If i enter an ASP page through windows explorer it opens up in IE with all the code visible, however if i open the file thrugh dreamweaver using the preview in browser command it opens the page perfectly and it shows the login dialouge etc.
Does the script only not show when i go through dreamweaver? It seems stupid! Dreamweaver wanted to be the controller of ASP files what was the standard because is et it back to IE.
I want the asps to open properly when i click them have i screwed up the file associations?
I uploaded the file here
I see this
<!--#include file="../Connections/loginconn.asp" -->
// *** Validate request to log in to this site.
var MM_LoginAction = Request.ServerVariables("URL");
if (Request.QueryString!="") MM_LoginAction += "?" + Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString);
var MM_valUsername=String(Request.Form("User"));
if (MM_valUsername != "undefined") {
var MM_fldUserAuthorization="";
var MM_redirectLoginSuccess="sucess.asp";
var MM_redirectLoginFailed="fail.asp";
var MM_flag="ADODB.Recordset";
var MM_rsUser = Server.CreateObject(MM_flag);
MM_rsUser.ActiveConnection = MM_loginconn_STRING;
MM_rsUser.Source = "SELECT User, Password";
if (MM_fldUserAuthorization != "") MM_rsUser.Source += "," + MM_fldUserAuthorization;
MM_rsUser.Source += " FROM userpass WHERE User='" + MM_valUsername.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND Password='" + String(Request.Form("Password")).replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
MM_rsUser.CursorType = 0;
MM_rsUser.CursorLocation = 2;
MM_rsUser.LockType = 3;
if (!MM_rsUser.EOF || !MM_rsUser.BOF) {
// username and password match - this is a valid user
Session("MM_Username") = MM_valUsername;
if (MM_fldUserAuthorization != "") {
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = String(MM_rsUser.Fields.Item(MM_fldUserAuthorization).Value);
} else {
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = "";
if (String(Request.QueryString("accessdenied")) != "undefined" && false) {
MM_redirectLoginSuccess = Request.QueryString("accessdenied");
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "<html>
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<form name="form1" method="POST" action="<%=MM_LoginAction%>">
<input name="User" type="text" id="User">
<input name="Password" type="password" id="Password">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
Instead of the log in form i made
Please help!
If i enter an ASP page through windows explorer it opens up in IE with all the code visible, however if i open the file thrugh dreamweaver using the preview in browser command it opens the page perfectly and it shows the login dialouge etc.
Does the script only not show when i go through dreamweaver? It seems stupid! Dreamweaver wanted to be the controller of ASP files what was the standard because is et it back to IE.
I want the asps to open properly when i click them have i screwed up the file associations?
I uploaded the file here
I see this
<!--#include file="../Connections/loginconn.asp" -->
// *** Validate request to log in to this site.
var MM_LoginAction = Request.ServerVariables("URL");
if (Request.QueryString!="") MM_LoginAction += "?" + Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString);
var MM_valUsername=String(Request.Form("User"));
if (MM_valUsername != "undefined") {
var MM_fldUserAuthorization="";
var MM_redirectLoginSuccess="sucess.asp";
var MM_redirectLoginFailed="fail.asp";
var MM_flag="ADODB.Recordset";
var MM_rsUser = Server.CreateObject(MM_flag);
MM_rsUser.ActiveConnection = MM_loginconn_STRING;
MM_rsUser.Source = "SELECT User, Password";
if (MM_fldUserAuthorization != "") MM_rsUser.Source += "," + MM_fldUserAuthorization;
MM_rsUser.Source += " FROM userpass WHERE User='" + MM_valUsername.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND Password='" + String(Request.Form("Password")).replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
MM_rsUser.CursorType = 0;
MM_rsUser.CursorLocation = 2;
MM_rsUser.LockType = 3;
if (!MM_rsUser.EOF || !MM_rsUser.BOF) {
// username and password match - this is a valid user
Session("MM_Username") = MM_valUsername;
if (MM_fldUserAuthorization != "") {
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = String(MM_rsUser.Fields.Item(MM_fldUserAuthorization).Value);
} else {
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = "";
if (String(Request.QueryString("accessdenied")) != "undefined" && false) {
MM_redirectLoginSuccess = Request.QueryString("accessdenied");
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "<html>
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<form name="form1" method="POST" action="<%=MM_LoginAction%>">
<input name="User" type="text" id="User">
<input name="Password" type="password" id="Password">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
Instead of the log in form i made
Please help!