Hello everybody !
I have a design question related to async. beans in WebSphere cluster
I'm running on each cluster member async bean marked as deamon.
The logic must be that only one of cluster members must actually perform some action in async. bean , while others do not perform it.
If performing member is crashed - one of remaining cluster members will start to perform it.
What is important is that only one will do the job , while others will wait
I have currently a solution where I synchronize all running async. beans using DB , but I'm looking for better solution
Maybe someone can propose any other pattern how to achieve such goal ?
I know that WebSphere uses DCS. Is there a way to know from java code who is currently an coordinator in cluster ?
I can use this knowledge for solving this problem as well
Thanks in advance
I have a design question related to async. beans in WebSphere cluster
I'm running on each cluster member async bean marked as deamon.
The logic must be that only one of cluster members must actually perform some action in async. bean , while others do not perform it.
If performing member is crashed - one of remaining cluster members will start to perform it.
What is important is that only one will do the job , while others will wait
I have currently a solution where I synchronize all running async. beans using DB , but I'm looking for better solution
Maybe someone can propose any other pattern how to achieve such goal ?
I know that WebSphere uses DCS. Is there a way to know from java code who is currently an coordinator in cluster ?
I can use this knowledge for solving this problem as well
Thanks in advance