hi...i am having trouble with the syntax in my sql statement...im trying to send date from one table to another...here is what i have...
<% @ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
Dim connection
Dim name
Dim sSQL
Dim sConnString
sSQL = "Insert into users_tbl select name from (select name from tempusers_tbl tb where NOT EXISTS (select null from users_tbl where name = tb.name))"
Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
sConnString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("users.mdb") & ";"
connection.Open sConnString
Set connection = Nothing
it would be much appriciated if someone can help...thanks for your time...
<% @ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
Dim connection
Dim name
Dim sSQL
Dim sConnString
sSQL = "Insert into users_tbl select name from (select name from tempusers_tbl tb where NOT EXISTS (select null from users_tbl where name = tb.name))"
Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
sConnString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("users.mdb") & ";"
connection.Open sConnString
Set connection = Nothing
it would be much appriciated if someone can help...thanks for your time...