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Aug 7, 2003
Where can we find the schematic for the HDU7 ATA schematic.

Thank you,

In Alex for BC12...........

1 General
The Network Interface Unit (NIU and NIU2) is an I/O board interface for ASB 501, which has V.24 interfaces, Ethernet interface, SCSI interface (NIU), and ATA interface (NIU2).

1.1 Glossary
Ethernet A type of network cabling and signalling specifications.

Hard Disk Unit A direct access storage device connected to the SCSI bus or ATA bus. The hard disk is used for storing files, e.g. the exchange's data and program.The hard disk is formatted in the factory.

I/O Board In this document this refers to the NIU and NIU2.

Modem An electronic device for converting between digital data from a computer and an audio signal suitable for transmission over telephone lines.

X-modem A file transfer protocol used for file transfer over serial lines. Data are transferred in 128-byte packets with error detection, allowing the receiver to request retransmission of a corrupted packet.

X-ON/X-OFF Flow control mechanism in data transmission whereby the receiver sends X-OFF (the character CTRL-S) to the sender to stop transmission and X-ON (the character CTRL-Q) to resume transmission.


1.2 Acronyms
ANSI American National Standards Institute

AT ATtention. AT command set is used to control modems. AT is a de facto standard for administration of intelligent modems, i.e. modems for call and/or call acceptance.

The command set is referred to as the AT command set because each command line must start with the two-character attention character AT (or at).

AUI Attachment Unit Interface.

CCITT Commite' Consultatif International de Telegraphique et Telephonique. International consultative committee on telecommunications and Telegraphy.

DCE Data Circuit Equipment.

FTP File Transfer Protocol. A client-server protocol which allows a user to transfer files between computers over a TCP/IP network. For more information see appropriate RFC.

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

I/O API Input/Output system Application Programming Interface

IP Internet Protocol

ISO International Standardization Organization

ITU International Telecommunication Union

NIU Network Interface Unit

NIU2 Network Interface Unit

PPP Point to Point Protocol. The Internet standard for transmission of IP packets over serial lines. See appropriate RFC for more information.

SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface. A bus with a standardized interface for connection of I/O devices. SCSI is standardized by European Computer Manufacturers Association and American National Standards Institute.

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TELNET Terminal Emulation Link NETwork. The Internet standard protocol for remote terminal service over TCP/IP network. For more information see appropriate RFC.

UDP User Datagram Protocol

2 Interface in
Device interface in accordance with system ASB 501.

3 Interface out
3.1 General
The NIU/NIU2 board has the following interfaces: V.24 interface, Ethernet interface, SCSI interface (NIU) and ATA interface (NIU2).

Figure 3-1. The I/O board's different interfaces


3.2 Electrical interface
3.2.1 V.24 interface
The electrical characteristics of the V.24 interface complies with the CCITT-recommendation V.28.

3.2.2 SCSI bus interface
The electrical characteristics of the SCSI bus interface complies with the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

3.2.3 ATA bus interface
The electrical characteristics of the ATA bus interface complies with ANSI ATA standard and the Draft X3T10 / 2008D for ANSI ATA-3.

3.2.4 Ethernet interface
Ethernet is a type of network cabling and signalling specifications. The electrical characteristics of the Ethenet interface complies with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3).


3.3 Logical interface
3.3.1 V.24 interface
The V.24/DCE-interface is used for communication with ASB 501.

The communication over the interface is asynchronous, full duplex. The interface can be used for man-machine communication, e.g. local connection of a terminal or a PC for terminal traffic towards the exchange, or for machine-machine communication, e.g. connection of a modem for transfer of files, or communication with an operation and maintenance centre.

See CCITT's recommendation V.24, Blue Book, Data communication over the telephone network for a more thorough description of the V.24 interface.

Table 3-1 V.24 pins RS 232-C CCITT V.24 Circuit
AB 102 Signal ground
BA 103 Transmitted data (TXD)
BB 104 Received data (RXD)
CA 105 Request to send (RTS)
CB 106 Ready for sending (CTS)
CC 107 Data set ready (DSR)
CD 108/2 Data terminal ready (DTR)
CF 109 Data carrier detect (DCD)
Clock circuits used for synchronous communication:
DB 114 Transmitter signal element timing
DD 115 Receiver signal element timing

Hardware flow control is supported on V.24 port 1 on the NIU. Two way X-ON/X-OFF flow control is supported on all three V.24 ports on the NIU.

The following interface characteristics can be defined:

Baud rate : 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bits/second.

Parity : None, Odd, or Even.

Number of stop bits : 1, 2.

Number of data bits : 7, 8 bits.


3.3.2 SCSI bus interface
The SCSI interface is a peripheral bus interface. It is a processor-independent standard for system-level interfacing between the I/O unit and external devices.

A single controller can connect up to 7 devices.

SCSI-1 standard is supported. A subset of SCSI-1 command set is implemented.

Only asynchronous eight bits SCSI bus is supported.For further details consult the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

Table 3-2 Connector pin assignments for SCSI interface Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
A18 I/O B18 GND C18 REQ
A19 C/D B19 GND C19 SEL
A22 B22 GND C22 ATN
A24 tempwr B24 GND C24 tempwr
A25 B25 GND C25
A26 tempwr B26 GND C26 tempwr
A28 DBP B28 GND C28
A29 DB6 B29 GND C29 DB7
A30 DB4 B30 GND C30 DB5
A31 DB2 B31 GND C31 DB3
A32 DB0 B32 GND C32 DB1


3.3.3 ATA interface
The ATA interface provided in the NIU2 is based on ANSI ATA standard and the Draft X3T10 / 2008D for ANSI ATA-3.

Table 3-3 The Compact Flash connector and the assigned pins pin sig pin sig pin sig
1 GND 18 A2 35 DIOW
2 D3 19 A1 36 +5 V
3 D4 20 A0 37 IRQ_N
4 D5 21 D0 38 +5 V
5 D6 22 D1 39 GND
6 D7 23 D2 40 -
7 DCS0 24 IOSC16 41 RESET
9 GND 26 - 43 -
10 GND 27 D11 44 +5 V
11 GND 28 D12 45 DASP
12 GND 29 D13 46 PDIAG
13 +5 V 30 D14 47 D8
14 GND 31 D15 48 D9
15 GND 32 DCS1 49 D10
16 GND 33 VS1 50 GND
17 GND 34 DIOR

Table 3-4 The ATA connector and the assigned pins pin sig pin sig pin sig
A22 - B22 DCS1 C22 DD15
A23 DD6 B23 DCS0 C23 DD14
A24 SCSI_ind B24 DIOW C24 -
A25 - B25 - C25 -
A26 - B26 DD12 C26 -
A27 DD5 B27 DRESET C27 DD13
A28 DD4 B28 DA2 C28 -
A29 DD3 B29 DA1 C29 DD11
A30 DD2 B30 DA0 C30 DD10
A31 DD1 B31 GND C31 DD9
A32 DD0 B32 GND C32 DD8

3.3.4 Ethernet interface
The logical interface of the Ethernet interface complies with the ANSI/IEEE 802.3 standard.

3.4 Mechanical interface
3.4.1 V.24 interface
The mechanical interface of the V.24 interface toward attaching equipments is the DB-25 with 25 pins connector which is defined by the ISO 2110 standard.

Table 3-5 DB-25 pins connector and V.24 pins assignment Pin number (ISO2110) RS 232-C CCITT V.24 Circuit
7 AB 102 Signal ground
2 BA 103 Transmitted data (TXD)
3 BB 104 Received data (RXD)
4 CA 105 Request to send (RTS)
5 CB 106 Ready for sending (CTS)
6 CC 107 Data set ready (DSR)
20 CD 108/2 Data terminal ready (DTR)
8 CF 109 Data carrier detect (DCD)
Clock circuits used for synchronous communication:
15 DB 114 Transmitter signal element timing
17 DD 115 Receiver signal element timing

Figure 3-2. Port 1 of the V.24 interfaces

Figure 3-3. Port 2 and port 3 of the V.24 interfaces

3.4.2 SCSI bus interface
The mechanical interface of the SCSI interface complies with the SCSI-1 standard. For further details consult the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

3.4.3 Ethernet interface
The mechanical interface of the Ethernet interface complies with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3).

NIU supports 10Base-T and 10Base2 interfaces. NIU2 supports only 10Base-T interface. The 10Base2 interface is the BNC connector and the 10Base-T interface is the 8 pins RJ-45 connector.

Table 3-6 10Base2 BNC connector Pinouts BNC pin Signal NIU pin
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND
Sleave Shield/ Isol GNC
Conductor RXI/TXO 2B27
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND

Table 3-7 10BaseT RJ45 connector Pinouts RJ45 pin Signal NIU pin
1 TP_TX + 2B29
2 TP_TX - 2B30
3 TP_RX + 2B32
4 NC
5 BC
6 TP_RX - 2B31
7 NC
8 NC


3.5 Protocols

Figure 3-4. Supported protocol layers

3.5.1 Protocols in TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite
This is only available with NIU and the following protocols are supported:

TCP/IP networking over Ethernet interface and V.24 interface with PPP is supported.

TCP and UDP are available to applications in the system through the I/O API.

FTP is not available to applications in the system.

Dynamic IP address assignment is not supported.

The following IP parameters can be defined:

IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
File transfer using FTP may only take place to/from storage devices connected to an NIU/NIU2. The file transfer may only be initiated by remote machine, i.e. a FTP server is implemented on NIU.

A TELNET connection may only be initiated by remote terminal, i.e. a TELNET server is implemented on NIU/NIU2.

3.5.2 PPP
A PPP connection is initiated only by a remote machine.

The remote machine must have PPP and IP software set up. Once the physical connection is completed, PPP is established and then IP protocol stack can be started at both ends.

3.5.3 X-modem
X-modem is a protocol used for file transfer over V.24. Any of the V.24 ports can be defined for X-modem file transfer.

4 Operator interface
The NIU/NIU2 board has two LED indicators and they are used for Ethernet interface indications:

The RED LED indicator is used to indicate that there is output from the Ethernet port of the NIU.
The GREEN LED indicator is used to indicate that the Ethernet port of the NIU/NIU2 is receiving data from the network.
In Alex for BC 12..

1 General
The Network Interface Unit (NIU and NIU2) is an I/O board interface for ASB 501, which has V.24 interfaces, Ethernet interface, SCSI interface (NIU), and ATA interface (NIU2).

1.1 Glossary
Ethernet A type of network cabling and signalling specifications.

Hard Disk Unit A direct access storage device connected to the SCSI bus or ATA bus. The hard disk is used for storing files, e.g. the exchange's data and program.The hard disk is formatted in the factory.

I/O Board In this document this refers to the NIU and NIU2.

Modem An electronic device for converting between digital data from a computer and an audio signal suitable for transmission over telephone lines.

X-modem A file transfer protocol used for file transfer over serial lines. Data are transferred in 128-byte packets with error detection, allowing the receiver to request retransmission of a corrupted packet.

X-ON/X-OFF Flow control mechanism in data transmission whereby the receiver sends X-OFF (the character CTRL-S) to the sender to stop transmission and X-ON (the character CTRL-Q) to resume transmission.


1.2 Acronyms
ANSI American National Standards Institute

AT ATtention. AT command set is used to control modems. AT is a de facto standard for administration of intelligent modems, i.e. modems for call and/or call acceptance.

The command set is referred to as the AT command set because each command line must start with the two-character attention character AT (or at).

AUI Attachment Unit Interface.

CCITT Commite' Consultatif International de Telegraphique et Telephonique. International consultative committee on telecommunications and Telegraphy.

DCE Data Circuit Equipment.

FTP File Transfer Protocol. A client-server protocol which allows a user to transfer files between computers over a TCP/IP network. For more information see appropriate RFC.

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

I/O API Input/Output system Application Programming Interface

IP Internet Protocol

ISO International Standardization Organization

ITU International Telecommunication Union

NIU Network Interface Unit

NIU2 Network Interface Unit

PPP Point to Point Protocol. The Internet standard for transmission of IP packets over serial lines. See appropriate RFC for more information.

SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface. A bus with a standardized interface for connection of I/O devices. SCSI is standardized by European Computer Manufacturers Association and American National Standards Institute.

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TELNET Terminal Emulation Link NETwork. The Internet standard protocol for remote terminal service over TCP/IP network. For more information see appropriate RFC.

UDP User Datagram Protocol

2 Interface in
Device interface in accordance with system ASB 501.

3 Interface out
3.1 General
The NIU/NIU2 board has the following interfaces: V.24 interface, Ethernet interface, SCSI interface (NIU) and ATA interface (NIU2).

Figure 3-1. The I/O board's different interfaces


3.2 Electrical interface
3.2.1 V.24 interface
The electrical characteristics of the V.24 interface complies with the CCITT-recommendation V.28.

3.2.2 SCSI bus interface
The electrical characteristics of the SCSI bus interface complies with the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

3.2.3 ATA bus interface
The electrical characteristics of the ATA bus interface complies with ANSI ATA standard and the Draft X3T10 / 2008D for ANSI ATA-3.

3.2.4 Ethernet interface
Ethernet is a type of network cabling and signalling specifications. The electrical characteristics of the Ethenet interface complies with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3).


3.3 Logical interface
3.3.1 V.24 interface
The V.24/DCE-interface is used for communication with ASB 501.

The communication over the interface is asynchronous, full duplex. The interface can be used for man-machine communication, e.g. local connection of a terminal or a PC for terminal traffic towards the exchange, or for machine-machine communication, e.g. connection of a modem for transfer of files, or communication with an operation and maintenance centre.

See CCITT's recommendation V.24, Blue Book, Data communication over the telephone network for a more thorough description of the V.24 interface.

Table 3-1 V.24 pins RS 232-C CCITT V.24 Circuit
AB 102 Signal ground
BA 103 Transmitted data (TXD)
BB 104 Received data (RXD)
CA 105 Request to send (RTS)
CB 106 Ready for sending (CTS)
CC 107 Data set ready (DSR)
CD 108/2 Data terminal ready (DTR)
CF 109 Data carrier detect (DCD)
Clock circuits used for synchronous communication:
DB 114 Transmitter signal element timing
DD 115 Receiver signal element timing

Hardware flow control is supported on V.24 port 1 on the NIU. Two way X-ON/X-OFF flow control is supported on all three V.24 ports on the NIU.

The following interface characteristics can be defined:

Baud rate : 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bits/second.

Parity : None, Odd, or Even.

Number of stop bits : 1, 2.

Number of data bits : 7, 8 bits.


3.3.2 SCSI bus interface
The SCSI interface is a peripheral bus interface. It is a processor-independent standard for system-level interfacing between the I/O unit and external devices.

A single controller can connect up to 7 devices.

SCSI-1 standard is supported. A subset of SCSI-1 command set is implemented.

Only asynchronous eight bits SCSI bus is supported.For further details consult the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

Table 3-2 Connector pin assignments for SCSI interface Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
A18 I/O B18 GND C18 REQ
A19 C/D B19 GND C19 SEL
A22 B22 GND C22 ATN
A24 tempwr B24 GND C24 tempwr
A25 B25 GND C25
A26 tempwr B26 GND C26 tempwr
A28 DBP B28 GND C28
A29 DB6 B29 GND C29 DB7
A30 DB4 B30 GND C30 DB5
A31 DB2 B31 GND C31 DB3
A32 DB0 B32 GND C32 DB1


3.3.3 ATA interface
The ATA interface provided in the NIU2 is based on ANSI ATA standard and the Draft X3T10 / 2008D for ANSI ATA-3.

Table 3-3 The Compact Flash connector and the assigned pins pin sig pin sig pin sig
1 GND 18 A2 35 DIOW
2 D3 19 A1 36 +5 V
3 D4 20 A0 37 IRQ_N
4 D5 21 D0 38 +5 V
5 D6 22 D1 39 GND
6 D7 23 D2 40 -
7 DCS0 24 IOSC16 41 RESET
9 GND 26 - 43 -
10 GND 27 D11 44 +5 V
11 GND 28 D12 45 DASP
12 GND 29 D13 46 PDIAG
13 +5 V 30 D14 47 D8
14 GND 31 D15 48 D9
15 GND 32 DCS1 49 D10
16 GND 33 VS1 50 GND
17 GND 34 DIOR

Table 3-4 The ATA connector and the assigned pins pin sig pin sig pin sig
A22 - B22 DCS1 C22 DD15
A23 DD6 B23 DCS0 C23 DD14
A24 SCSI_ind B24 DIOW C24 -
A25 - B25 - C25 -
A26 - B26 DD12 C26 -
A27 DD5 B27 DRESET C27 DD13
A28 DD4 B28 DA2 C28 -
A29 DD3 B29 DA1 C29 DD11
A30 DD2 B30 DA0 C30 DD10
A31 DD1 B31 GND C31 DD9
A32 DD0 B32 GND C32 DD8

3.3.4 Ethernet interface
The logical interface of the Ethernet interface complies with the ANSI/IEEE 802.3 standard.

3.4 Mechanical interface
3.4.1 V.24 interface
The mechanical interface of the V.24 interface toward attaching equipments is the DB-25 with 25 pins connector which is defined by the ISO 2110 standard.

Table 3-5 DB-25 pins connector and V.24 pins assignment Pin number (ISO2110) RS 232-C CCITT V.24 Circuit
7 AB 102 Signal ground
2 BA 103 Transmitted data (TXD)
3 BB 104 Received data (RXD)
4 CA 105 Request to send (RTS)
5 CB 106 Ready for sending (CTS)
6 CC 107 Data set ready (DSR)
20 CD 108/2 Data terminal ready (DTR)
8 CF 109 Data carrier detect (DCD)
Clock circuits used for synchronous communication:
15 DB 114 Transmitter signal element timing
17 DD 115 Receiver signal element timing

Figure 3-2. Port 1 of the V.24 interfaces

Figure 3-3. Port 2 and port 3 of the V.24 interfaces

3.4.2 SCSI bus interface
The mechanical interface of the SCSI interface complies with the SCSI-1 standard. For further details consult the ANSI X3T9.2 SCSI standard.

3.4.3 Ethernet interface
The mechanical interface of the Ethernet interface complies with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3).

NIU supports 10Base-T and 10Base2 interfaces. NIU2 supports only 10Base-T interface. The 10Base2 interface is the BNC connector and the 10Base-T interface is the 8 pins RJ-45 connector.

Table 3-6 10Base2 BNC connector Pinouts BNC pin Signal NIU pin
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND
Sleave Shield/ Isol GNC
Conductor RXI/TXO 2B27
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND
Sleave Shield/ Isol GND

Table 3-7 10BaseT RJ45 connector Pinouts RJ45 pin Signal NIU pin
1 TP_TX + 2B29
2 TP_TX - 2B30
3 TP_RX + 2B32
4 NC
5 BC
6 TP_RX - 2B31
7 NC
8 NC


3.5 Protocols

Figure 3-4. Supported protocol layers

3.5.1 Protocols in TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite
This is only available with NIU and the following protocols are supported:

TCP/IP networking over Ethernet interface and V.24 interface with PPP is supported.

TCP and UDP are available to applications in the system through the I/O API.

FTP is not available to applications in the system.

Dynamic IP address assignment is not supported.

The following IP parameters can be defined:

IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
File transfer using FTP may only take place to/from storage devices connected to an NIU/NIU2. The file transfer may only be initiated by remote machine, i.e. a FTP server is implemented on NIU.

A TELNET connection may only be initiated by remote terminal, i.e. a TELNET server is implemented on NIU/NIU2.

3.5.2 PPP
A PPP connection is initiated only by a remote machine.

The remote machine must have PPP and IP software set up. Once the physical connection is completed, PPP is established and then IP protocol stack can be started at both ends.

3.5.3 X-modem
X-modem is a protocol used for file transfer over V.24. Any of the V.24 ports can be defined for X-modem file transfer.

4 Operator interface
The NIU/NIU2 board has two LED indicators and they are used for Ethernet interface indications:

The RED LED indicator is used to indicate that there is output from the Ethernet port of the NIU.
The GREEN LED indicator is used to indicate that the Ethernet port of the NIU/NIU2 is receiving data from the network.
In Alex...........
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