I'm back...
I fixed this stored procedure the way George taught me but now I want to add some more code. I'm summing columns from the temp table and want those outputs to go into the T2counts table. Where would I place this bit of code in the below procedure?
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.pendinfo1 + t.pendinfo2 + t.pendinfo3) AS pendinfo
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)d
ON n.doc = d.doc
(SELECT t.doc, sum(t. PendFOover1 + t.PendFOover2 + t.PendFOover3) as pendfo300
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)f
ON n.doc = f.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend1 + t.foddspend2 + t.foddspend3 + t.pendinDDS1) AS totalpendover300
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)g
on n.doc= g.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend4 + t.foddspend5 + t.foddspend6 + t.pendinDDS2) AS totalpendover350
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)h
ON n.doc = h.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend7 + t.foddspend8 + t.foddspend9 + t.pendinDDS3) AS totalpendover399
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)j
ON n.doc = j.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend10 + t.foddspend11 + t.foddspend12 + t.pendinDDS4) AS totalpendover400
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)k
ON n.doc = k.doc
This is the orginal query I want to add the above code to this query.
Truncate Table T2Counts
insert T2Counts
select n.doc,
ISNULL(PendinDDS, 0) AS PendinDDS,
ISNULL(PendinPSC,0) AS PendinPSC,
ISNULL(PendDDSover300,0) AS PendDDSover300,
ISNULL(Pendinfo,0) AS Pendinfo,
ISNULL(Pendfo300,0) AS Pendfo300,
ISNULL(totalpendover300,0) AS totalpendover300,
ISNULL(totalpendover350, 0) AS totalpendover350,
ISNULL(totalpendover399, 0) AS totalpendover399,
ISNULL(totalpendover400, 0) AS totalpendover400
from natdocfile n
left join
(Select t.doc,
and LEFT(Org_Id,1) IN ('R','S','V')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End ), 0) as PendinDDS,
and LEFT(Org_Id,1) IN ('R','S','V')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq1,
--pending in the PSC
ISNULL(count(Case When DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and left (org_id, 1) IN ('P')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End), 0) as PendinPSC,
Max(case When DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and left (org_id, 1) IN ('P')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq2,
ISNULL(Count(Case when DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and (org_id like '[RS]%')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End), 0) as PendDDSover300,
Max(Case when DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and (org_id like '[RS]%')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq3
from t2dibpend t
Left Join seb2a21.specnew.dbo.people as People
On t.clmn = People.ssn
and People.completedt is null
group by t.doc) a
on n.doc = a.doc
I fixed this stored procedure the way George taught me but now I want to add some more code. I'm summing columns from the temp table and want those outputs to go into the T2counts table. Where would I place this bit of code in the below procedure?
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.pendinfo1 + t.pendinfo2 + t.pendinfo3) AS pendinfo
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)d
ON n.doc = d.doc
(SELECT t.doc, sum(t. PendFOover1 + t.PendFOover2 + t.PendFOover3) as pendfo300
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)f
ON n.doc = f.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend1 + t.foddspend2 + t.foddspend3 + t.pendinDDS1) AS totalpendover300
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)g
on n.doc= g.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend4 + t.foddspend5 + t.foddspend6 + t.pendinDDS2) AS totalpendover350
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)h
ON n.doc = h.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend7 + t.foddspend8 + t.foddspend9 + t.pendinDDS3) AS totalpendover399
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)j
ON n.doc = j.doc
left join
(SELECT t.doc, SUM(t.foddspend10 + t.foddspend11 + t.foddspend12 + t.pendinDDS4) AS totalpendover400
FROM #temppd) t
GROUP BY t.doc)k
ON n.doc = k.doc
This is the orginal query I want to add the above code to this query.
Truncate Table T2Counts
insert T2Counts
select n.doc,
ISNULL(PendinDDS, 0) AS PendinDDS,
ISNULL(PendinPSC,0) AS PendinPSC,
ISNULL(PendDDSover300,0) AS PendDDSover300,
ISNULL(Pendinfo,0) AS Pendinfo,
ISNULL(Pendfo300,0) AS Pendfo300,
ISNULL(totalpendover300,0) AS totalpendover300,
ISNULL(totalpendover350, 0) AS totalpendover350,
ISNULL(totalpendover399, 0) AS totalpendover399,
ISNULL(totalpendover400, 0) AS totalpendover400
from natdocfile n
left join
(Select t.doc,
and LEFT(Org_Id,1) IN ('R','S','V')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End ), 0) as PendinDDS,
and LEFT(Org_Id,1) IN ('R','S','V')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq1,
--pending in the PSC
ISNULL(count(Case When DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and left (org_id, 1) IN ('P')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End), 0) as PendinPSC,
Max(case When DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and left (org_id, 1) IN ('P')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq2,
ISNULL(Count(Case when DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and (org_id like '[RS]%')
and People.ssn is not null
Then t.clmn End), 0) as PendDDSover300,
Max(Case when DIB_MVT_TYP='R'
and (org_id like '[RS]%')
and People.ssn is not null
Then dib_mvt_seq_num End) as MaxSeq3
from t2dibpend t
Left Join seb2a21.specnew.dbo.people as People
On t.clmn = People.ssn
and People.completedt is null
group by t.doc) a
on n.doc = a.doc