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ASP to output text in access blob field containing RTF tagged text

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May 4, 2006
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

I have a simple asp page that is outputting text from a blob field in an access database. The output on the site looks like this:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\fs20\lang1033 ADE participated in the formulation of the Village Support Program (VSP) which seeks to improve the living conditions of Guinea s rural population by increasing access to basic infrastructure and services in a more efficient and sustainable way. A major instrument to achieve this objective will be the decentralisation of decision-making, resources and responsibilities at the community level. The program will strengthen fiscal, administrative, and political decentralisation, and, thereby, reinforce the capacity of the Communaut\ e9s Rurales de Developpement (CRDs) and other local institutions to design, implement, finance, operate and maintain priority rural infrastructure. It will also develop the capacity of villages to play an active role in the operation, maintenance and management of the newly established infrastructure. The program will be demand-driven and use matching grants to fund priority investments identified by local communities. The Project, as the first phase of the longer term program, would be limited in scope and support a limited range of infrastructure investments to help simplify planning, execution and technical backstopping. By adopting a flexible implementation strategy it would, in turn, allow new approaches to be tested, new systems/procedures to be developed and the necessary people to be trained. The M&E expert provided by ADE was to design an M&E system taking into account these features and define indicators and triggers accordingly. A logical framework was drawn up. The institutional set-up, staffing and costs of the system were determined for the first phase of the project. \par }

Obviously I want it to output the formatted text not the rtf tags as well? Do I need to configure my IIS to support rtf text? Do I need an ocx? Or do I need to handle the output in asp differently than as now with a normal response.write?

//The functions to open a new window with the info of a project is:

var childEYPWindow

function openEYPtWindow (url)
if (childEYPWindow)
childEYPWindow = window.open (url,"EYP","dependent,width=450,height=550,toolbar=no,resizable=no,titlebar=no,status=no,scrollbars,left=0,top=0");

function closeEYPtWindow()
if (childEYPWindow)

function openr(code)
url = "Company_eypExt.asp?Field=" + document.forms[0].elements['Field'].value + "&Service=" + document.forms[0].elements['Service'].value + "&Region=" + document.forms[0].elements['Region'].value + "&Number_A=" + code
openEYPtWindow (url)

//The SQL selection:

sql = "select Number_A, Title, [Long Description], Country, [Begin Date], [End Date], [Field of Expertise], Client from AdeMaster " & _
"where (IsDate([End Date])) and (InStr([services], '" & Service & "') > 0 and " & _
"InStr([Field of Expertise], '" & Field & "' ) > 0)"

//The blob field that contains rtf tags is
[Long Description]

So how to I show the formatted text correctly, now is a mess each window that opens show as you could see above the rtf tags in it.

Highly appretiate if someone can explain what went wrong here...

THanks in advance guys

Suggest you start by reading faq222-2244 for guidance on forum usage, and for finding the right forum
.... Unless this is a bit of VB6 from the lesson I missed!

If you want the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first.
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