Hi. I'm currently trying to create an expert system that can diagnose mental disorders. My background in prolog is very limited and I'm struggling with this. I'm trying to create it in the most simplistic form possible. Basically I have so far created a list of facts (disorders and symptons) and have attempted to create some rules, one of the rules is below:
disorder(majordepressiveepisode) :- sympton(distressed), sympton(depressed), sympton(diminishedinterest), sympton(weightchange),
sympton(insomnia), sympton(psychomotoragitation), sympton(lossofenergy), sympton(worthlessness), sympton(diminishedabilitytothink),
sympton(suicidalideation), minimumlength(14).
Obviously this is extremely complicated and there are a large number of symptons. Is there a better way of doing this? I.e using some sort of list or array that can link symptons to certain disorders. Any suggestions?
Many Thanks
disorder(majordepressiveepisode) :- sympton(distressed), sympton(depressed), sympton(diminishedinterest), sympton(weightchange),
sympton(insomnia), sympton(psychomotoragitation), sympton(lossofenergy), sympton(worthlessness), sympton(diminishedabilitytothink),
sympton(suicidalideation), minimumlength(14).
Obviously this is extremely complicated and there are a large number of symptons. Is there a better way of doing this? I.e using some sort of list or array that can link symptons to certain disorders. Any suggestions?
Many Thanks