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Assistance with Learning VFP 9

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May 27, 1999
I am new to VFP but have had experience with other systems of a lowlier nature. My problem is I am having trouble finding books or information on the product in Australia. If you know of anywhere I could look I would certainly appreciate it.
Hello Spook011<br>
Since I have never been to Australia, or even the west coast of the USA, I can't really tell you what book store to go to.... !!! But, you can go on-line to AMAZON.COM and type "visual foxpro" into the search engine to pull up all the foxpro books they sell. You should get a good cross-section of books. I believe they ship anywhere in the world<br>
AMAZON.COM is the best place. I just purchased "Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 6.0". It has a heafty price tag, but anything and everything you will need is in this book. Good luck
Hi Spook001,<br>
If you are looking for help and advice on VFP, you should visit Universal Thread web site. It is THE web site on VFP<br>
As a member (free of charge) you can ask questions to the VFP community (the top guys in VFP are members).<br>
Hope this can help.
I have been a long time user of FoxPro but I am new to the Visual version and I agree with you that there are very few educational resources available. I have purchased many of the top rated books from Amazon and other places and they have not been very helpful principally because they do not include good examples. I have found the help that came with MSDN to be very short on examples, also. I was very disappointed in the Hacker's Guide especially because it was expensive but chiefly because it too has very few examples of the code that I needed. I have been frustrated in finding any clear, working examples of adding Active X controls to a form and all of the examples that I have found on creating a one-to-many form have not worked. I guess I miss the old days when more than one magazine was available on FoxPro and the number of FoxPro books filled a shelf at the book store.<br>
If anybody knows of any resources where there are useful examples, including Web sites, CD's, books, etc., please share.
I fill very much like pfs (visitor), but worse, beacause Im a Clipper programmer who was said that VFP was the better way to migrate to Windows, and later I hadnt obtain any help to even initiate in VFP 5.0 PRO, which I purchase. Later they tell me VPT 6.0 is better, but I dont beleave its true.<br>
Its also difficult to me to write in English.<br>
Do anyone knows where I can find help in Spanish?<br>
Thanks to anybody who could share.
I am having the same problem--finding books, documentaion, help and advice on VFP Version 5. After searching (web), I found a link from Amazon to QUE, where I found 'Using Visual FoxPro 5'. It has a CD with coded programs, and the book,<br>
(900 pages) is the most helpful yet, but certainly does not have everyones' answers.<br>
The CD also has a resource section (mostly for purchase). It is also less expensive,<br>
$35 as opposed to $50 at Amazon.<br>
The web address is <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> It may help, but just like any documentation, does not address all possibilities. Learning the jargon of Object<br>
Oriented Programming, and all the terminology (API, Classes, instantiate!!!, and the<br>
bucketsful of others) is more important than Basic coding. Progress... (Sure!).<br>
<A HREF="mailto:kcat@pld.com">kcat@pld.com</A>
Dear spook001 I am also in Australia(SYD), and am a trainee VFP programmer.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is quite hard to find information on VFP, but try the fox pro advisor magazine, which is <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> that's where I get most of my information from.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, soon, the MCSD for visual fox pro will be coming out in AUS.&nbsp;&nbsp;They say it's already out here, but I haven't found any computer training company that trains in VFP.&nbsp;&nbsp;But soon there will be, so if you are pursuing a career in VFP I'ld suggest keeping up to date with MCSD.&nbsp;&nbsp;I myself am following the MCSE path at present.&nbsp;&nbsp;But for now stick with advisor, and the internet to get information about VFP.
Since I posted a simular qestion a few days ago I have found through the help of this group <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> purchased three books from this company.&nbsp;&nbsp;Whats great about it is I'm waiting for the books to be mailed to me but to begin with I got all books on line.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have started working with the books right away.&nbsp;&nbsp;Its like getting a 2 for 1 deal.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have found the books to be very well written.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>
AppDev.com gives good study materials for VFP6. But it is costly $495 for the whole material. But I think it is worth.<br>
I found AppDev's study materials absolutely worthless.&nbsp;&nbsp;There is little example about code and is basically a high level overview of what fox pro can do.&nbsp;&nbsp;They did a poor job.
Maybe we should conduct some focused on-line training for those interested.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are a number of folks here with a lot of VFP experience, so if we shared the load, it might be useful to quite a few without being an individual burden.&nbsp;&nbsp;We could use the results to beef up the VFP FAQ here at Tek-Tips.<br> <p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br>
Robert,<br>I'm interested.&nbsp;&nbsp;What do you mean by &quot;on-line training&quot;?<br>What do you have in mind?<br>John Durbin
Well, trying to be practical, I don't mean &quot;real-time on-line&quot;. <br><br>One idea:&nbsp;&nbsp;the VFP newcomers, or those who feel they are weak in some areas, propose some topics that they would like to see addressed.&nbsp;&nbsp;These topics should be fairly narrow so that we don't spend a whole week just developing the material.&nbsp;&nbsp;An example might be: how to make a grid resize when its form resizes; how to populate a grid at runtime; how to translate a 2.6 screen into a VFP form.<br><br>Then, assuming we want to stay within the Tek-Tips framework, we could start a thread with that topic, and each of us could contribute a bit of knowledge on the subject.&nbsp;&nbsp;Members can ask follow-ups in the thread to ensure nothing is left hanging.&nbsp;&nbsp;When the thread becomes stale, one of us takes the key points from the thread and makes a FAQ entry from it.<br><br>This is just off the top of my pointy head, so there are probably better approaches.&nbsp;&nbsp;As a long time Foxer, I want the product to succeed, and to do that we need to bring in new recruits and get them up to speed as soon as possible.&nbsp;&nbsp;Its in our best interests that newcomers to VFP don't give up in frustration. <p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br>
Absolutely.&nbsp;&nbsp;New people are the life line of anything successful.&nbsp;&nbsp;How bout we start with a FAQ?&nbsp;&nbsp;There is zero there now last time I checked.&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's start with maybe 10 FAQ's;&nbsp;&nbsp;work on them together or separate whatever and post them.&nbsp;&nbsp;Here's a few topics off my head:<br>Cannont Quit Visual FoxPro (just saw that one)<br>Error handling in VFP (simplified)<br>VFP vs VB vs Access<br>Creating an OLE Server<br>Links - MS Knowledgebase, Articles, UT, etc though it may be considered tacky to suggest similar forums here - I dunno<br>Downloads - from Links (hosted at - anyone?)<br>Password Encryption for password fields<br>SPT & Remote Views<br>Best Books<br>Best 3rd Party Products<br><br>What do you think?<br>JOhn Durbin
I think all of those would be great, with the possible exception of Links, and only because some sites have a tendency to age or move much of the material (MS seems to be the worst), thus breaking the links.<br><br>The downside to going straight-to-FAQ is that it prevents us from collaborating on it.&nbsp;&nbsp;While I might be skilled in, say, using the Widget control on forms, you or Dave or whoever might have special insight or experience using the Widget control that I do not.&nbsp;&nbsp;If I wrote the Widget FAQ alone (as it presumably would be, since FAQs are submitted by individual members), it would not allow for others to contribute, and would prevent Widget novices from asking probing questions to flush out the topic.<br><br>Hence, my reasoning that we start each topic as threads, then package/edit them into a FAQ after the topic is exhausted.<br><br> <p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br>
Yes, I meant that.&nbsp;&nbsp;Go ahead and post a question to start a thread of your choice if you want.&nbsp;&nbsp;We could also use ICQ to work out the FAQ's instead of working them out here if you like.&nbsp;&nbsp;Makes no matter to me.<br>JOhn Durbin
I completely agree learning materials for VFP are lacking.&nbsp;&nbsp;When I started learning FoxPro 2.6 I had a hands on workbook, which got me up and running immediately.&nbsp;&nbsp;I currently have about 8 VFP 6.0 books, and a video series, and still can't get much done.&nbsp;&nbsp;I use VFP 6.0, but the only resource I return to is Miriam Liskins VFP3 expert solutions.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Steve
I sadly purchased a hackers guide to visual foxpro. A complete waste of $75 from Amazon.com. The Author starts every other sentence with a stupid quote. He must think a lot of himself. If this clown spent some time trying to explain VFP and showed some usable examples instead of dumb quotes it could have made the cost more explainable. I came from FoxPro 2.5 and I am still trying to figure out what in the world a DataBase Container is and why dbf's are now tables. Maybe this &quot;Author&quot; has some stupid quote he can put in about this. I am very unhappy that I wasted the money on that book
I must admit prgrammers make lousy joke tellers.&nbsp;&nbsp;That reminds me of a 24 page, 2 color monthly publication where many articles are not fully covered (ie:&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;extended&quot;) and some extended articles arent printed at all or barely.&nbsp;&nbsp;But the author enjoys taking a full page or more with his &quot;humorous&quot; stuff.&nbsp;&nbsp;At basically $5 an issue I'd reather see an informative article &quot;unextended&quot; than his pitiful attempts at humor at the cost of paper space.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>That is book highly recommened for developers already familiar with VFP.&nbsp;&nbsp;I appreciate your post.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's too easy to &quot;ohh&quot; and &quot;ahh&quot; over an author because of their name and not give an honest opinion, much less criticism.&nbsp;&nbsp;Not that everyone will agree with you but at least you are not afraid to say, &quot;The emperor has no clothes&quot; and I respect that.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm sure you'll be able to sell the book at least for something if you decide to on ebay or some auction site.&nbsp;&nbsp;I think the VFP 6 MS Developers Guide would be better for you or search for fundamental or basic books.&nbsp;&nbsp;That is a &quot;hacker's&quot; book.&nbsp;&nbsp; <p>John Durbin<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= Certified Professional VFP Programmer</a><br>ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
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