I have an element with attributes as shown:
<item_name avail="false" url=" One-page, dated pages for planner</item_name>
I use JDOM to read and write my xml files. However, I need to manually modify an xml file sometimes. When I use Textpad or Notepad and save the file, I get the following error when trying to read the file.
Error on line 7 of document file:/C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Group/Tomcat%204.1/webapps/christmas_app/WEB-INF/info.xml: The reference to entity "id" must end with the ';' delimiter.
What do I need to do to modify the file and it still be useable?
<item_name avail="false" url=" One-page, dated pages for planner</item_name>
I use JDOM to read and write my xml files. However, I need to manually modify an xml file sometimes. When I use Textpad or Notepad and save the file, I get the following error when trying to read the file.
Error on line 7 of document file:/C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Group/Tomcat%204.1/webapps/christmas_app/WEB-INF/info.xml: The reference to entity "id" must end with the ';' delimiter.
What do I need to do to modify the file and it still be useable?