I have a database in Access 2013. There is a table link to another database were attachments are stored. This second database is up against the 2G limit and I need to find an alternative. I have cleaned this file up as much as possible. We have most, if not all the files that are in the attachments database on the server as well. I am considering a method to make a link to each file and just store the links in the database rather than using the attachment data type but I am not sure if this is best. If anyone has done this, was it successful and did you find an easy method to make and store all those links? All the files are not stored in the same folders on the server. This is for patient's medical record data and the files are stored in the individual patient's folders on the server. There is nothing in the file name to use to link the file back to the patient ID in the database so I am afraid this will be a manual process.