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Attaching a file to email 1

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Technical User
Aug 11, 2010
Hi All,

I need help with attaching a file automatically to the email when using the send object. The document will be word or pdf.

Is there a way to automatically the file to be attached from a specific location? I am saving the file in H:/Admin/Welcome.Doc

If intResponse = vbYes Then DoCmd.SendObject , , , strEmail, , , "Test Email", , , True
As you know, Access only provides for the attachment of Access object like Forms, Reports, etc. I have written a little code that will open a word document, which I needed for the application I created, but I don't think that's what you want.

If you leave the object blank in the SendObject command a blank email will open. The only thing I can suggest is that there may be a way of coding Outlook to attach a specific file. To my knowledge there's no way to have Access pick an unrelated file and attach it.

I hope I did not cause confusion. I am able to do this by writing the actual e-mail in the code in the following statement, but the problem the email is moe than 255 char. it is about 15 lines.so I thought it will be easier to attach the file with the message needed to be snet.

If intResponse = vbYes Then DoCmd.SendObject , , , strEmail, , , "Test Email", "This e-mail ios to inform you about the policy change....", , True
O hell, I didn't understand. What I did to exceed the 255 character limit was to set part of the message in several hidden fields on either the form or report. Then the syntax is ="This is to inform you that " & [Hidden] & [Hidden2] & "Thank you."

The character limit is within the code or macro, and not what is actually posted in the mail. Hell, you could use a hidden memo field and make an email body the size of a book.
Of course, there is also a way to control Outlook directly from Access and you can do virtually anything that Outlook can do. I have written code to generate e-mails, select the proper mailing lists based on selected parameters, enter subject lines and text, add attachments (any document), set delivery times (i.e. time-delay the sending of the message) and even verify that the message was sent (and received.) It is a bit complex to figure everything out because the Outlook Object Model is very different from Access (or Word, or Excel) but with a bit of research it can be done. Make sure you have a Reference to the Outlook Object Library loaded. Some simple code looks like this:

Dim olApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim olNameSpace As Outlook.Namespace
Dim olMessage As Outlook.MailItem

Set olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olMessage = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
olMessage.Recipients.Add "jblow@dullsville.net"
olMessage.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
olMessage.Subject = "Hey look at this!"
olMessage.Body = "I found this website while I was goofing off at work."
olMessage.Body = olMessage.Body & vbCrLf & "[URL unfurl="true"]www.CompleteWasteOfTime.org"[/URL]
olMessage.Attachments.Add "C:\ThisCoolFile.doc"
olMessage.Attachments.Add "C:\AnotherCoolFile.jpeg"
olMessage.Attachments.Add "C:\ThirdCoolFile.pdf"
Set olMessage = Nothing
Set olNameSpace = Nothing
If you want to display the message and send it yourself (after close examination) replace olMessage.Send with olMessage.Display -- naturally the code stops if it can't find "C:\ThisCoolFile.doc" and the send will fail unless there really is a jblow somewhere in dullsville. Play with it (using olMessage.Display) and see what you get... then ask more, if you want.
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