I've got a 391C1 power supply that's audibly noisy. I've run into this with other switching power supplies and the cause is usually windings in the switching transformer that have gotten loose and vibrate.
I've fixed this before but only on supplies that we build at a computer company I used to work for years ago. We normally just used a little silicon on the core windings. Not knowing this supply I have questions.
Has anyone noticed that this noise in a 391C1 leads to a failing supply?
Has anyone else had a audibly noisy supply that they fixed?
P.S. this is a used supply that I got from a well rated reseller on ebay. I could mostly return it but it's not really DOA and I think is fixable without too much trouble.
I've fixed this before but only on supplies that we build at a computer company I used to work for years ago. We normally just used a little silicon on the core windings. Not knowing this supply I have questions.
Has anyone noticed that this noise in a 391C1 leads to a failing supply?
Has anyone else had a audibly noisy supply that they fixed?
P.S. this is a used supply that I got from a well rated reseller on ebay. I could mostly return it but it's not really DOA and I think is fixable without too much trouble.