Asterisk MeetMe module not found after install?
So, I know that in order to use MeetMe, I need a timer and I do not have any Digium Zaptel Interfaces to do the timing for me. Therefore, I need use ztdummy. I have Linux Kernal 2.6.9-22.EL, so I do not need the usb_uhci module (according to When I completed this process, it did not place the module under the module directory. Here are the steps that I did:
1) Downloaded recent version of ZapTel from (Zaptel 1.2.14)
2) Uncommented ztdummy from the Makefile:
Find this line: MODULES:=zaptel tor2 torisa wcusb wcfxo wctdm wctdm24xxp \
ztdynamic ztd-eth wct1xxp wct4xxp wcte11xp pciradio \
ztd-loc # ztdummy
And change it to: MODULES:=zaptel tor2 torisa wcusb wcfxo wctdm wctdm24xxp \
ztdynamic ztd-eth wct1xxp wct4xxp wcte11xp pciradio \
ztd-loc ztdummy
3) Started the install for ZapTel:
cd zaptel-1.2.14/
make install
make install-udev
modprobe ztdummy (nothing came back with this, but I checked to see if the ztdummy module was loaded)
/root/zaptel-1.2.14 # lsmod | grep zt
ztdummy 3848 0
zaptel 201732 1 ztdummy
4) I rebuilt my Asterisk 1.4.0 Server
cd asterisk-1-4.0
make clean
make install
5) So, at this point I finished without any errors, however, I do not see the "" module under /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Since it's not there, it will not load the module when Asterisk starts up. The key thing here is that I did "uncomment" ztdummy from the Makefile. I seen a similiar posting on mailing list about this exact problem and the response was to uncomment ztdummy from the make file. :?
My question .... is there any additional step(s) that need to be done, install, or configured to get this going? And can I just download the module and place it in my module directory for Asterisk? I tried to Google this and see if I could download this file directly, but doesn't seem to be out there.
Any help and suggestions with this would be very grateful? Please help!
Thanks in advanced
So, I know that in order to use MeetMe, I need a timer and I do not have any Digium Zaptel Interfaces to do the timing for me. Therefore, I need use ztdummy. I have Linux Kernal 2.6.9-22.EL, so I do not need the usb_uhci module (according to When I completed this process, it did not place the module under the module directory. Here are the steps that I did:
1) Downloaded recent version of ZapTel from (Zaptel 1.2.14)
2) Uncommented ztdummy from the Makefile:
Find this line: MODULES:=zaptel tor2 torisa wcusb wcfxo wctdm wctdm24xxp \
ztdynamic ztd-eth wct1xxp wct4xxp wcte11xp pciradio \
ztd-loc # ztdummy
And change it to: MODULES:=zaptel tor2 torisa wcusb wcfxo wctdm wctdm24xxp \
ztdynamic ztd-eth wct1xxp wct4xxp wcte11xp pciradio \
ztd-loc ztdummy
3) Started the install for ZapTel:
cd zaptel-1.2.14/
make install
make install-udev
modprobe ztdummy (nothing came back with this, but I checked to see if the ztdummy module was loaded)
/root/zaptel-1.2.14 # lsmod | grep zt
ztdummy 3848 0
zaptel 201732 1 ztdummy
4) I rebuilt my Asterisk 1.4.0 Server
cd asterisk-1-4.0
make clean
make install
5) So, at this point I finished without any errors, however, I do not see the "" module under /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Since it's not there, it will not load the module when Asterisk starts up. The key thing here is that I did "uncomment" ztdummy from the Makefile. I seen a similiar posting on mailing list about this exact problem and the response was to uncomment ztdummy from the make file. :?
My question .... is there any additional step(s) that need to be done, install, or configured to get this going? And can I just download the module and place it in my module directory for Asterisk? I tried to Google this and see if I could download this file directly, but doesn't seem to be out there.
Any help and suggestions with this would be very grateful? Please help!
Thanks in advanced