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Nov 13, 2001
Our hosting company has recently changed servers and this has stopped a php script we use for managing the htaccess,htgroup and htpassword files from working.

The error we get when we run the script seems to be in a loop and displays

Warning: eregi_replace(): Invalid preceding regular expression in /home/sites/cranswickit.co.uk/public_html/admin/php/Template.inc on line 93

the line number changes on each line.

Any ideas what could have caused this. I do not know php at all, the script was a free script that i uploaded, also the hosting company is stuck too!!!!

Any suggestions.
Insufficient data for a meaningful answer.

At the very least, knowing what the script package is or what the script line looks like would be helpful.

Want the best answers? Ask the best questions!

Here is the script template.inc script


class Template {

var $content;

var $filename = "";

function Template($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;

$this->content = array();
$this->content["name"] = "main";
$this->content["body"] = $this->loadfile($this->filename);
$this->content["blocks"] = array();
$this->content["values"] = array();


function showStructure() {
print "<ul>";
print "</ul>";

function _showStructure(&$content) {
print "<li>name: ".$content["name"]."</li>";
print "<li>body: ".htmlentities($content["body"])."</li>";
print "<li>blocks:";
print "<ul>";
reset ($content["blocks"]);
while (list($blockname, $block) = each($content["blocks"])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($block); $i++) {
print "</ul>";
print "</li>";

function parse(&$content) {
while (eregi("<!--\ startBlock\(([^)]+)\)\ -->", $content["body"], $m)) {
$name = $m[1];
$block = array();
$block["name"] = $name;
$block["blocks"] = array();
$block["used"] = 0;
$block["values"] = array();
$reg = "<!--\ startBlock\(".$name."\)\ -->(.*)<!--\ endBlock\(".$name."\)\ -->";
if (!eregi($reg, $content["body"], $m)) {
$this->error("block `".$name."' does not have startBlock() AND endBlock().");
$block["body"] = $m[1];
$content["body"] = eregi_replace($reg, "{".$name."}", $content["body"]);
$content["blocks"][$name] = array();
$content["blocks"][$name][0] = $block;

function toString() {
return $this->_toString(&$this->content, 0);

function _toString(&$content, $count) {

$txt = $content["body"];

while (list($key, $val) = each($content["values"])) {
if (!is_numeric($key)) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{".$key."}", $val, $txt);

$txt = eregi_replace("{sid}", session_id(), $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace("{script}", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"], $txt);

while (eregi("{url:([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{url:".$m[1]."}", urlencode($content["values"][$m[1]]), $txt);

while (eregi("{format:([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{format:".$m[1].":".$m[2]."}", sprintf($m[2], $content["values"][$m[1]]), $txt);

while (eregi("{date:([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{date:".$m[1].":".$m[2]."}", date($m[2], $content["values"][$m[1]]), $txt);

while (eregi("{ifEq:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($content["values"][$m[1]] == $m[2]) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifEq:".$m[1].":".$m[2].":([^}]+)}", "\\1", $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifEq:".$m[1].":".$m[2].":([^}]+)}", "", $txt);

while (eregi("{ifNe:([^:]+):([^:]*):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($content["values"][$m[1]] != $m[2]) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNe:".$m[1].":".$m[2].":([^}]+)}", "\\1", $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNe:".$m[1].":".$m[2].":([^}]+)}", "", $txt);

while (eregi("{ifSet:([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($content["values"][$m[1]] != "" && $content["values"][$m[1]] != "0") {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifSet:".$m[1].":([^}]+)}", "\\1", $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifSet:".$m[1].":([^}]+)}", "", $txt);

while (eregi("{ifNotSet:([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($content["values"][$m[1]] == "" || $content["values"][$m[1]] == "0") {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNotSet:".$m[1].":([^}]+)}", "\\1", $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNotSet:".$m[1].":([^}]+)}", "", $txt);

if (eregi("{ifNotFirst:([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($count == 0) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNotFirst:".$m[1]."}", "", $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifNotFirst:".$m[1]."}", $m[1], $txt);

if (eregi("{ifOddPosition:([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($count % 2 == 1) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifOddPosition:".$m[1]."}", $m[1], $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifOddPosition:".$m[1]."}", "", $txt);
if (eregi("{ifEvenPosition:([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
if ($count % 2 == 0) {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifEvenPosition:".$m[1]."}", $m[1], $txt);
} else {
$txt = eregi_replace("{ifEvenPosition:".$m[1]."}", "", $txt);

$txt = eregi_replace("{count:1}", "".($count+1), $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace("{count:0}", "".($count), $txt);

reset ($content["blocks"]);
while (list($blockname, $block) = each($content["blocks"])) {
if (!is_numeric($blockname)) {
$rep = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($block); $i++) {
if ($block[$i]["used"]) {
$rep .= $this->_toString($block[$i], $i);
$txt = eregi_replace("{".$blockname."}", $rep, $txt);

return $txt;

function setVar($variable, $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
if ($variable == "") {
$path = "";
} else {
$path = $variable.".";
while (list($var, $val) = each($value)) {
$this->_setVar($this->content, $path.$var, $val);
} else {
$value = $value."";
$this->_setVar($this->content, $variable, $value);

function _setVar(&$content, $variable, $value) {
if (eregi("([^\.]+)\.(.*)", $variable, $m)) {
$parent = $m[1];
$var = $m[2];

$content["used"] = 1;
$i = count($content["blocks"][$parent])-1;
if (isset($content["blocks"][$parent])) {
$this->_setVar($content["blocks"][$parent][$i], $var, $value);
} else {
$content["used"] = 1;
$content["values"][$variable] = $value;

function gotoNext($variable) {
$this->_gotoNext(&$this->content, $variable);

function _gotoNext(&$content, $variable) {
if (eregi("([^\.]+)\.(.*)", $variable, $m)) {
$parent = $m[1];
$var = $m[2];

$i = count($content["blocks"][$parent])-1;
$this->_gotoNext(&$content["blocks"][$parent][$i], $var);
} else {
$i = count($content["blocks"][$variable]);
if (count($content["blocks"][$variable][$i-1]["values"]) > 0) {
$content["blocks"][$variable][$i] = $this->_copyStructure($content["blocks"][$variable][$i-1]);

function &_copyStructure($content) {
$newcontent = array();
$newcontent["name"] = $content["name"];
$newcontent["body"] = $content["body"];
$newcontent["values"] = array();
$newcontent["blocks"] = array();
$newcontent["used"] = 0;

while (list($key, $value) = each($content["blocks"])) {
$newcontent["blocks"][$key] = array();
$newcontent["blocks"][$key][0] = $this->_copyStructure($content["blocks"][$key][0]);

return $newcontent;

function loadfile($filename) {
return implode("", file($filename));

function error($message) {
die($this->filename.": ".$message);

**** Then this is authman.inc



class AuthManager {
var $um;

var $version = "0.1";

function AuthManager($dir = "") {

if ($dir != "" && $dir[0] == "/") {
$dir = realpath($dir);
} else {
$dir = dirname(realpath($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));

$userfile = "";
$groupfile = "";

while ($userfile == "" || $groupfile == "") {
if (file_exists($dir."/.htaccess")) {
$filename = $dir."/.htaccess";

if (is_readable($filename)) {
$f = file($filename);

while (list($ln, $l) = each($f)) {
if ($userfile == "" && eregi("authuserfile[\ \t]+([^\ \t\n]+)[\ \t\n]", $l, $m)) {
$userfile = $m[1];
if ($groupfile == "" && eregi("authgroupfile[\ \t]+([^\ \t\n]+)[\ \t\n]", $l, $m)) {
$groupfile = $m[1];
} else {
die($filename." is not readable.");
if ($dir == "/") {
} else {
$dir = realpath($dir."/..");

if ($userfile == "") {
die("No users file found in your .htaccess files.");
if ($groupfile == "") {
die("No groups file found in your .htaccess files.");

$this->um = new UserManagement($userfile, $groupfile);


function main() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;

if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"])) {
$cmd = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cmd"];
} else if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["cmd"])) {
$cmd = $HTTP_POST_VARS["cmd"];
} else {
$cmd = "list";

switch ($cmd) {
case "about":
case "list":

case "edituser":
$login = $HTTP_GET_VARS["user"];
$this->editUser($login, $groups, $login);
case "newuser":
case "saveuser":
case "deleteuser":

case "editgroup":
$group = $HTTP_GET_VARS["group"];
$this->editGroup($group, $group);
case "newgroup":
case "savegroup":
case "deletegroup":

case "addmember":
case "deletemember":
die("Unknown command $cmd.");

function addMember() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
$this->um->addMember($HTTP_GET_VARS["user"], $HTTP_GET_VARS["group"]);

function deleteMember() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
$this->um->deleteMember($HTTP_GET_VARS["user"], $HTTP_GET_VARS["group"]);

function showAbout() {
$tpl = new Template("templates/main.ihtml");
$tpl->setVar("main", "AuthManager ".$this->version);
print $tpl->toString();

function showList() {
$t = new Template("templates/list.ihtml");

$users = $this->um->getUsers();

$groups = $this->um->getGroups();

$t->setVar("groupnumber", 3*count($groups));

for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
$t->setVar("group.name", $groups[$i]);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
$t->setVar("user.login", $users[$i]);

for ($j = 0; $j < count($groups); $j++) {

if ($this->um->isMember($users[$i], $groups[$j])) {
$t->setVar("user.ugroup.status", 1);
} else {
$t->setVar("user.ugroup.status", 0);
$t->setVar("user.ugroup.name", $groups[$j]);
$t->setVar("user.ugroup.user", $users[$i]);

$tpl = new Template("templates/main.ihtml");
$tpl->setVar("main", $t->toString());
print $tpl->toString();

function newUser() {
$this->editUser("", array(), "");

function editUser($login = "", $groups = "", $oldlogin) {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;

if ($groups == "") {
$groups = array();

$t = new Template("templates/edituser.ihtml");
$t->setVar("login", $login);
$t->setVar("oldlogin", $oldlogin);

$g = $this->um->getGroups();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($g); $i++) {
$t->setVar("group.name", $g[$i]);

if ($this->um->isMember($login, $g[$i])) {
$t->setVar("group.active", 1);
} else {
$t->setVar("group.active", 0);

$tpl = new Template("templates/main.ihtml");
$tpl->setVar("main", $t->toString());
print $tpl->toString();

function saveUser() {

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["cancel"])) {

$login = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["login"]);
$oldlogin = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["oldlogin"]);
$password = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["password"]);

$groups = array();
$g = $this->um->getGroups();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($g); $i++) {
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["group"][$g[$i]])) {
$groups[] = $g[$i];

if ($login == "" || ($oldlogin == "" && $password == "")) {
$this->editUser($login, $groups, $oldlogin);

if ($oldlogin != "") {
$oldpassword = $this->um->getPassword($oldlogin);
if ($password != "") {
$this->um->addUser($login, crypt($password));
} else {
$this->um->addUser($login, $oldpassword);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
$this->um->addMember($login, $groups[$i]);


function deleteUser() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;

function newGroup() {
$this->editGroup("", "");

function editGroup($group, $oldgroup) {
$t = new Template("templates/editgroup.ihtml");
$t->setVar("group", $group);
$t->setVar("oldgroup", $oldgroup);

$tpl = new Template("templates/main.ihtml");
$tpl->setVar("main", $t->toString());
print $tpl->toString();

function saveGroup() {

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["cancel"])) {

$group = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["group"]);
$oldgroup = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["oldgroup"]);

if ($group == "") {
$this->editGroup($group, $oldgroup);

if ($oldgroup != "") {



function deleteGroup() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;


****** and this is usermanagement.inc


class UserManagement {
var $userfile = "";
var $groupfile = "";

var $users;
var $groups;

var $changed = 0;

function UserManagement($userfile, $groupfile) {
if (!file_exists($userfile) && !is_writable(dirname($userfile))) {
die("File $userfile does not exist and the directory containing it is not writable.");
if (!is_readable($userfile)) {
die("File $userfile is not readable.");
if (!file_exists($groupfile) && !is_writable(dirname($groupfile))) {
die("File $groupfile does not exist and the directory containing it is not writable.");
if (!is_readable($groupfile)) {
die("File $groupfile is not readable.");

$this->userfile = $userfile;
$this->groupfile = $groupfile;


function open() {
$this->users = array();
$this->groups = array();

if (file_exists($this->userfile)) {
$f = file($this->userfile);
for ($ln = 0; $ln < count($f); $ln++) {
$tok = explode(":", ereg_replace("^([^#])#.*$", "\\1", trim($f[$ln])));
if (count($tok) >= 2) {
$this->users[] = array("username" => $tok[0], "password" => $tok[1], "groups" => array());

if (file_exists($this->groupfile)) {
$groups = array();

$f = file($this->groupfile);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($f); $i++) {
$tok = explode(":", ereg_replace("^([^#])#.*$", "\\1", trim($f[$i])));
if (count($tok) >= 2) {
$u = explode(" ", $tok[1]);
$users = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < count($u); $j++) {
$users[$u[$j]] = 1;
$groups[$tok[0]] = $users;

$this->groups = array_keys($groups);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
$user = $this->users[$i]["username"];
for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->groups); $j++) {
$group = $this->groups[$j];
if (isset($groups[$group][$user])) {
$this->users[$i]["groups"][$group] = 1;
} else {
$this->users[$i]["groups"][$group] = 0;

* Saves the new password and group files if necessary.
function close() {
if ($this->changed != 0) {
$usercontent = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
$usercontent .= sprintf("%s:%s\n", $this->users[$i]["username"], $this->users[$i]["password"]);

$groups = $this->getGroups();

$groupcontent = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
$users = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->users); $j++) {
if ($this->users[$j]["groups"][$groups[$i]] == 1) {
$users[] = $this->users[$j]["username"];
$groupcontent .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", $groups[$i], implode(" ", $users));

$this->replaceFile($this->userfile, $usercontent);
$this->replaceFile($this->groupfile, $groupcontent);

function replaceFile($filename, $contents) {
$fd = fopen($filename.".new", "w");
if ($fd == false) {
die("Unable to create new file $filename.new");

fwrite($fd, $contents);

if (false == rename($filename.".new", $filename)) {
die("Unable to rename $filename.new to $filename");

* Returns the names of all groups.
* @return Names of the groups.
function getGroups() {
return $this->groups;

* Returns the names of all users.
* @return Names of the users.
function getUsers() {
$users = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
$users[] = $this->users[$i]["username"];
return $users;

* Returns an array with the names of the groups a user is member of.
* @param $username Name of the user.
* @return Array containing the names of the groups.
function getUserGroups($username) {
$groupnames = $this->getGroups();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] == $username) {
$groups = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < count($groupnames); $j++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["groups"][$groupnames[$j]] == 1) {
$groups[] = $groupnames[$j];
return $groups;
return array();

* Returns the crypted password of a user.
* @param $username The name of the user.
* @return The crypted password.
function getPassword($username) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] == $username) {
return $this->users[$i]["password"];
return "";

* Adds the group "groupname" to the list of groups.
* @param $groupname Name of the group to add.
function addGroup($groupname) {
$this->changed = 1;
$this->groups[] = $groupname;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
$this->users[$i]["groups"][$groupname] = 0;

* Removes a group from the list of groups.
* @param $groupname Name of the group to remove.
function deleteGroup($groupname) {
$this->changed = 1;

$g = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->groups); $i++) {
if ($this->groups[$i] != $groupname) {
$g[] = $this->groups[$i];
$this->groups = $g;

for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {

* Deletes the user "username" from the list of users.
* @param $username Name of the user to delete.
function deleteUser($username) {
$this->changed = 1;

$u = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] != $username) {
$u[] = $this->users[$i];
$this->users = $u;

* Adds a user to the list of users.
* @param $username Name of the user to add.
* @param $password Crypted password of the user.
function addUser($username, $password) {
$this->changed = 1;
$this->users[] = array("username" => $username, "password" => $password, "groups" => array());

* Adds a user to a group.
* @param $username Name of the user to add.
* @param $groupname Name of the group.
function addMember($username, $groupname) {
$this->changed = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] == $username) {
$this->users[$i]["groups"][$groupname] = 1;

* Removes a user from a group.
* @param $username Name of the user to remove.
* @param $groupname Name of the group.
function deleteMember($username, $groupname) {
$this->changed = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] == $username) {
$this->users[$i]["groups"][$groupname] = 0;

* Checks if a user is member of a group.
* @param $username Name of the user.
* @param $groupname Name of the group.
* @return 1 if the user is member of the group, 0 otherwise.
function isMember($username, $groupname) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->users); $i++) {
if ($this->users[$i]["username"] == $username) {
return $this->users[$i]["groups"][$groupname];
return 0;

* Returns a string representation of this object.
function toString() {
$s = "";
$users = $this->getUsers();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
$s .= sprintf("%s: ", $users[$i]);
$groups = $this->getUserGroups($users[$i]);
$s .= implode(", ", $groups);
$s .= "\n";
return $s;


I'm no expert on POIX regular expressions, but I see a lot of regexes in that script that do not seem well-formed.

For example, I see your use of the "{" and "}" characters, which according to this page, are used to define a bound. For example:


will match from 1 to 4 instances of the letter "a". The manpage at the link above also states that you can only have signed integers and commas inside the bound definition, but I see in this snippet:

    while (eregi("{date:([^:]+):([^}]+)}", $txt, $m)) {
      $txt = eregi_replace("{date:".$m[1].":".$m[2]."}", date($m[2], $content["values"][$m[1]]), $txt);

the string "date:" inside the bound markers. If you are searching for the literal character "{" or "}", you might try escaping them as "\}" or "\}"

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Part and Inventory Search

