Hope this helps. It will take the name of multiple recipients separated by semi-colons( it'll cc those after the first ) and attach the file stored in attachment to each email. It'll then send it to everyone.
Private Sub SendEmail(recipient As String, attachment As String)
On Error GoTo Err_Sub
Dim line As Integer
Dim place As Integer
Dim firstdone As Boolean
Dim ccname As String
Dim rcpname As String
Dim ccstring As String
firstdone = False
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim olmsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olrcp As Outlook.recipient
Dim olatt As Outlook.attachment
Set ol = CreateObject("outlook.application"
Set olmsg = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olmsg
place = InStr(recipient, ";"
If place = 0 Then
Set olrcp = .Recipients.Add(recipient)
olrcp.Type = olTo
ccstring = recipient
rcpname = Left(ccstring, place - 1)
If Len(rcpname) > 0 Then
If firstdone = False Then
Set olrcp = .Recipients.Add(rcpname)
olrcp.Type = olTo
firstdone = True
Set olrcp = .Recipients.Add(rcpname)
olrcp.Type = olCC
End If
End If
ccstring = Right$(ccstring, Len(ccstring) - place)
place = InStr(ccstring, ";"
Loop Until place = 0
If Len(ccstring) > 0 Then
Set olrcp = .Recipients.Add(ccstring)
olrcp.Type = olCC
End If
End If
.Subject = "Email Subject"
.Body = "This email should contain an attachment"
Set olatt = .Attachments.Add(attachment)
For Each olrcp In .Recipients
End With
Set ol = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , "Sending Email line " + Str(line)
Resume Exit_Sub
End Sub
that worked a treat, I've been through the visual basic programmers guide and copied in their sample code but it falls over on the attachment element . .
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