Location has 2 sets of extensions.
Ones with a phone and the other are virtual.
Client dislikes have voicemail on the 2 sets fo extensions because they have to continue to check the virtual ones without the benefit of a messaging light coming up on a phone.
The virtual ext. can go to an extension with a phone. They are OK with that. They do not want to give up the virtual numbers because the general public knows them.
I think I have a solution, but I wanted to run it past the pros.
Give the virtual extensions auth codes, call into the programming of the virtual extension and forward it to an extension with a phone. This eliminates the 2nd mailbox and should be seemless as long as the voicemail on the real extension reflects the change.
Sound good?
Any other suggestions?
Location has 2 sets of extensions.
Ones with a phone and the other are virtual.
Client dislikes have voicemail on the 2 sets fo extensions because they have to continue to check the virtual ones without the benefit of a messaging light coming up on a phone.
The virtual ext. can go to an extension with a phone. They are OK with that. They do not want to give up the virtual numbers because the general public knows them.
I think I have a solution, but I wanted to run it past the pros.
Give the virtual extensions auth codes, call into the programming of the virtual extension and forward it to an extension with a phone. This eliminates the 2nd mailbox and should be seemless as long as the voicemail on the real extension reflects the change.
Sound good?
Any other suggestions?