I've used the following code to create charts with Office Web Components, but pie-chart doesn't work. Stacked-pie works fine.
I got no errors or warnings, so what could be wrong with the following code?
I use MS SQL Server 7. This code is retrieving its charting data from Northwind -database.
Here's the code:
<% option explicit %>
' Declaring variables
Dim objConn
Dim objResSet
Dim strConn
Dim owc
Dim owcChart
Dim rs
Dim strSQL
Dim strPath
Dim owcLabels
' Path to server (chart picture is stored here.)
strPath = server.mapPath("./testit"
' Opening connection
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};" & "Server=sqlserver;Uid=test;Pwd=test; Database=Northwind"
objConn.open strConn
' SQL sentence, which retrieves product names and prices which cost under 10 dollars
strSQL = "select productname, unitprice from products where unitprice < 10"
' Creating recordset
set rs = server.createObject("adodb.recordset"
' Defining OWC
set owc = createObject("owc.chart"
set owcChart = owc.charts.add
' Defining Chart-type
owcChart.type = owc.constants.chChartTypePie
owcChart.hasLegend = true
owcChart.hasTitle = true
owcChart.title.caption = "Testing"
owcChart.title.font.name = "tahoma"
owcChart.title.font.size = 10
owcChart.title.font.bold = true
rs.cursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rs.open strSQL, strConn, 3 'adOpenStatic - opening recordset statically
set owc.dataSource = rs
' Attempting to create chart
owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimCategories, 0, "productname"
owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimValues, 0, "unitprice"
set owcLabels = owcChart.seriesCollection.add.dataLabelsCollection.add
owcLabels.hasValue = false
owcLabels.hasPercentage = true
owcLabels.font.name = "tahoma"
owcLabels.font.size = 8
' Storing image to the server
owc.exportPicture strPath & "/" & session.sessionId _
& "b.gif", "gif", 800, 500
response.write "<img src=""testit/" & _
session.sessionId & "b.gif"">"
set owcChart = nothing
set rs = nothing
set strSQL = nothing
It shows the legend ok. Sector values are collected correctly, but it doesn't draw the pie.
Stacked pie is displayed ok, which amazes me, since there's no big difference between stacked-pie and pie.
I would appreciate your help!
I got no errors or warnings, so what could be wrong with the following code?
I use MS SQL Server 7. This code is retrieving its charting data from Northwind -database.
Here's the code:
<% option explicit %>
' Declaring variables
Dim objConn
Dim objResSet
Dim strConn
Dim owc
Dim owcChart
Dim rs
Dim strSQL
Dim strPath
Dim owcLabels
' Path to server (chart picture is stored here.)
strPath = server.mapPath("./testit"
' Opening connection
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};" & "Server=sqlserver;Uid=test;Pwd=test; Database=Northwind"
objConn.open strConn
' SQL sentence, which retrieves product names and prices which cost under 10 dollars
strSQL = "select productname, unitprice from products where unitprice < 10"
' Creating recordset
set rs = server.createObject("adodb.recordset"
' Defining OWC
set owc = createObject("owc.chart"
set owcChart = owc.charts.add
' Defining Chart-type
owcChart.type = owc.constants.chChartTypePie
owcChart.hasLegend = true
owcChart.hasTitle = true
owcChart.title.caption = "Testing"
owcChart.title.font.name = "tahoma"
owcChart.title.font.size = 10
owcChart.title.font.bold = true
rs.cursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rs.open strSQL, strConn, 3 'adOpenStatic - opening recordset statically
set owc.dataSource = rs
' Attempting to create chart
owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimCategories, 0, "productname"
owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimValues, 0, "unitprice"
set owcLabels = owcChart.seriesCollection.add.dataLabelsCollection.add
owcLabels.hasValue = false
owcLabels.hasPercentage = true
owcLabels.font.name = "tahoma"
owcLabels.font.size = 8
' Storing image to the server
owc.exportPicture strPath & "/" & session.sessionId _
& "b.gif", "gif", 800, 500
response.write "<img src=""testit/" & _
session.sessionId & "b.gif"">"
set owcChart = nothing
set rs = nothing
set strSQL = nothing
It shows the legend ok. Sector values are collected correctly, but it doesn't draw the pie.
Stacked pie is displayed ok, which amazes me, since there's no big difference between stacked-pie and pie.
I would appreciate your help!