Hello FoxPro Experts,
I want to use the contents of lcFilename to name or create a file and copy report numbers from a Db field to that file.
...displays 20081205_IVR. So far so good.
Used this way or as 'lcFilename' with quotation marks, it still names the file lcFilename rather than 20081205_IVR. (SDF creates a System Data File with 51 chars/line and other characteristics.)
Any suggestions? I tried creating it locally with AR-PostingFile = fcreate(lcfilename) but it's just trading one variable for another, same problem.
With Rename I ran into the same problem of assigning the contents of the variable to the filename.
Thank you,
I want to use the contents of lcFilename to name or create a file and copy report numbers from a Db field to that file.
lcToday = dtos(Date())
lcFilename = lcToday + "_IVR"
? lcFilename
...displays 20081205_IVR. So far so good.
copy to \\Web\H\Remit\KEY\lcFilename SDF FIELDS email_conf FOR clientid = 'KEY' and !empty(confirmati) and posting_dt = Date()
Used this way or as 'lcFilename' with quotation marks, it still names the file lcFilename rather than 20081205_IVR. (SDF creates a System Data File with 51 chars/line and other characteristics.)
Any suggestions? I tried creating it locally with AR-PostingFile = fcreate(lcfilename) but it's just trading one variable for another, same problem.
With Rename I ran into the same problem of assigning the contents of the variable to the filename.
Thank you,