ATL P1000 library w/ 2 DLT7000
(Library firmware 1.2, DLT firmware 1EAB)
Adaptec AHA-2944UW SCSI card
Arcserve2k w/ Tape library option + all the patches from CA
Win2k w/sp2
E6300 Win NT Scsi Port error ABSL:2010 CMD:0h SCSI Cmd retry.
DLT drives worked fine on their own.
Veritas BackupExec worked fine on the same PC and library.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
ATL P1000 library w/ 2 DLT7000
(Library firmware 1.2, DLT firmware 1EAB)
Adaptec AHA-2944UW SCSI card
Arcserve2k w/ Tape library option + all the patches from CA
Win2k w/sp2
E6300 Win NT Scsi Port error ABSL:2010 CMD:0h SCSI Cmd retry.
DLT drives worked fine on their own.
Veritas BackupExec worked fine on the same PC and library.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.