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Attachment open is slow: What to monitor at first?

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Dec 6, 2002
Dear All,

we have a lotus notes 6.0 server with 4 processor and 2 GB memory and 2 GB page file.
The users reported that sometimes are very slow to open notes mails and attachments.

Do you have any idea what can I monitor on the server, or check any log file?

Many Thanks, I am new on this question

The server is not the only parameter to check on : you also have the processes running on the client, the amount of free virtual RAM of the client, and the load of the network at the time of request (and its average load).
The number of concurrent clients (active at the same time) on the Domino server is also a factor, and the number of inactive clients is of lesser importance.

So you see, the answer to your question is not really straightforward.
That said, there are two things you can quickly check :
1) is the CPU of the server highly occupied ? If the Performance tab on the physical machine hosting the Domino server shows a CPU at 80% or more on average, then your server is under-configured and needs some sort of upgrade (better CPU, more RAM, or more disk).
2) In the R6 Admin client, there is an Availability Index for the server you are looking at. The Availability should be as high as possible (ie the reverse of the processor occupation). If the Availability Index is of a low average, you also need to upgrade your physical PC, or you need to add another server to do load balancing.

I'm sure a true Domino Admin would have a few more things to say.

Thanks for your answer Pascal.

I've checked the CPU and memory usage: CPU at between 10-40% cpu,but usually 10%. Memory is in used 1.6 GB from 2GB phys mem, and 1.4 GB Pagefile.
but a thing is interesting: nserver is 987MB, nupdate 966, nrouter 970 and 3 other n... process also is about 900mb memory usage... why? it looks like it is consume total 7457mb memory, but from where, there is only 2+2GB on it...

I'll get some more data with admin client and put it to you here to check...

many thanks for your help
Sounds like you need more RAM. What OS is your server running on?

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!

this is Windows 2003 Standard Edition.

I've run a sh stat command:

Do you see something:
Can you pls explain to me, which 5-10 counter is the most important counter? What what is the meaning of?

Many thanks...!!!!

ADMINP.DirectoryDocumentsModified = 86
ADMINP.RelativeResponsesAdded = 88
Agent.Daily.AccessDenials = 0
Agent.Daily.ScheduledRuns = 52
Agent.Daily.TriggeredRuns = 61
Agent.Daily.UnsuccessfulRuns = 176
Agent.Daily.UsedRunTime = 69 Seconds
Agent.Hourly.AccessDenials = 0
Agent.Hourly.ScheduledRuns = 1
Agent.Hourly.TriggeredRuns = 11
Agent.Hourly.UnsuccessfulRuns = 25
Agent.Hourly.UsedRunTime = 1 Seconds
Calendar.Total.All.Appts.Reservations = 6419
Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources = 552
Calendar.Total.Appts = 6187
Calendar.Total.Reservations = 232
Calendar.Total.Resources = 3
Calendar.Total.Users = 549
Database.DAFailoverCount = 0
Database.DARefreshServerInfoCount = 0
Database.DAReloadCount = 0
Database.Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes = 747
Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Reads = 7
Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Writes = 0
Database.Database.BufferPool.Peak.Megabytes = 746
Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 95,99
Database.DbCache.CurrentEntries = 72
Database.DbCache.HighWaterMark = 732
Database.DbCache.Hits = 24482
Database.DbCache.InitialDbOpens = 37905
Database.DbCache.Lookups = 38993
Database.DbCache.MaxEntries = 2241
Database.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections = 0
Database.ExtMgrPool.Peak = 65?406
Database.ExtMgrPool.Used = 148
Database.FreeHandleStack.FreeHandleStackHits = 2452220
Database.FreeHandleStack.HandleAllocations = 2460086
Database.FreeHandleStack.MissRate = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupBindFailures = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupBinds = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupBytesReceived = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupEntries = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupFailures = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupTotal = 0
Database.LDAP.NAMELookupTotalLookupTime = 0
Database.NAMELookupCacheCacheSize = 4?263?912
Database.NAMELookupCacheHashSize = 3?913?663
Database.NAMELookupCacheHits = 98?928
Database.NAMELookupCacheLookups = 188?835
Database.NAMELookupCacheMaxSize = 16?777?216
Database.NAMELookupCacheMisses = 51?922
Database.NAMELookupCacheNoHitHits = 37?985
Database.NAMELookupCachePool.Peak = 15?728?640
Database.NAMELookupCachePool.Used = 11?213?088
Database.NAMELookupCacheResets = 0
Database.NAMELookupMisses = 26?102
Database.NAMELookupTotal = 147602
Database.NAMELookupTotalLookupTime = 481,833
Database.NIFPool.Peak = 7?340?032
Database.NIFPool.Used = 6?624?800
Database.NSFPool.Peak = 18?874?368
Database.NSFPool.Used = 13?407?680
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.EntriesWithSameIndex = 0
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.FreedEntriesOnCleanup = 0
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.HashedEntries = 0
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.HashIsFull = 0
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.MissedHashHits = 0
Database.NSF.ClusterHashTable.SuccessfullHashHits = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.NotesMergedBack = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.NotesReceived = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.NotesReopened = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.NotesSent = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.ChunkLookups = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.ChunksScanned = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.ChunksSkimmed = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.FullReplications = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.LocalMaxChunks = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.LocalUnreadOperations = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.MessagesReceived = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.MessagesSent = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.OperationsReceived = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.OperationsSent = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.UsersActive = 0
Database.NSF.Replicate.UnreadMarks.UsersActiveMax = 0
Database.NSF.SignatureCache.Hits = 2083
Database.NSF.SignatureCache.Tries = 3478
Database.RM.Sys.Logged = Disabled
Disk.C.Free = 77?942?300?672
Disk.C.Size = 161?050?947?584
Disk.C.Type = NTFS
Disk.Fixed = 1
Disk.Remote = 0
Domino.Cache.Command.Count = 0
Domino.Cache.Command.MaxSize = 128
Domino.Cache.Database.HitRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Design.Count = 5
Domino.Cache.Design.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Design.HitRate = 61,5384615384615
Domino.Cache.Design.MaxSize = 128
Domino.Cache.iNote WA Forms file.Count = 0
Domino.Cache.NNotesID.Count = 0
Domino.Cache.NNotesID.MaxSize = 64
Domino.Cache.Note Cache.HitRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Session.Count = 0
Domino.Cache.Session.MaxSize = 1?000
Domino.Cache.User.Count = 1
Domino.Cache.User.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.User.HitRate = 0
Domino.Cache.User.MaxSize = 64
Domino.Command.CopyToFolder = 0
Domino.Command.CreateDocument = 0
Domino.Command.DeleteDocument = 0
Domino.Command.DeleteDocuments = 0
Domino.Command.EditDocument = 0
Domino.Command.GetOrbCookie = 0
Domino.Command.MoveToFolder = 0
Domino.Command.Navigate = 0
Domino.Command.OpenAbout = 0
Domino.Command.OpenAgent = 2
Domino.Command.OpenCssResource = 0
Domino.Command.OpenDatabase = 0
Domino.Command.OpenDocument = 0
Domino.Command.OpenElement = 0
Domino.Command.OpenFileResource = 0
Domino.Command.OpenForm = 0
Domino.Command.OpenHelp = 0
Domino.Command.OpenIcon = 0
Domino.Command.OpenImageResource = 0
Domino.Command.OpenJavascriptLib = 0
Domino.Command.OpenNavigator = 0
Domino.Command.OpenPreferences = 0
Domino.Command.OpenServer = 0
Domino.Command.OpenView = 0
Domino.Command.ReadForm = 0
Domino.Command.Redirect = 0
Domino.Command.RemoveFromFolder = 0
Domino.Command.RequestCert = 0
Domino.Command.SaveDocument = 0
Domino.Command.SearchDomain = 0
Domino.Command.SearchSite = 0
Domino.Command.SearchView = 0
Domino.Command.Total = 2
Domino.Command.Unknown = 0
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max = 40
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Min = 20
Domino.Config.AllowDirectoryLinks = 1
Domino.Config.Directory.CGI = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\cgi-bin
Domino.Config.Directory.HTML = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\html
Domino.Config.Directory.Icons = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\icons
Domino.Config.Directory.JavaRoot = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\java
Domino.Config.DNSLookup = 1
Domino.Config.EnforceAccess = 0
Domino.Config.HomeURL = /webmailredirect.nsf
Domino.Config.HostName = vblts
Domino.Config.Image.Format = GIF
Domino.Config.Image.Interlaced = 1
Domino.Config.Log.Access = access
Domino.Config.Log.Error = error
Domino.Config.Log.Filter =
Domino.Config.Log.TimeStamp = 0
Domino.Config.PortNumber = 80
Domino.Config.PortStatus = 1
Domino.Config.SSL.KeyFile = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\keyfile.kyr
Domino.Config.SSL.PortNumber = 443
Domino.Config.SSL.Status = 0
Domino.Config.Timeout.CGI = 5
Domino.Config.Timeout.IdleThread = 0
Domino.Config.Timeout.Input = 2
Domino.Config.Timeout.Output = 20
Domino.Config.URLpath.CGI = /cgi-bin
Domino.Config.URLpath.Icons = /icons
Domino.Config.URLpath.JavaRoot = /domjava
Domino.Config.URLpath.Servlet = /servlet
Domino.Config.View.Lines = 30
Domino.Config.WelcomePage = default.htm
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Peak = 2
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.PeakTime = 01/17/2006 11:14:29 CET
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Total = 2
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Peak = 2
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.PeakTime = 01/17/2006 11:11:34 CET
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total = 0
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Peak = 2
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.PeakTime = 01/17/2006 11:11:34 CET
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Total = 0
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Peak = 2
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.PeakTime = 01/17/2006 11:11:34 CET
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Total = 0
Domino.Requests.Total = 2
Domino.ThreadPool.average = 65536
Domino.ThreadPool.max = 65536
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak = 1
FT.Index.Bytes.PerHour = 9749747
FT.Index.Count = 1061
FT.Index.Documents.Added = 820
FT.Index.Documents.Deleted = 278
FT.Index.Documents.Updated = 567
FT.Index.Total.Bytes = 26?539?708
FT.Index.Total.TimeMS = 9?799?531
FT.Search.Average.TimeMS = 1745
FT.Search.Count = 1634
FT.Search.Max.ActualHits = 8?297
FT.Search.Max.Results = 8?297
FT.Search.Open = 182
FT.Search.Results.Zero = 573
FT.Search.Total.ActualHits = 8?297
FT.Search.Total.Results = 8?297
FT.Search.Total.TimeMS = 2?851?289
Http.Accept.ConnectionsAccepted = 2
Http.Accept.ConnectionsDenied = 0
Http.Accept.ConnectionsRefused = 0
Http.Accept.Errors = 0
Http.Accept.Polls = 565850
Http.Accept.PollTimeouts = 565847
Http.Accept.ServerBusy = 0
Http.CurrentConnections = 0
Http.MaxConnections = 2000
Http.Workers = 40
Http.Worker.Total.BytesRead = 611
Http.Worker.Total.BytesWritten = 76?134
Http.Worker.Total.Cgi.Requests = 0
Http.Worker.Total.Cgi.RequestTime = 0
Http.Worker.Total.Dsapi.Requests = 0
Http.Worker.Total.Dsapi.RequestTime = 0
Http.Worker.Total.File.Requests = 0
Http.Worker.Total.File.RequestTime = 0
Http.Worker.Total.Http.Requests = 0
Http.Worker.Total.Http.RequestTime = 0
Http.Worker.Total.IdleSessionTimeouts = 69
Http.Worker.Total.InputTimeouts = 1
Http.Worker.Total.Notes.Requests = 2
Http.Worker.Total.Notes.RequestTime = 1?578
Http.Worker.Total.OutputTimeouts = 0
Http.Worker.Total.QuickPlace.Requests = 0
Http.Worker.Total.QuickPlace.RequestTime = 0
Http.Worker.Total.RequestsProcessed = 2
Http.Worker.Total.TotalRequestTime = 1?578
LDAP.Average LDAP Search time = 0,007
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search request = Base: schema, Filter: (objectclass=*), Scope: 0, Entries Found: 1
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search time = 0,016
LDAP.Server.Running = TRUE
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Accept.Queue = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Active = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Active.SSL = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived = 1?543?372
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent = 13?171?554
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Peak = 1
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Peak.SSL = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total = 376
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL.Bad_Handshake = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy = 0
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle = 2
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.InThreadPool = 2
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Peak = 2
LDAP.Simple LDAP Connections = 376
LDAP.Total LDAP Adds = 8038
LDAP.Total LDAP Connections = 376
LDAP.Total LDAP Search Entries Returned = 1128
LDAP.Total LDAP Search time = 40,504
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches = 5147
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Root DSE = 752
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Subschema = 376
Mail.AverageDeliverTime = 2
Mail.AverageServerHops = 1
Mail.AverageSizeDelivered = 132
Mail.CurrentByteDeliveryRate = 20547
Mail.CurrentByteTransferRate = 135
Mail.CurrentMessageDeliveryRate = 0
Mail.CurrentMessageTransferRate = 0
Mail.DBCacheEntries = 464
Mail.DBCacheHits = 25681
Mail.DBCacheReads = 28824
MAIL.Dead = 4
Mail.Delivered = 27763
Mail.DeliveredSize.100KB_to_1MB = 2645
Mail.DeliveredSize.10KB_to_100KB = 8800
Mail.DeliveredSize.10MB_to_100MB = 7
Mail.DeliveredSize.1KB_to_10KB = 13378
Mail.DeliveredSize.1MB_to_10MB = 901
Mail.DeliveredSize.Under_1KB = 2032
Mail.Deliveries = 28836
Mail.DeliveryThreads.Active = 0
Mail.DeliveryThreads.Max = 25
Mail.DeliveryThreads.Total = 25
Mail.Domain = VOLKSBANK
MAIL.Hold = 0
Mail.MaximumDeliverTime = 1157
Mail.MaximumServerHops = 8
Mail.MaximumSizeDelivered = 28516
Mail.MinimumDeliverTime = 1
Mail.MinimumServerHops = 1
Mail.MinimumSizeDelivered = 1
Mail.PeakByteDeliveryRate = 118576
Mail.PeakMessageDeliveryRate = 9
Mail.PeakMessageDeliveryTime = 01/16/2006 08:44:35 CET
Mail.PeakMessagesDelivered = 543
Mail.PeakTotalBytesDelivered = 7114618
MAIL.TotalFailures = 127
Mail.TotalKBDelivered = 3?036?559
Mail.TotalKBTransferred = 598?366
Mail.TotalKBTransferred.NRPC = 234?708
Mail.TotalKBTransferred.SMTP = 363?658
Mail.TotalPending = 5
Mail.TotalRouted = 32684
Mail.TotalRouted.NRPC = 27859
Mail.TotalRouted.SMTP = 4825
Mail.TransferFailures = 3
Mail.TransferFailures.SMTP = 3
Mail.Transferred = 2897
Mail.TransferredSize.100KB_to_1MB = 345
Mail.TransferredSize.10KB_to_100KB = 755
Mail.TransferredSize.10MB_to_100MB = 14
Mail.TransferredSize.1KB_to_10KB = 1568
Mail.TransferredSize.1MB_to_10MB = 93
Mail.TransferredSize.Under_1KB = 122
Mail.Transferred.NRPC = 87
Mail.Transferred.SMTP = 2810
Mail.TransferThreads.Active = 0
Mail.TransferThreads.Concurrent.Highest = 2
Mail.TransferThreads.Concurrent.Max = 12
Mail.TransferThreads.Max = 25
Mail.TransferThreads.Total = 3
MAIL.Waiting = 1
MAIL.WaitingForDIR = 0
MAIL.WaitingForDNS = 0
MAIL.WaitingRecipients = 1
Mem.Allocated = 967815786
Mem.Allocated.Process = 56673212
Mem.Allocated.Shared = 911142574
Mem.Availability = Plentiful
Mem.Free = 3?196?620?800
Mem.PhysicalRAM = 2147483647
Monitor.AGENT MANAGER.Warning(High) = 409
Monitor.DATABASE COMPACTOR.Failure = 2
Monitor.Last.AGENT MANAGER.Warning(High) = 13?089
Monitor.Last.AGENT MANAGER.Warning(High)Text = AMgr: Error executing agent 'Szab? Zoli forward' in 'mail\PeregovitsS ndor.nsf': No documents found
Monitor.Last.DATABASE COMPACTOR.Failure = 13?064
Monitor.Last.DATABASE COMPACTOR.FailureText = Error compacting mail\SarosiSzabolcs.nsf: Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate space
Monitor.Last.ROUTER.Warning(High) = 13?078
Monitor.Last.ROUTER.Warning(High)Text = Router: Unable to deliver message 0044F651 to Attila PIRITHY/Volksbank/HU@VOLKSBANK
Monitor.Last.SCHEDULE MANAGER.Warning(High) = 13?089
Monitor.Last.SCHEDULE MANAGER.Warning(High)Text = SchedMgr: Error processing calendar profile document (NoteID: NT000008FA) in database mail\BaloghTamas.nsf: Cannot find user in Domino Directory
Monitor.Last.Server.Failure = 4?358
Monitor.Last.Server.FailureText = Recipient's Domino Directory entry does not specify a valid Notes mail file
Monitor.Last.Server.Fatal = 568
Monitor.Last.Server.FatalText = Error compacting mail\SarosiSzabolcs.nsf: Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate space
Monitor.Last.Server.Warning(High) = 4?899
Monitor.Last.Server.Warning(High)Text = ATTEMPT TO ACCESS DATABASE Applications\OEVAG\pmdbint.nsf by A7401102/OEVAG/AT was denied
Monitor.ROUTER.Warning(High) = 123
Monitor.SCHEDULE MANAGER.Warning(High) = 559
Monitor.Server.Failure = 139
Monitor.Server.Fatal = 2
Monitor.Server.Warning(High) = 240
NET.GroupCache.Hits = 17?301
NET.GroupCache.Misses = 4?328
NET.GroupCache.NumEntries = 239
NET.GroupCache.Size = 65?406
NET.GroupCache.Used = 47?172
NET.Log.VBLTS/Volksbank/HU.PeakUnwrittenEntries = 6
NET.Log.VBLTS/Volksbank/HU.UnwrittenEntries = 3
NET.TCPIP.BytesReceived = 1?883?129?521
NET.TCPIP.BytesSent = 11?246?069?753
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Incoming = 68102
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Outgoing = 77
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Limit = 65535
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMax = 65535
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMin = 10
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Peak = 482
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycled = 0
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycling = 0
NET.TCPWAN.BytesReceived = 983?634?341
NET.TCPWAN.BytesSent = 652?368?682
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Established.Incoming = 6624
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Established.Outgoing = 3270
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Limit = 65535
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.LimitMax = 65535
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.LimitMin = 10
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Peak = 23
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Recycled = 0
NET.TCPWAN.Sessions.Recycling = 0
Platform.ActiveNumOfDominoPartitions = 1
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AssignedName = C
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen = 0,6
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen.Avg = 1,2
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen.Peak = 39
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil = 58,4
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil.Avg = 100
Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil.Peak = 100
Platform.LogicalDisk.TotalNumofDisks = 1
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec = 127,8
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.Avg = 360
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.Peak = 5?722,1
Platform.Memory.RAM.AvailMBytes = 532,8
Platform.Memory.RAM.AvailMBytes.Avg = 605,2
Platform.Memory.RAM.AvailMBytes.Min = 398,1
Platform.Memory.RAM.AvailMBytes.Peak = 1?509,3
Platform.Memory.RAM.PctUtil = 73
Platform.Memory.RAM.TotalMBytes = 2048
Platform.Network.1.AdapterName = Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
Platform.Network.1.BytesRecvdPerSec = 39?948,9
Platform.Network.1.BytesSentPerSec = 150?737,1
Platform.Network.1.CurrBandwidthMbitsPerSec = 1?000
Platform.Network.1.PctUtilBandwidth = 0,2
Platform.Network.1.TotalBytesPerSec = 190?686
Platform.Network.TotalNumofAdapters = 1
Platform.Network.Total.BytesRecvdPerSec = 39?948,9
Platform.Network.Total.BytesSentPerSec = 150?737,1
Platform.Network.Total.CurrBandwidthMbitsPerSec = 1?000
Platform.Network.Total.NetworkBytesPerSec = 190?686
Platform.Network.Total.PctUtilBandwidth = 0,2
Platform.PagingFile.Total.PctUtil = 0,8
Platform.PagingFile.Total.PctUtil.Avg = 0,8
Platform.PagingFile.Total.PctUtil.Peak = 1
Platform.Process.ActiveDomino.TotalCpuUtil = 5,1
Platform.Process.ActiveNumOfDominoProc = 16
Platform.Process.adminp.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.adminp.1.ProcessID = 3632
Platform.Process.amgr.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.amgr.1.ProcessID = 5268
Platform.Process.amgr.2.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.amgr.2.ProcessID = 3092
Platform.Process.calconn.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.calconn.1.ProcessID = 1388
Platform.Process.event.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.event.1.ProcessID = 4756
Platform.Process.http.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.http.1.ProcessID = 5416
Platform.Process.ldap.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.ldap.1.ProcessID = 4584
Platform.Process.mtc.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.mtc.1.ProcessID = 448
Platform.Process.pop3.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.pop3.1.ProcessID = 4864
Platform.Process.replica.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.replica.1.ProcessID = 4996
Platform.Process.router.1.PctCpuUtil = 0,2
Platform.Process.router.1.ProcessID = 4216
Platform.Process.sched.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.sched.1.ProcessID = 4568
Platform.Process.server.1.PctCpuUtil = 3,4
Platform.Process.server.1.ProcessID = 3084
Platform.Process.smtp.1.PctCpuUtil = 0,4
Platform.Process.smtp.1.ProcessID = 1508
Platform.Process.stats.1.PctCpuUtil = 0
Platform.Process.stats.1.ProcessID = 5400
Platform.Process.update.1.PctCpuUtil = 1,1
Platform.Process.update.1.ProcessID = 4832
Platform.System.ContextSwitchesPerSec = 4?489,4
Platform.System.ContextSwitchesPerSec.Avg = 4?942,7
Platform.System.ContextSwitchesPerSec.Min = 4?115,1
Platform.System.ContextSwitchesPerSec.Peak = 13?690,2
Platform.System.PctCombinedCpuUtil = 1,6
Platform.System.PctCombinedCpuUtil.Avg = 2,6
Platform.System.PctCombinedCpuUtil.Peak = 35,2
Platform.System.PctTotalPrivilegedCpuUtil = 0,6
Platform.System.PctTotalPrivilegedCpuUtil.Avg = 1,3
Platform.System.PctTotalPrivilegedCpuUtil.Peak = 27,9
Platform.System.PctTotalUserCpuUtil = 1,1
Platform.System.PctTotalUserCpuUtil.Avg = 1,3
Platform.System.PctTotalUserCpuUtil.Peak = 10,3
Platform.Time.LastSample = 01/17/2006 13:46:35 CET
Platform.Time.SampleRateInMins = 1
POP3.Server.Running = TRUE
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Accept.Queue = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Active = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Active.SSL = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Peak = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Peak.SSL = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Total = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL = 0
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL.Bad_Handshake = 0
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Busy = 0
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Idle = 0
POP3.Sessions.Threads.InThreadPool = 0
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Peak = 0
Server.Administrators = Lotus Administrators
Server.Administrators.Access = Lotus Administrators
Server.Administrators.FullAccess = Lotus Administrators
Server.AvailabilityIndex = 35
Server.AvailabilityThreshold = 0
Server.BootID = 1914611
Server.BusyTimeQuery.ReceivedCount = 98
Server.CPU.Count = 4
Server.CPU.Type = Intel Pentium
Server.ElapsedTime = 1 day 07:27:14
Server.ExpansionFactor = 14,7803767591862
Server.MailBoxes = 1
Server.Monitor.Start = 01/16/2006 06:19:19 CET
Server.Name = CN=VBLTS/O=Volksbank/C=HU
Server.OpenRequest.MaxUsers = 0
Server.OpenRequest.Restricted = 0
Server.Path.Configfile = C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini
Server.Path.Data = c:\Lotus\Domino\Data
Server.Path.Executable = C:\Lotus\Domino\
Server.Ports = TCPWAN,TCPIP
Server.PoweredBy = Notes
Server.Sessions.Dropped = 50
Server.SharedMail = 0
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to transfer: [01/17/2006 13:40:43 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to transfer: [01/17/2006 13:45:46 CET]
Server.Task = Admin Process: Idle: [01/17/2006 11:20:58 CET]
Server.Task = Admin Process: Idle: [01/17/2006 12:46:58 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to transfer: [01/17/2006 13:40:39 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:09 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:14 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:09 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:42:51 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:40:43 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:32 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:20 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:28 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:20 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:37:15 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:28 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:38:08 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:43:14 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:09 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:40:43 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:40:43 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:10 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:15 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:20 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:13 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:41:02 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:40:43 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:46:27 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:41:29 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Searching for mail to deliver: [01/17/2006 13:45:28 CET]
Server.Task = LDAP Server: Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:389 : [01/16/2006 06:19:26 CET]
Server.Task = LDAP Server: Utility task: [01/16/2006 06:19:26 CET]
Server.Task = SMTP Server: Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:25 : [01/16/2006 06:19:24 CET]
Server.Task = SMTP Server: Utility task: [01/16/2006 06:19:24 CET]
Server.Task = POP3 Server: Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:110 : [01/16/2006 06:19:24 CET]
Server.Task = POP3 Server: Utility task: [01/16/2006 06:19:24 CET]
Server.Task = MT Collector: Idle (next collection in 837 secs, interval is 900 secs): [01/17/2006 13:46:31 CET]
Server.Task = HTTP Server: Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:80: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Task = Agent Manager: Executive '1': Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:29 CET]
Server.Task = LDAP Server: Control task: [01/17/2006 13:46:32 CET]
Server.Task = Stats: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:30 CET]
Server.Task = Calendar Connector: Idle: [01/16/2006 06:19:21 CET]
Server.Task = POP3 Server: Control task: [01/17/2006 13:46:32 CET]
Server.Task = SMTP Server: Control task: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Task = Schedule Manager: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:32 CET]
Server.Task = Router: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:32 CET]
Server.Task = Admin Process: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Task = Replicator: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:31 CET]
Server.Task = Directory Indexer: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:29 CET]
Server.Task = Agent Manager: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Task = Indexer: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:29 CET]
Server.Task = Event Monitor: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Tasks = 622
Server.Task.DB = Database Server: Idle: [01/17/2006 13:46:33 CET]
Server.Time.Start = 01/16/2006 06:19:19 CET
Server.Title = Lotus Notes LIVE server
Server.Trans.PerMinute = 778
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak = 7619
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak.Time = 01/16/2006 09:52:29 CET
Server.Trans.Total = 1206316
Server.Users = 465
Server.Users.1MinPeak = 96
Server.Users.1MinPeakTime = 01/17/2006 10:08:27 CET
Server.Users.5MinPeak = 227
Server.Users.5MinPeakTime = 01/16/2006 10:51:25 CET
Server.Users.Active = 0
Server.Users.Active15Min = 277
Server.Users.Active1Min = 38
Server.Users.Active30Min = 375
Server.Users.Active3Min = 97
Server.Users.Active5Min = 134
Server.Users.Peak = 481
Server.Users.Peak.Time = 01/16/2006 15:01:14 CET
Server.Version.Notes = Release 6.0.3
Server.Version.Notes.BuildNumber = 194
Server.Version.OS = Windows NT 5.2
Server.WorkThreads = 40
Server.WorkThreads = 40
SMTP.Command.DATA = 6192
SMTP.Command.EHLO = 5867
SMTP.Command.HELO = 393
SMTP.Command.MAIL = 6260
SMTP.Command.QUIT = 6239
SMTP.Command.RCPT = 6668
SMTP.Command.RSET = 104
SMTP.MessagesProcessed = 6192
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Ave = 1
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Max = 12
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Min = 1
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Total = 6590
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Ave = 154
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Max = 13420
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Min = 0
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Total = 959352
SMTP.Server.Running = TRUE
SMTP.SessionDuration.10Sec_to_15Sec = 5
SMTP.SessionDuration.15Sec_to_20Sec = 18
SMTP.SessionDuration.20Sec_to_25Sec = 1
SMTP.SessionDuration.50Sec_to_55Sec = 4
SMTP.SessionDuration.55Sec_to_60Sec = 14
SMTP.SessionDuration.5Sec_to_10Sec = 15
SMTP.SessionDuration.Ave = 2
SMTP.SessionDuration.Max = 360
SMTP.SessionDuration.Min = 0
SMTP.SessionDuration.Over_60Sec = 68
SMTP.SessionDuration.Under_5Sec = 6136
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Accept.Queue = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Active = 1
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Active.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived = 981?788?960
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent = 2?875?173
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Peak = 9
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Peak.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total = 6260
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total.SSL.Bad_Handshake = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Active = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Active.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.BytesReceived = 1?526?182
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.BytesSent = 635?830?653
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Peak = 2
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Peak.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Total = 3258
SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Total.SSL = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy = 1
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle = 9
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.InThreadPool = 10
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Peak = 10
Stats.Time.Current = 01/17/2006 13:47:25 CET
Stats.Time.Start = 01/16/2006 06:19:05 CET
630 statistics found

There was some activity on this one, yes... A few suggestions to look into a bit closer: Are all the tasks active really needed? I saw that POP3 seemed to have little activity as one example. Another item that was a bit 'high' was the server.tasks list, the number of router tasks was high.
Are you running POP3, LDAP, HTTP etc? If not used, considder turning them off...
Physical discs: Are you using RAID (1 or 5 most used)? Bottlenecks on discs is seldom any problems on modern machines, but still worth monitoring... Also see you're using double network protocols, and then most logically double IP's: Is that really needed? Will increase 'routing' activities on the machine.

Performance in general under Windows is a bit 'iffy' since there is a certain 'leak' of memory also at least partly due to the OS, which again requires Domino servers to be restarted more frequently on Windows compared to other OS'. We are running Domino on NT, 2000, 2003 Server and Linux, and the only one that runs for MONTHS is the Linux server. And it has more or less the 'same' activity level as WIN servers, but less 'memory leakage'...

I see the server has been up for 2 days, and then goes slow, maybe you need a clustered solution to balance your load amongst the 400+ users you have? Some new challenges, yes, and a need for more hardware, but if your system runs 'out' of resources in 2 days, there will be a performance issue...

A little thin to base my 'analyze' on the statistics, but there are elements in there worth looking into. One error in particular is the following statement:
Monitor.Last.Server.FatalText = Error compacting mail\SarosiSzabolcs.nsf: Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate space


TrooDOS, many many thanks for your help!!!

I've discussed the task list things that you mention, and we stopped, and removed from notes.ini the HTTP, and LDAP. POP3 and SMTP are used.
This server is a Blade server using a big C drive on a SAN storage which has a good monitoring tool said the I/O task are normal/few on the accessed volume. This Volume is RAID 5, as I know. This is a Windows 2003 server St.Ed. and the capacity expansion is a plan for this year(insert new blade)

We've ran sh stat server.availabilityindex yesterday time to time cca 5 minutes, and it looks like the server availability looks very bad. Sometimes it is 30-20-15-10-20-0-0-20-10-30 values. 0 means there is no available resource, am I right? but what is not enough? Memory is ok, CPU performance is ok, (runs 10-40% cpu), then what should be not enough?

So the question is do you know how the Server.AvailabilityIndex is counted by the Lotus Domino Server?

I'll checking that disk space/nsf file problem... but now it looks like there is 170GB total and 55GB free space...

many Thanks
As I said in my previous post, the Availability Index should ideally be as close to 100 as possible.

If the Availability of your server is in the low 30s, you definitely need to pay attention to what resource is being blocked. Maybe its the RAM, the CPU, or its disk access time, I don't know. But something is holding up your Domino server.

I'll admit that Raid 5 SAN should be performing well enough to remove disk issues. If the CPU is only 40% occupied, then it would seem that it is not being heavily sollicited either.

That leaves me with only one option : you don't have enough RAM, or you still have too many tasks open for the RAM you have. TrooDos is right, you might want to set up another Domino server and cluster them in a load balancing configuration.


Hello, thanks for the reply, in that case I don't know a thing: If there is a memory problem, then why the stat say that the memory = plentiful?

Mem.Allocated = 967815786
Mem.Availability = Plentiful
Mem.PhysicalRAM = 2147483647

In other hend, you're right, there should be needs to insert a new blade as Notes cluster. We are planning to do this anyway... thanks to all of you for helps.
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