I have a perl script which runs as expected on IBM AIX 5.1 ML7 but fails under RedHad Linux 2.4.21-27.ELsmp.
The relevant part of the code is to do with attaching binary files. I open a pipe to sendmail and then the relevant part of the code goes
If the file is sent from an AIX server all is well, from the Linux server the file arrives with the 'Content-Disposition' and 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' lines prepended and the rest of the file still uuencoded.
If I'm posting in the wrong forum forgive me. I couldn't quite decide whether this belonged in sendmail or linux.
Columb Healy
The relevant part of the code is to do with attaching binary files. I open a pipe to sendmail and then the relevant part of the code goes
print OFH "--$boundary\n";
print OFH "Content-type: Application/Octet-stream; name=$shortname; type=binary\n";
print OFH "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$shortname\n";
print OFH "Content-Transfer-Encoding: X-UUencode\n\n";
print OFH `uuencode $file $file`;
If I'm posting in the wrong forum forgive me. I couldn't quite decide whether this belonged in sendmail or linux.
Columb Healy