001 and 100 with no repeats of a number in any of the fields.
I've tried using RANDBETWEEN in the criteria of a query, but with no luck.
Maybe the easiest way is to manually enter the numbers and then randomly sort the fields of the table if that can be done.
I would like to include a cmd button on the form that would reorder the random numbers between 001 and 100 whenever I click on it..
Anyone got a cleaver way to accomplish the above?
Ed "Hiccup" Hicks
I've tried using RANDBETWEEN in the criteria of a query, but with no luck.
Maybe the easiest way is to manually enter the numbers and then randomly sort the fields of the table if that can be done.
I would like to include a cmd button on the form that would reorder the random numbers between 001 and 100 whenever I click on it..
Anyone got a cleaver way to accomplish the above?
Ed "Hiccup" Hicks