1) Where can I learn to create my own Browser Helper Objects? Any suggestions?
2) How different VS2005 is from VS2003?
There are nice examples on the website TheCodeProjects but I couldn't compile any of them successfuly.
I think one of the reasons is new VS2005. After I download source file, then the whole project had to be converted.
It would generated few warnings:
c:\...\basicpopupblocker\pubwhitelist\whitelist.h(71) : warning C4581: deprecated behavior: '"never"' replaced with 'never' to process attribute
c:\...\basicpopupblocker\pubwhitelist\whitelist.h(69) : warning C4581: deprecated behavior: '"apartment"' replaced with 'apartment' to process attribute
This doesn't sound right: '"apartment"' replaced with 'apartment' ... I see quote difference here, but I checked the code, didn't see any change.
... and and on the end couldn't compile. I am trying to learn from these (big time novice). It seems that New VS2005 is doing ATL differently. I couldn't (didn't know how) use any of the ATL examples (about BHOs) from the TheCodeProjects website. I managed to compile previous popup blocker example (from the same author), but it was crashing when it would detect a popup.
If somebody can direct me in right direction I would appriciate.
Even examples on Microsoft website are old and It seems I cannot recreate things they do. For example:
On the microsoft website they claim that after you place simple ATL object wizard generates:
In my case, dosn't matter what options I select I get:
It looks like that you would have to redo all your aplications every time Microsoft issue a new version of VS. Doesn't sound good.
2) How different VS2005 is from VS2003?
There are nice examples on the website TheCodeProjects but I couldn't compile any of them successfuly.
I think one of the reasons is new VS2005. After I download source file, then the whole project had to be converted.
It would generated few warnings:
c:\...\basicpopupblocker\pubwhitelist\whitelist.h(71) : warning C4581: deprecated behavior: '"never"' replaced with 'never' to process attribute
c:\...\basicpopupblocker\pubwhitelist\whitelist.h(69) : warning C4581: deprecated behavior: '"apartment"' replaced with 'apartment' to process attribute
This doesn't sound right: '"apartment"' replaced with 'apartment' ... I see quote difference here, but I checked the code, didn't see any change.
... and and on the end couldn't compile. I am trying to learn from these (big time novice). It seems that New VS2005 is doing ATL differently. I couldn't (didn't know how) use any of the ATL examples (about BHOs) from the TheCodeProjects website. I managed to compile previous popup blocker example (from the same author), but it was crashing when it would detect a popup.
If somebody can direct me in right direction I would appriciate.
Even examples on Microsoft website are old and It seems I cannot recreate things they do. For example:
On the microsoft website they claim that after you place simple ATL object wizard generates:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CViewSource :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CViewSource, &CLSID_ViewSource>,
public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CViewSource>,
public IDispatchImpl<IViewSource, &IID_IViewSource,
In my case, dosn't matter what options I select I get:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSourceView :
public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CSourceView>,
public ISourceView
It looks like that you would have to redo all your aplications every time Microsoft issue a new version of VS. Doesn't sound good.