MCD 5.0, embeded voicemail
This customer has a very simple bilingual auto attendant, hi thank you for calling ABC, to continue in english please hold, for spanish press 8. If you know the extension you'd like to reach dial it now or please hodl to get transfered to the attendant. This works great.
However, during closed hours, the greetings says, hi thank you for calling ABC, to continue in english please hold, for spanish press 8, then it says our office is closed we remind you that we are opend monday to friday...... Then, it says you are being transfered to the operator, and of course the operator is absent and the call is forwarded to the attendant's voicemail.
Is there a way to avoid the message "you are being transfered to the operator" and that the call goes straight to the voicemail??
This customer says, if the office is closed how come the auto attendant is transfering the call to the operator?
Any advise? Regards,
This customer has a very simple bilingual auto attendant, hi thank you for calling ABC, to continue in english please hold, for spanish press 8. If you know the extension you'd like to reach dial it now or please hodl to get transfered to the attendant. This works great.
However, during closed hours, the greetings says, hi thank you for calling ABC, to continue in english please hold, for spanish press 8, then it says our office is closed we remind you that we are opend monday to friday...... Then, it says you are being transfered to the operator, and of course the operator is absent and the call is forwarded to the attendant's voicemail.
Is there a way to avoid the message "you are being transfered to the operator" and that the call goes straight to the voicemail??
This customer says, if the office is closed how come the auto attendant is transfering the call to the operator?
Any advise? Regards,