I have a problem when i am trying to query table that have space in the name. For eg i have table "part master". when i use a asp page to query this table it gives me an error
the script that have written is as shown below
<meta NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
Dim objConn
Set objConn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=test"
' this gives an error on execute here part master is a table
' name
mysql ="SELECT * FROM [part master];"
set rstemp=objconn.execute(mysql)
if rstemp.eof then
Response.write "<br>No records matched"
Response.write mysql
set objconn=nothing
end if
'set rstemp=nothing
set objConn=nothing
there is no way i can change name of the tables. ERROR that i get when i run the asp page is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Pervasive][ODBC Engine Interface]Syntax Error: SELECT * FROM << ??? >>[part master];
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
thanks in advance
the script that have written is as shown below
<meta NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
Dim objConn
Set objConn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=test"
' this gives an error on execute here part master is a table
' name
mysql ="SELECT * FROM [part master];"
set rstemp=objconn.execute(mysql)
if rstemp.eof then
Response.write "<br>No records matched"
Response.write mysql
set objconn=nothing
end if
'set rstemp=nothing
set objConn=nothing
there is no way i can change name of the tables. ERROR that i get when i run the asp page is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Pervasive][ODBC Engine Interface]Syntax Error: SELECT * FROM << ??? >>[part master];
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
thanks in advance