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Auto Complete - case sense letter and Number -Cant get number

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Feb 20, 2007
I am trying to get this to work for case of letter and for numbers. I can't seem to figure out how to combine both.

Can anyone help?

<%@ taglib uri=" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri=" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri=" prefix="wcbase" %>
<%@ taglib uri="flow.tld" prefix="flow" %>
<%@ include file="../../include/JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf" %>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.Cookie" %>
<%@ include file="../../include/ErrorMessageSetup.jspf" %>
<% System.out.println("Inside MWQuickForm"); %>

<!--- Autocomplete information--->

<!--- Import Static List ---->

<c:import url="partList.dat" var="importTXT"/>

<script language=javascript>

var objectTypes = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0','Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0',

var xmlHttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
//Browser is non-IE
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
for (o in objectTypes) {
try {
xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(objectTypes[o]);
} catch (ex) {//ignore exception

//Start of the Autocomplete

function AutoCompleteDB()
// set the initial values.
this.bEnd = false;
this.nCount = 0;
this.aStr = new Object;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.add = function(str)
// increment the count value.

// if at the end of the string, flag this node as an end point.
if ( str == "" )
this.bEnd = true;
// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and either create a child node for it or reuse an old one.
if ( !this.aStr[letter] ) this.aStr[letter] = new AutoCompleteDB();

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getCount = function(str, bExact)
// if end of search string, return number
if ( str == "" )
if ( this.bEnd && bExact && (this.nCount == 1) ) return 0;
else return this.nCount;

// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and look for case-insensitive matches
var nCount = 0;
var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
nCount += this.aStr[lLetter].getCount(rest, bExact && (letter == lLetter));

return nCount;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getStrings = function(str1, str2, outStr)
if ( str1 == "" )
// add matching strings to the array
if ( this.bEnd )

// get strings for each child node
for ( var i in this.aStr )
this.aStr.getStrings(str1, str2 + i, outStr);
// pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str1.substring(0,1);
var rest = str1.substring(1,str1.length);

// and get the case-insensitive matches.
var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
this.aStr[lLetter].getStrings(rest, str2 + lLetter, outStr);

function AutoComplete(aStr, oText, oDiv, nMaxSize)
// initialize member variables
this.oText = oText;
this.oDiv = oDiv;
this.nMaxSize = nMaxSize;

// preprocess the texts for fast access
this.db = new AutoCompleteDB();
var i, n = aStr.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )

// attach handlers to the text-box
oText.AutoComplete = this;
oText.onkeyup = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange;
oText.onblur = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur;

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onblur = function()
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown = function()
this.AutoComplete.oText.value = this.innerHTML;
var url="MWQuickOrderForm.jsp?theText=" + document.QuickOrderForm.theText.value;
xmlHttp.open('get', url, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = myResponseMethod;
function myResponseMethod() {
//readyState 4 means complete
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
if (xmlHttp.status == 200 || xmlHttp.status === 0) {
var char_id="xmlhttp_id"; //characteristic identifier of the wrapper
if (document.getElementById(char_id)) {
var obj=document.getElementById(char_id);
var odiv=document.createElement("div")
odiv.id=char_id; //to prepare for removal for repetitive calls
document.getElementById("theItem").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("theText").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theDiv").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theHeader").style.display = "none";


<!---Add Highlight Here --->
AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteHighlight";
this.className = this.style.backgroundColor='Yellow';

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteBackground";
this.className = this.style.backgroundColor='White';

AutoComplete.prototype.onchange = function()
var txt = this.oText.value;

// count the number of strings that match the text-box value
var nCount = this.db.getCount(txt, true);

// if a suitable number then show the popup-div
if ( (this.nMaxSize == -1 ) || ((nCount < this.nMaxSize) && (nCount > 0)) )
// clear the popup-div.
while ( this.oDiv.hasChildNodes() )

// get all the matching strings from the AutoCompleteDB
var aStr = new Array();
this.db.getStrings(txt, "", aStr);

// add each string to the popup-div
var i, n = aStr.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
oDiv.innerHTML = aStr;
oDiv.onmousedown = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown;
oDiv.onmouseover = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver;
oDiv.onmouseout = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut;
oDiv.AutoComplete = this;
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
else // hide the popup-div
this.oDiv.innerHTML = "";
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
function createAutoComplete()
var words = new String("<c:eek:ut value="${importTXT}"/>")
var swords = words.split(";")
var aNames = swords ;
new AutoComplete(

<body onload="document.getElementById('theText').focus(); createAutoComplete();">

<c:set var="OrderItemUpdateURL" value="OrderItemUpdate" scope="request"/>

<form name="QuickOrderForm" method="post" action="<c:eek:ut value="${OrderItemUpdateURL}" />" id="QuickOrderForm">
String theText = null;
if (request.getParameter("theText") == null) {
<div id="theHeader">
- Start Typing the Product Number -

<input name="theText" id="theText" type="text" autocomplete="off">

<div id="theDiv" style="width:100px; padding-right:4px;padding-left:4px;visibility:hidden;border:solid green 2px;background-color:white;z-index:1">
<div id="theItem">
if (request.getParameter("theText") != null) {
<c:eek:ut value="${param.theText}" /> <img src=" value="${param.theText}" />_T_1.jpg" border="0" width="54" /><br /><strong>Add Quantity:</strong> <input type="text" name="Quantity" size="3"> <IMG src='/wcss/images/aag/btn/btn_add_cart_focus.gif' border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/>

How about showing your client-side HTML? For us to work with the code on our computers, it's easiest if we have the data that the browser sees. The more difficult it is to figure out what the problem is, the less likely you are to get someone to try to help.

The more difficult it is to figure out what the problem is, the less likely you are to get someone to try to help.

trollacious is so right

[small]"I see pretty girls everywhere I look, everywhere I look, everywhere I look. - Band song on movie "The Ringer"[/small]

Here is the client side html, I keep trying to add an else if before I check the string, letter, but nothing.

<script language=javascript>

var objectTypes = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0','Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0',

var xmlHttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
//Browser is non-IE
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
for (o in objectTypes) {
try {
xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(objectTypes[o]);
} catch (ex) {//ignore exception

function AutoCompleteDB()
// set the initial values.
this.bEnd = false;
this.nCount = 0;
this.aStr = new Object;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.add = function(str)
// increment the count value.

// if at the end of the string, flag this node as an end point.
if ( str == "" )
this.bEnd = true;
// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and either create a child node for it or reuse an old one.
if ( !this.aStr[letter] ) this.aStr[letter] = new AutoCompleteDB();

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getCount = function(str, bExact)
// if end of search string, return number
if ( str == "" )
if ( this.bEnd && bExact && (this.nCount == 1) ) return 0;
else return this.nCount;

// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and look for case-insensitive matches
var nCount = 0;
var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
nCount += this.aStr[lLetter].getCount(rest, bExact && (letter == lLetter));

return nCount;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getStrings = function(str1, str2, outStr)
if ( str1 == "" )
// add matching strings to the array
if ( this.bEnd )

// get strings for each child node
for ( var i in this.aStr )
this.aStr.getStrings(str1, str2 + i, outStr);
// pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str1.substring(0,1);
var rest = str1.substring(1,str1.length);

// and get the case-insensitive matches.
var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
this.aStr[lLetter].getStrings(rest, str2 + lLetter, outStr);

function AutoComplete(aStr, oText, oDiv, nMaxSize)
// initialize member variables
this.oText = oText;
this.oDiv = oDiv;
this.nMaxSize = nMaxSize;

// preprocess the texts for fast access
this.db = new AutoCompleteDB();
var i, n = aStr.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )

// attach handlers to the text-box
oText.AutoComplete = this;
oText.onkeyup = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange;
oText.onblur = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur;

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onblur = function()
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown = function()
this.AutoComplete.oText.value = this.innerHTML;
var url="MWQuickOrderForm.jsp?theText=" + document.QuickOrderForm.theText.value;
xmlHttp.open('get', url, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = myResponseMethod;
function myResponseMethod() {
//readyState 4 means complete
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
if (xmlHttp.status == 200 || xmlHttp.status === 0) {
var char_id="xmlhttp_id"; //characteristic identifier of the wrapper
if (document.getElementById(char_id)) {
var obj=document.getElementById(char_id);
var odiv=document.createElement("div")
odiv.id=char_id; //to prepare for removal for repetitive calls
document.getElementById("theItem").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("theText").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theDiv").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theHeader").style.display = "none";


<!---Add Highlight Here --->
AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteHighlight";
this.className = this.style.backgroundColor='Yellow';

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteBackground";
this.className = this.style.backgroundColor='White';

AutoComplete.prototype.onchange = function()
var txt = this.oText.value;

// count the number of strings that match the text-box value
var nCount = this.db.getCount(txt, true);

// if a suitable number then show the popup-div
if ( (this.nMaxSize == -1 ) || ((nCount < this.nMaxSize) && (nCount > 0)) )
// clear the popup-div.
while ( this.oDiv.hasChildNodes() )

// get all the matching strings from the AutoCompleteDB
var aStr = new Array();
this.db.getStrings(txt, "", aStr);

// add each string to the popup-div
var i, n = aStr.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
oDiv.innerHTML = aStr;
oDiv.onmousedown = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown;
oDiv.onmouseover = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver;
oDiv.onmouseout = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut;
oDiv.AutoComplete = this;
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
else // hide the popup-div
this.oDiv.innerHTML = "";
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
function createAutoComplete()
var words = new String("06081 20; 06083 20; 06100 10; 06428B10; 06432B10; 06763 20; 06765 20; 19010; 19030; 33072; 33072 20; 33928; 33928 20; 45082 83; 45084 83; 45340 00; 45431; 45431 20; 45522 00; 45654W83; 45658W83; 45660W83; 47807 05; 47808 05; 47809 05; 48134 00; 53038 00; 54168 00; 55046 1006; 55046 1007; 59036; 59036 20; 59040; 59040 20; 59042; 59042 20; 59056; 59056 20; 63464; 63464 20; 68006; 68006 10; 68008; 68008 10; 68010; 68010 10; 68012; 68012 10; 68014; 68014 10; 68016; 68016 10; 68018; 68018 10; 68020; 68020 10; 68028 10; 68030 10; 70005 0506; 70005 0507; AMGM0178; AMGM0278; AMIM0289; AMIM0389; AMIM0489; AMMR0255; AMMR0355; AMNP0479; AMNP0579; AMNP0679; AMNP0779; AMNP0879; AMNP0979; AMNP1079; AMXD0148; AMXD0248; AMXD0348; ARAD0228; ARAD0328; ARAD0428; ARAD0528; ARAD1683; ARAD1783; ARBN2748; ARBN3048; ARBN3148; ARBN3248; ARBN3348; ARDN0228; ARDN0328; ARDN0528; ARDN1648; ARDN1748; ARDN1948; ARFT0228; ARFT0328; ARFT0428; ARFT0528; ARFT1679; ARFT1779; ARFT1879; ARFT1979; ARJN0228; ARJN0428; ARJN0528; ARJN1683; ARJN1783; ARJN2783; ARJN2883; ARJN2983; ARJN3283; ARJN3383; ARJND528; ARNC0428; ARSH0148; ARSL0228; ARSL0328; ARSL0428; ARSL0528; ARSL1679; ARSL1779; ARSL1879; ARSL1979; ARSL2779; ARSL2879; ARSL3379; ARSS0428; ARXD0148; ARXD0248; ARXD0348; ARXD0448; ARXD0548; ARXD0648; ARXD0748; ARXD0848; ARXD0948; ASPC024907; AY12 2807; AY15 1006; AY15 1007; AY2 0006; AY2 0007; AY230 0007; AY2H 0006; AY2H 0007; AY3 2807; AY4 2807; AY41 1006; AY41 1007; AY41H 0006; AY41H 0007; AY44 1006; AY44 1007; AY48 1006; AY48 1007; AY53 1006; AY53 1007; AY846 1006; AY846 1007; AY967 0006; AY967 0007; AYUS141706; AYUS141707; BDIM0189; BDMN012806; BDMN012807; BHCW014906; C 56 05; C FL131006; C FL131007; C FL161006; C FL161007; C WC161006; C WC161007; C WC5905; C YY5614; CBGM5Y78; CBIM0189; CBMN012806; CWAP012806; CWAP012807; CWDA0583; CWIM0189; CWNP1379; CWPC024906; CWXF0148; CWXI0189; DD138P2806; DD289P2806; DD373P2806; DD451B2806; DD479P2806; DD482P2806; DDBP01-2807; DDBP012806; DDBP022806; DDBP032806; DDCE052806; DDCE072806; DDCE082806; DDCE092806; DDCE102806; DDCE112806; DDCT03-2807; DDCT032806; DDCT05-2807; DDCT052806; DDCT10-2807; DDCT102806; DDCT112806; DDCT122806; DDCT14-2807; DDCT16-2807; DDCT162806; DDD102-2807; DDD1022806; DDD1232806; DDD130-2807; DDD1302806; DDD1342806; DDD143-2807; DDD1432806; DDD166-2807; DDD1662806; DDD219-2807; DDD2192806; DDD238-2807; DDD2382806; DDD2402806; DDD2732806; DDD2732807; DDD310-2807; DDD3102806; DDD362-2807; DDD3622806; DDD365-2807; DDD3652806; DDD366-2807; DDD3662806; DDD3692806; DDD371-2807; DDD3712806; DDD372-2807; DDD3722806; DDD373-2807; DDD3732806; DDD374-2807; DDD3762806; DDD3812806; DDD402-2807; DDD4022806; DDD411-2807; DDD4112806; DDD4142806; DDD417-2807; DDD4172806; DDD420-2807; DDD4202806; DDD4212806; DDD4232807; DDD4242806; DDD4252806; DDD42F2806; DDD435-2807; DDD4352806; DDD437-2807; DDD438-2807; DDD4382806; DDD4422806; DDD445-2807; DDD4452806; DDD4462806; DDD4472806; DDD4482806; DDD449-2807; DDD4502806; DDD4512806; DDD4512807; DDD4522806; DDD453-2807; DDD4532806; DDD4542806; DDD455-2807; DDD4552806; DDD456-2807; DDD4562806; DDD4572806; DDD45F2806; DDD4602806; DDD462-2807; DDD4622806; DDD4632806; DDD464-2807; DDD4642806; DDD4672806; DDD46F2806; DDD4702806; DDD4712806; DDD472-2807; DDD4722806; DDD4732806; DDD474-2807; DDD4742806; DDD4752806; DDD5012806; DDD5022806; DDD5022807; DDD5132807; DDD5142807; DDD5152807; DDD5222807; DDD52F2806; DDD53F2806; DDD65F2806; DDD69F2806; DDD72F2806; DDD78M2806; DDD82M2806; DDDE022806; DDDE032806; DDF1022806; DDF1022807; DDF1232807; DDF3732806; DDF3732807; DDF4112806; DDF4112807; DDFO012807; DDFO022807; DDHT422806; DDLC01-2807; DDLC012806; DDLC05-2807; DDLC052806; DDME04-2807; DDME042806; DDME062806; DDMK01-2807; DDMK012806; DDMK10-2807; DDMK102806; DDMK12-2807; DDMK122806; DDMM012807; DDMM022807; DDMM032807; DDMM042807; DDMN02-2807; DDMN022806; DDMN042806; DDMN05-2807; DDMN15-2807; DDMN152806; DDMP03-2807; DDMP032806; DDMP09-2807; DDMP092806; DDMP11-2807; DDMP112806; DDPC012806; DDPC02-2807; DDPC022806; DDPK04-2807; DDPK042806; DDPS04-2807; DDPS042806; DDPS052806; DDSB032807; DDSB042807; DDWE012806; DDWE012807; DDWE032806; DDWE032807; DDWE062806; DDWE062807; DDWE152806; DDWE162806; DDWE162807; DDWE222806; DDWE222807; DDWE242806; DH50201007; DH502510; DH50301007; DH503510; DMA1103206; DMA1103207; DMA2002806; DMA2002807; DMA5032806; DMA5032807; DMAP012806; DMAP012807; DMBJ1483; DMBN0348; DMCB014907; DMCW4A4906; DMD1003206; DMD1003207; DMD1103206; DMD1103207; DMD1203206; DMD1203207; DMD1303206; DMD1353206; DMD1353207; DMD1403206; DMD1403207; DMD1413206; DMD1413207; DMD1423206; DMD1423207; DMD1433206; DMD1443206; DMD1443207; DMD1453206; DMD1453207; DMD1501706; DMD1511406; DMD1521706; DMD1521707; DMD1603206; DMD1620006; DMD1620007; DMD1643206; DMD1643207; DMD1663206; DMD1663207; DMD1683206; DMD1683207; DMEA8B2806; DMEA8B2807; DMEA9B2806; DMEA9B2807; DMIM0189; DMIM0289; DMMR0155; DMW1612806; DMW1632806; DMW1632807; DMW1652806; DMW1652807; DMW1672806; DMW1672807; 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var aNames = swords ;
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[small]"I see pretty girls everywhere I look, everywhere I look, everywhere I look. - Band song on movie "The Ringer"[/small]
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