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Auto Backup of DB using Code? 4

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Nov 9, 2003
Hello All,

Is there a way via code to make a backup of the entire DB that is fired when the DB is first opened?

Thanks in Advanced!
Yes. There are two problems with doing it the easy way:

1. What if someone else is already in the database?
2. How can you back up the database by copying the file, if you have the file itself open ?

So #2 can be solved by opening some sort of intermediate MDB file, like "launch.MDB". But to solve #1, there is no truly good answer.

The recommended way to do backups is to have a regularly scheduled backup that happens during off-hours. You can schedule tasks via Task Manager, but the machine must be running 24/7, so a server machine is ideal.

So an example would be: at 3AM every morning, copy every file in the directory \\FILESERVERNAME\VOLUME\ETC\ETC\ to a new folder, of the form \\OTHERFILESERVER\ETC\YYYY-MM-DD

So back to the original question. It's possible, but it's not recommended. Consider the above method instead.

Not sure if this would apply to you, but I built a small inventory cost tracking database. There are about 10 tables in there but 3 main tables that holds most of the data.

What I did was on the main menu form. I created a close button that before it close it exports the 3 tables as an excel file with the current date and time without any of the slashes "/" and colons ":".

You can back up an mdb with users in it. Here's code that does it--you'll have to tweak it for your context:

Public Function MakeBackupCopy(p_Archive As Boolean, p_Alert As Boolean, p_ShowLocation As Boolean, _
Optional p_BackupPath As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Error_MakeBackupCopy

Const BACKUP_FOLDER As String = "\Backup"
Const BACKSLASH As String = "\"
Const UNDERSCORE As String = "_"
Dim strCompletedAlert As String
Dim strSourceFile As String
Dim strSourcePath As String
Dim strSourceFileWithPath As String
Dim strDateTag As String
Dim strTargetFile As String
Dim strTargetPath As String
Dim strTargetFileWithPath As String
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim TDF As DAO.TableDef

MakeBackupCopy = False 'Set default

If Len(p_BackupPath) Then
strTargetPath = p_BackupPath
strSourceFile = CurrentProject.NAME 'Default value of Front End file
strSourcePath = CurrentProject.Path 'Default value of Front End path
'GetBackEnd Path of linked tables overwrite BEPath
For Each TDF In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If Len(TDF.Connect) Then
strSourceFile = TDF.Connect
'if password in Connect string there are 2 ='s so use Instr Reverse
strSourceFile = Mid(strSourceFile, (InStrRev(strSourceFile, "=") + 1))
strSourcePath = Left(strSourceFile, ((InStrRev(strSourceFile, "\") - 1)))
'One table is sufficient
Exit For
End If

strTargetPath = strSourcePath 'if linked Back End put Backup there

End If 'check for backup path parameter

strSourceFileWithPath = strSourcePath & BACKSLASH & strSourceFile

strTargetFile = CurrentProject.NAME 'Use existing FE filename + date tag for TargetFile
strTargetFile = Left(strTargetFile, (Len(strTargetFile) - 4)) 'Remove File Extension

If p_Archive Then 'Overwrite one backup copy or archive w/ date tag?
strDateTag = Format(Date, "medium date") & UNDERSCORE & Format(Now, "Short Time")
strTargetFile = strTargetFile & "_BAK" & UNDERSCORE & strDateTag & ".mdb"
strTargetFile = strTargetFile & "_BAK" & ".mdb"
End If

strTargetPath = strTargetPath & BACKUP_FOLDER
strTargetFileWithPath = strTargetPath & BACKSLASH & strTargetFile

If Not (FSO.FolderExists(strTargetPath)) Then
FSO.CreateFolder strTargetPath
End If

FSO.CopyFile strSourceFileWithPath, strTargetFileWithPath

MakeBackupCopy = True 'If here then it worked

If p_Alert Then
If p_ShowLocation Then
strCompletedAlert = "Backup Completed" & vbCrLf & "Backup Copy:" & strTargetFileWithPath
strCompletedAlert = "Backup Completed"
End If
MsgBox strCompletedAlert, vbInformation, APPLICATION_NAME
End If

Set TDF = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Function

MakeBackupCopy = False
RespondToError "MakeBackupCopy", Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"Database Backup Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, BLN_CRITICAL
Resume Exit_Error_MakeBackupCopy

End Function 'Function MakeBackupCopy [/tt]

Turn your headache into my project!
Jeffrey R. Roberts
Insight Data Consulting
Access and SQL Server Development
Thanks for all of the replies!

Jeffrey, That is exactly what I was looking for! Please enjoy the star.
Hi Jeffrey,

could you put the sintax for function (example).

just have a boolean variable for the return--

dim blnBackupSuccess as Boolean

blnBackupSuccess = MakeBackupCopy(parameters)

Turn your headache into my project!
Jeffrey R. Roberts
Insight Data Consulting
Access and SQL Server Development
Dear All:

I have query and I want to transfer the data into a chart, I tried the chart option and failed, it there a way I can get a chart into a Form, In the chart I need to present the percentage too.
Ex: my query carries
Ministry name and the Total Support. which I need to place in a chart as a percentage.
Appreciate your valuable advices...
thanks and have a good day
I copied to code and pasted it into a module within access and tried to call makebackupcopy from a button control using the following:

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Dim blnBackupSuccess As Boolean
blnBackupSuccess = MakeBackupCopy(True,True,True,"C:\")

End Sub

When I click on the button I get the error
Compile Error: User-defined type not defined

The Debugger stops on this line:

Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject

Is there a step that I am missing? Any help would be appreciated.


You are missing a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library. In any module Tools | References...

Now it stops at

RespondToError "MakeBackupCopy", Err.Number, Err.Description, "Database Backup Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, BLN_CRITICAL

with a "Sub or Function not Defined" error.

I tried cutting and re-pasting the code from the site. Any ideas????
Just guessing here, but I believe that is a routine Quehay uses to either logg the error, or a custom error msgbox. I haven't used his code, so this is (as said) guessing. I think you can replace it with an ordinary msgbox, if you don't want to crate your own routine for such.

[tt]MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description[/tt]


Thanks for the help. I gave you a star for all your help an patience. It finally runs, but now the errorbox pops up because of an invalid procedure call. I used the this code to call the function:

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Dim blnBackupSuccess As Boolean
blnBackupSuccess = MakeBackupCopy(True,True,True,"C:\")

End Sub

I know that this type of work is advanced for my level, but it will really pay off at work if I can get this to run.


Haven't got much time to play with it now, I'm afraid, thanx for the star!

With me it errors on three conditions:

1 - if I pass an optional backup path, try calling without:
[tt] blnBackupSuccess = MakeBackupCopy(True,True,True)[/tt]
2 - if I run it on a database connected to MSDE (SQL server)
3 - if I run it on a database with an access backend (other errormsg, though)

So - if your challenge now is only backup the current database, use the suggestion from para 1 above, else try amending yourself, or specify your situation, and I might have time later today or tomorrow (or some others might jump in)

Hey Chuck it's my bad...

I had a logic error (in checking whether a backup path was passed in or not) and an error in path building as well, given different parameters. I apologize for submitting something that I hadn't yet tested with every possible parameter combination.

Roy's right the error handling is a separate routine--I originally submitted this with the idea that this would be transparent--not intending to be elitist but just thinking that was the audience.

The error trapping stuff is pretty good (I think), and I'll submit it in a second post that doesn't clutter this one. Here's the corrected code for "hot backup" :

[tt]Public Function MakeBackupCopy(p_Archive As Boolean, p_Alert As Boolean, p_ShowLocation As Boolean, _
Optional p_BackupPath As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Error_MakeBackupCopy

Const BACKUP_FOLDER As String = "Backup"
Const BACKSLASH As String = "\"
Const UNDERSCORE As String = "_"
Dim strCompletedAlert As String
Dim strSourceFile As String
Dim strSourcePath As String
Dim strSourceFileWithPath As String
Dim strDateTag As String
Dim strTargetFile As String
Dim strTargetPath As String
Dim strTargetFileWithPath As String
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim TDF As DAO.TableDef

MakeBackupCopy = False 'Set default

strSourceFile = CurrentProject.name 'Default value of Front End file
strSourcePath = CurrentProject.Path 'Default value of Front End path

'If there are linked tables get path to them and use for source path
For Each TDF In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If Len(TDF.Connect) Then
strSourceFile = TDF.Connect
'if password in Connect string there are 2 ='s so use Instr Reverse
strSourceFile = Mid(strSourceFile, (InStrRev(strSourceFile, "=") + 1))
strSourcePath = Left(strSourceFile, ((InStrRev(strSourceFile, "\") - 1)))
'One table is sufficient
Exit For
End If
strSourceFileWithPath = strSourcePath & BACKSLASH & strSourceFile

If Len(p_BackupPath) Then
strTargetPath = p_BackupPath
strTargetPath = strSourcePath 'if linked Back End put Backup there
End If 'check for backup path parameter

strTargetFile = CurrentProject.name 'Use existing FE filename + date tag for TargetFile
strTargetFile = Left(strTargetFile, (Len(strTargetFile) - 4)) 'Remove File Extension

If p_Archive Then 'Overwrite one backup copy or archive w/ date tag?
strDateTag = Format(Date, "medium date") & UNDERSCORE & Format(Now, "hh-mm")
strTargetFile = strTargetFile & "_BAK" & UNDERSCORE & strDateTag & ".mdb"
strTargetFile = strTargetFile & "_BAK" & ".mdb"
End If

strTargetPath = strTargetPath & BACKSLASH & BACKUP_FOLDER
strTargetFileWithPath = strTargetPath & BACKSLASH & strTargetFile

If Not (FSO.FolderExists(strTargetPath)) Then
FSO.CreateFolder strTargetPath
End If

FSO.CopyFile strSourceFileWithPath, strTargetFileWithPath

MakeBackupCopy = True 'If here then it worked

If p_Alert Then
If p_ShowLocation Then
strCompletedAlert = "Backup Completed" & vbCrLf & "Backup Copy:" & strTargetFileWithPath
strCompletedAlert = "Backup Completed"
End If
MsgBox strCompletedAlert, vbInformation, APPLICATION_NAME
End If

Set TDF = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Function

MakeBackupCopy = False
RespondToError "MakeBackupCopy", Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"Database Backup Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, BLN_CRITICAL
Resume Exit_Error_MakeBackupCopy

End Function 'Function MakeBackupCopy


Jeff Roberts
Insight Data Consulting
Access and SQL Server Development
Here's the error handling. It involves some constants that I lifted from a separate constants module. A table is required for the errors, so either create it based on fields listed in routine or turn of "log in table" and just log in a text file.

Public Const APPLICATION_NAME As String = "InsightDeveloperLibrary"
Public Const CRITICAL_ALERT As String = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please Contact Insight Data Consulting"
'Error Message for global use
Public Const BLN_CRITICAL As Boolean = True
Public Const ERROR_ALERT As String = "An error occurred"
Public Const ERROR_LOGGED_ALERT As String = "An error occured and has been logged"
'Refers to error generated when DoCmd cancelled
Public Const ACTION_CANCELLED As Long = 2501
'Data Error Constants
Public Const DUPLICATE_INDEX As Long = 3022
Public Const NULL_KEY_FIELD As Long = 3058
Public Const WRITE_CONFLICT As Long = 3197
Public Const RECORD_LOCKED As Long = 3260
Public Const NON_DATE As Long = 2113
Public Const LINK_FAILED As Long = 7971
Public Const NOT_IN_LIST As Long = 2237
Public Const NULL_REQUIRED_FIELD As Long = 3314
Public Const CHILD_RECORD As Long = 3200

Public Sub RespondToError(ByVal v_strRoutine As String, ByVal p_ErrorNum As Long, _
ByVal p_strErrorMsg As String, Optional p_Response As String, Optional p_Critical As Boolean)

On Error GoTo Error_RespondToError

Const DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE As String = "An error occurred and has been logged"
Dim strResponse As String
Dim MessageClass As Long

MessageClass = vbInformation

If Len(p_Response) Then
strResponse = p_Response
If p_Critical Then
MessageClass = vbCritical
End If
End If

Select Case p_ErrorNum
'Do nothing
MsgBox "Parent record may not be deleted with related records in place" & _
vbCrLf & "Use the ""DELETE"" buttons in the subform", vbExclamation, _
Case Else
MsgBox strResponse, MessageClass, APPLICATION_NAME
LogError v_strRoutine, p_ErrorNum, p_strErrorMsg

End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error Response Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, vbCritical, APPLICATION_NAME
Resume Exit_RespondToError

End Sub 'RespondToError
Public Sub LogError(ByVal v_strRoutine As String, ByVal v_lngErrorNum As Long, _
ByVal v_strErrorDescription As String)
On Error GoTo Error_LogError

LogErrorInTable v_strRoutine, v_lngErrorNum, v_strErrorDescription
LogErrorInTextFile v_strRoutine, v_lngErrorNum, v_strErrorDescription

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error Logging Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, vbCritical, APPLICATION_NAME
Resume Exit_LogError

End Sub
Public Sub LogErrorInTable(ByVal v_strRoutine As String, ByVal v_lngErrorNum As Long, _
ByVal v_strErrorDescription As String)
'*Requires tbl_ErrorLog
On Error GoTo Error_LogErrorInTable

Dim DB As DAO.Database
Set DB = CurrentDb()
Dim strSQL_INSERT As String
Dim strUser As String
Dim strObject As String
Dim strSQL_CREATE As String

strUser = apiUserName
strObject = Application.CurrentObjectName

strSQL_INSERT = "insert into error_log " & _
"(user, current_object, routine, error_number,error_description, error_timestamp) " & _
"values (" & _
Chr(39) & strUser & Chr(39) & "," & _
Chr(39) & strObject & Chr(39) & "," & _
Chr(39) & v_strRoutine & Chr(39) & "," & _
v_lngErrorNum & "," & _
Chr(39) & v_strErrorDescription & Chr(39) & "," & _
Chr(35) & Now() & Chr(35) & ")"

DB.Execute strSQL_INSERT

Set DB = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error Logging Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, vbCritical, APPLICATION_NAME
Resume Exit_LogErrorInTable

End Sub 'LogErrorInTable
Public Sub LogErrorInTextFile(ByVal v_strRoutine As String, ByVal v_lngErrorNum As Long, _
ByVal v_strErrorDescription As String)
On Error GoTo Error_LogErrorInTextFile

Dim intFile As Integer
Dim strErrMessage As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strErrorFile As String
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim strUser As String

strPath = CurrentProject.Path

strErrorFile = APPLICATION_NAME & "_error_log.txt"
strUser = apiUserName
strErrMessage = vbCrLf & "Error logged: " & Format(Now(), "mmm-dd-yy hh:mm AM/PM") & vbCrLf & _
"User: " & strUser & vbCrLf & "Routine: " & v_strRoutine & vbCrLf & "ErrorNum: " & _
CStr(v_lngErrorNum) & vbCrLf & "Description: " & v_strErrorDescription & vbCrLf

intFile = FreeFile

'File will be created if not found
Open strErrorFile For Append As #intFile

Print #intFile, strErrMessage

Close #intFile

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error Logging Failed" & CRITICAL_ALERT, vbCritical, APPLICATION_NAME
Resume Exit_LogErrorInTextFile

End Sub 'LogError

Public Function DataErrorResponse(ByVal v_ErrorNum As Integer) As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_LogDataError

Dim strResponse As String
Dim strError As String

strResponse = "A data error has occurred:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

Select Case v_ErrorNum

strError = "You've attempted to enter a duplicate value where not allowed" & _
vbCrLf & "Remove or change the duplicate selection or Cancel"


strError = strError = "An entry is missing for a required field" & _
vbCrLf & "Make sure that there are values in fields that are underlined"


strError = "Another user is attempting to update the same record-try to save again in a few minutes" & _
vbCrLf & "Use Cancel button to cancel the entry if needed"


strError = "Another user is attempting to update the same record-try to save again in a few minutes" & _
vbCrLf & "Use Cancel button to cancel the entry if needed"

strError = "The data entered does not match the field datatype--be sure to enter a date"


strError = "The hyperlink is not valid"


strError = "The field is limited to existing entries only" & _
vbCrLf & "Choose a value from the list"


strError = "An entry is missing for a required field" & _
vbCrLf & "Make sure that there are values in fields that are underlined"

Case Else

strError = "Error Number: " & CStr(v_ErrorNum)

End Select

LogError "Data Error", v_ErrorNum, "Data Error"
strResponse = strResponse & strError
MsgBox strResponse, vbExclamation, APPLICATION_NAME
DataErrorResponse = acDataErrContinue

Exit Function

Resume Exit_LogDataError

End Function 'DataErrorResponse

Jeff Roberts
Insight Data Consulting
Access and SQL Server Development

Copied all the code and tried again. I am getting a Error 71 Disk not ready. I even tried setting the location to C:\ just to see what would happen. I have a couple of linked tables in my database that are offline right now, would that cause the funtion to error or am I just missing something when I call the funtion.


The disk not ready sounds like a hardware error of some sort. Are you able, with windows explorer, to see the .mdb file on the back end and do file copy with it? (Which, of course is all that this routine does--it's just the convenience of making it automatic and writing the file name for you).

Jeff Roberts
Insight Data Consulting
Access and SQL Server Development
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