Hi...I use a dll which is suposs to create an excel file. The code is this..
sRuta = "\\horus\BaseDatos\reportes\"
sNombreHoja = "Resultado"
sNombreObjeto = "andres"
sNombreObjeto = sRuta & sNombreObjeto & ".xls"
Dim apl As Excel.Application
Dim libro As Excel.Workbook
Dim hoja As Excel.Worksheet
Dim hoja1 As Excel.Worksheet
Set apl = Excel.Application
Set libro = apl.Workbooks.Add
Set hoja = libro.Worksheets.Add
hoja.Name = sNombreHoja
For i = 1 To 10
hoja.Cells(1, i) = 4
Next i
If Dir(sNombreObjeto, vbArchive) <> "" Then Kill sNombreObjeto
libro.SaveAs sNombreObjeto
Set apl = Nothing
Set libro = Nothing
Set hoja = Nothing
Set hoja1 = Nothing
it works fine locally, but when it's run from the webserver i Got an error an the following log event code in the event viewer:
Event Id=10010
The server {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
Could you help me please!!!
sRuta = "\\horus\BaseDatos\reportes\"
sNombreHoja = "Resultado"
sNombreObjeto = "andres"
sNombreObjeto = sRuta & sNombreObjeto & ".xls"
Dim apl As Excel.Application
Dim libro As Excel.Workbook
Dim hoja As Excel.Worksheet
Dim hoja1 As Excel.Worksheet
Set apl = Excel.Application
Set libro = apl.Workbooks.Add
Set hoja = libro.Worksheets.Add
hoja.Name = sNombreHoja
For i = 1 To 10
hoja.Cells(1, i) = 4
Next i
If Dir(sNombreObjeto, vbArchive) <> "" Then Kill sNombreObjeto
libro.SaveAs sNombreObjeto
Set apl = Nothing
Set libro = Nothing
Set hoja = Nothing
Set hoja1 = Nothing
it works fine locally, but when it's run from the webserver i Got an error an the following log event code in the event viewer:
Event Id=10010
The server {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
Could you help me please!!!