I need a little help here. I put the following code on my main switchboard under the "on timer" event, "timer interval" = 60000. This part works fine.
However notice the last part of the code. what i am trying to do is that if a user has not been active for 1 minute, then a message box will pop up and say you have 5 minutes before access closes. if you choose "cancel" then every thing is reset, otherwise the program will just close out by itself after 5 minutes. the code that i have pops up the message box, but has the "ok" button. when I click on it the program exits. what code do I need between:
MsgBox "No user activity detected. This program will shut down automatically in 5 minutes."
Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
' IDLEMINUTES determines how much idle time to wait for before running the IdleTimeDetected subroutine
Static PrevControlName As String
Static PrevFormName As String
Static ExpiredTime
Dim ActiveFormName As String
Dim ActiveControlName As String
Dim ExpiredMinutes
' Get the active form and control name.
ActiveFormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
If Err Then
ActiveFormName = "No Active Form"
Err = 0
End If
ActiveControlName = Screen.ActiveControl.Name
If Err Then
ActiveControlName = "No Active Control"
Err = 0
End If
' Record the current active names and reset ExpiredTime if:
' 1. They have not been recorded yet (code is running for the first time).
' 2. The previous names are different than the current ones (the user has done something different during the timer interval).
If (PrevControlName = ""
Or (PrevFormName = ""
Or (ActiveFormName <> PrevFormName) Or (ActiveControlName <> PrevControlName) Then
PrevControlName = ActiveControlName
PrevFormName = ActiveFormName
ExpiredTime = 0
' ... otherwise the user was idle during the time interval, so increment the total expired time.
ExpiredTime = ExpiredTime + Me.TimerInterval
End If
' Does the total expired time exceed the IDLEMINUTES?
ExpiredMinutes = (ExpiredTime / 1000) / 60
If ExpiredMinutes >= IDLEMINUTES Then
' ...if so, then reset the expired time to zero...
ExpiredTime = 0
' ...and call the IdleTimeDetected subroutine.
IdleTimeDetected ExpiredMinutes
End If
End Sub
Sub IdleTimeDetected(ExpiredMinutes)
Dim Msg As String
MsgBox "No user activity detected. This program will shut down automatically in 5 minutes."
Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End Sub
However notice the last part of the code. what i am trying to do is that if a user has not been active for 1 minute, then a message box will pop up and say you have 5 minutes before access closes. if you choose "cancel" then every thing is reset, otherwise the program will just close out by itself after 5 minutes. the code that i have pops up the message box, but has the "ok" button. when I click on it the program exits. what code do I need between:
MsgBox "No user activity detected. This program will shut down automatically in 5 minutes."
Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
' IDLEMINUTES determines how much idle time to wait for before running the IdleTimeDetected subroutine
Static PrevControlName As String
Static PrevFormName As String
Static ExpiredTime
Dim ActiveFormName As String
Dim ActiveControlName As String
Dim ExpiredMinutes
' Get the active form and control name.
ActiveFormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
If Err Then
ActiveFormName = "No Active Form"
Err = 0
End If
ActiveControlName = Screen.ActiveControl.Name
If Err Then
ActiveControlName = "No Active Control"
Err = 0
End If
' Record the current active names and reset ExpiredTime if:
' 1. They have not been recorded yet (code is running for the first time).
' 2. The previous names are different than the current ones (the user has done something different during the timer interval).
If (PrevControlName = ""
PrevControlName = ActiveControlName
PrevFormName = ActiveFormName
ExpiredTime = 0
' ... otherwise the user was idle during the time interval, so increment the total expired time.
ExpiredTime = ExpiredTime + Me.TimerInterval
End If
' Does the total expired time exceed the IDLEMINUTES?
ExpiredMinutes = (ExpiredTime / 1000) / 60
If ExpiredMinutes >= IDLEMINUTES Then
' ...if so, then reset the expired time to zero...
ExpiredTime = 0
' ...and call the IdleTimeDetected subroutine.
IdleTimeDetected ExpiredMinutes
End If
End Sub
Sub IdleTimeDetected(ExpiredMinutes)
Dim Msg As String
MsgBox "No user activity detected. This program will shut down automatically in 5 minutes."
Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End Sub