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Aspect voice mail response

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Technical User
Oct 10, 2003
Trying to setup report with report runner/writer 2.1 that would show voice mail response time. I know there is stock report in report runner which shows this, but don't like as there is no call detail just 1 line summary. I would like to be able to see "call detail" on calls taht go to VM. msenvelope table shows arrival_time and create_time and even review_status, but no wherein a table can I find "review time" or any other field taht would assist in tying in message in time to message responsed time.
We are setup to send VMs automatically to an agent group.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is far more detail than you require but at least it will offer an understanding of the Voicemail and mailbox reporting in Aspect.

Reporting on Voicemails and Customer Messaging
on the Aspect ACD system.

First please be aware that I do not profess to be an expert on the Aspect reporting system. This is document instead details my current understanding of the system and how best to report on voice messages and customer messaging. If you know a better way of doing things then please let me know.

To report on Voice messaging and Customer Messaging is a nightmare as there is nothing that clearly ties up a call which came into the voicemail system and a call that is picked up from an agent on the voicemail system. However there are certain reports that can be used to tie these calls together a accurately as possible.

However before we discuss these methods it is important to first the different voicemails that can be left on the system.

Voicemail left - This is a caller ringing a direct extension on the system or a call flow which sends the message to a specific mailbox.

Customer Messaging (Non-Force feed) - This is where a call flow has a voicemail facility where the call is left for a specific agent group but these messages are not forced on the analysts. I.e. they must press the Message key to listen to the call. This is set within the Agent Group Setting where ‘Automatically Send Customer Messages to Any Available Agent’ is ticked off.

This is far more difficult to report on when a message was listened to (reasons why will be discussed later) therefore unless you have a specific reason for doing this then it is strongly advised you force feed the customer message (see below).

Customer Messaging (Force feed) - This is where a call flow has a voicemail facility where the call is left for a specific agent group and the messages are forced on the analysts. I.e. the message will directly play to the next available analyst. This is set within the Agent Group Setting where ‘Automatically Send Customer Messages to Any Available Agent’ is ticked on.

Reporting on Voicemails and the Mailbox

To report of the Mailbox (only way of seeing Voicemails) The table to be used is the MSENVELOPE table this is very difficult to obtain useful information as the arrival_time field in seconds from the 1st of January 1970 (UNIX time).

The best way of calculating this is to write the following formulae in Crystal Reports (Please note Report Writer doesn’t’ have this function..


Where XXX is the arrival_time field.

If however you still are using are using Report Writer you need to calculate it in Excel. So Here is a typical result from the arrival_time field. 1,027,575,296

Working out the date the message arrived :


Where A1 is the arrival_time figure. This returns the date 25/07/2002.

Working out the hour it arrived :


Where A1 is the arrival_time figure. This returns the hour 5.58

However we must integer it to a valid figure =INT(A3)

Working out the Minute it arrive :


Where A3 is the hour the call arrived before it was converted to an integer (5.58)
This gives the answer of 35.

The Final Answer :

Finally we can then combine the above figures as follows to give our answer :

=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2,"dd/mm/yyyy")," ",B3,":",A4)

Where A2 is the Date (25/07/2002).
Where B3 is the Integer calculation of the hour (5).
Where A4 is the number of minutes (35)

This gives the final answer of 25/07/2002 5:35 . As with any calculation of this type there may be a couple of seconds discrepancy however it is more than accurate for its required purpose.

Once we have we can reference the rest on the report:

DESTINATION_ID = Who the received the voicemail.

QUEUED_STATUS = A 1 denotes this message is currently is the message still queued (not listened to). If there is a 1 also by REVIEWED_STATUS then it has been listened to but is still saved on the analysts mailbox.

REVIEWED_STATUS = A 1 denotes that this message has been listened to by the analyst. If there is no 1 denoted in the QUEUED_STATUS then it has been deleted.

WUA = This will show where possible the number of the caller who left the message.

Finally a good tip that is not often known by people who use Aspect. When an analyst has listened to a message there is a soft key button on the teleset called ENVELOPE. This can be pressed by the user to tell them exactly when the call came in.

Reporting on Customer Messaging (Non-Force feed)

Telling When a Call Arrives :

The best way of reporting when a customer call came in is to have message component on a separate Call flow and application. If this isn’t possible or desirable, then by adding a ‘set variable’ step in the callflow can be used and using this to report on.

To work out when a message arrived use the following under a the Call Detail or Call Today table (Trunk Detail is a good template to use).

The following formulae can then be used …

IF {Call Detail.Application Number} = XXX then DayTime({Call Detail.Origination Time}) else ""

Where XXX is the applications number the message uses.

To calculate the length of the message left you can use the following formulae:

IF {Call Detail.Application Number} = XXX and {Call Detail.Talk Time}]0 then HrsMinsSecs({Call Detail.Talk Time}) else ""

Where XXX is the applications number the message uses.

To calculate when a call was listened to by the analyst :

IF {Call Detail.Call Type}=5 then DayTime({Call Detail.Origination Time}) else ""

Call Type 5 is working out when the given analyst pressed the MESSAGE key on the Teleset. However there is no way of telling on this report whether the analyst was listening to which message or any at tall.

Reporting on Customer Messaging (Force feed):

The same formulae’s can be used above Customer Messaging to work out when the message was left. However for calculating when the analyst listened to the call. You must put the following formulae:

IF {Call Detail.Call Type}=6 then DayTime({Call Detail.Origination Time}) else ""

This is far better to tell as you know that as soon as an analyst became available they were able to take the call and so can tie this up as the message will be listened to within a few minutes of it being left. Of course if you analysts agent group work in a multi client environment and receive lots of Customer Messages this again becomes very difficult to pin down a particular call. You can however look at all voicemail activity to track this still further.


Unfortunately there is no clear and easy answer when looking at Voicemails and customer messaging but at least this document will hopefully give a clearer understanding on how to report on them.

Nice post Drisk! I would suggest fleshing that out and making it a Voicemail Reporting FAQ. Some good info in there.
thank you very much for the info Drisk
No problem let us know how you get on or any further queries you may have.
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