Power it down. Reseat each card to make sure they are inserted properly, power it back up again. If they still have no lights, try them one at a time, meaning:
Power it off, then remove all but the processor (center module) and the card to the far left, power it on and see if they both come up. if so, power the system back down and add the card between the processor and the card to the far left and power it back up. If they all come back on great. If not, you will see which card is shorting the other cards out. You probably have (1) bad card shorting the others out.
If you have a rocker switch on the carrier, there is also a fuse on the backplane. It might be blown. If one of the modules has a shorted power supply, it could have blown. The original is ceramic, the replacement does not need to be. Buy several, because you need to add one module at a time until the fuse blows again, to know which one has the problem.
To avoid popping the backplane fuse while testing, you can test each card individually by plugging the system power cord directly into the power jack found on the back. Just make sure the power supplies are pointed away from you in case the bad one sparks.
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