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ASP pie-chart won't work with OWC

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Jun 5, 2001
I've used the following code to create charts with Office Web Components, but pie-chart doesn't work. Stacked-pie works fine.

I got no errors or warnings, so what could be wrong with the following code?

I use MS SQL Server 7. This code is retrieving its charting data from Northwind -database.

Here's the code:

<% option explicit %>

' Declaring variables

Dim objConn
Dim objResSet
Dim strConn
Dim owc
Dim owcChart
Dim rs
Dim strSQL
Dim strPath
Dim owcLabels

' Path to server (chart picture is stored here.)
strPath = server.mapPath(&quot;./testit&quot;)

' Opening connection
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)

strConn = &quot;Driver={SQL Server};&quot; & &quot;Server=sqlserver;Uid=test;Pwd=test; Database=Northwind&quot;

objConn.open strConn

' SQL sentence, which retrieves product names and prices which cost under 10 dollars
strSQL = &quot;select productname, unitprice from products where unitprice < 10&quot;

' Creating recordset
set rs = server.createObject(&quot;adodb.recordset&quot;)

' Defining OWC
set owc = createObject(&quot;owc.chart&quot;)
set owcChart = owc.charts.add

' Defining Chart-type

owcChart.type = owc.constants.chChartTypePie
owcChart.hasLegend = true
owcChart.hasTitle = true
owcChart.title.caption = &quot;Testing&quot;
owcChart.title.font.name = &quot;tahoma&quot;
owcChart.title.font.size = 10
owcChart.title.font.bold = true

rs.cursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rs.open strSQL, strConn, 3 'adOpenStatic - opening recordset statically

set owc.dataSource = rs

' Attempting to create chart

owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimCategories, 0, &quot;productname&quot;

owcChart.seriesCollection.add.setData owc.constants.chDimValues, 0, &quot;unitprice&quot;

set owcLabels = owcChart.seriesCollection.add.dataLabelsCollection.add
owcLabels.hasValue = false
owcLabels.hasPercentage = true
owcLabels.font.name = &quot;tahoma&quot;
owcLabels.font.size = 8

' Storing image to the server

owc.exportPicture strPath & &quot;/&quot; & session.sessionId _
& &quot;b.gif&quot;, &quot;gif&quot;, 800, 500
response.write &quot;<img src=&quot;&quot;testit/&quot; & _
session.sessionId & &quot;b.gif&quot;&quot;>&quot;


set owcChart = nothing
set rs = nothing
set strSQL = nothing


It shows the legend ok. Sector values are collected correctly, but it doesn't draw the pie.

Stacked pie is displayed ok, which amazes me, since there's no big difference between stacked-pie and pie.

I would appreciate your help!
I am having the same problem, except that my chart shows up at 1 full data series instead of the 3 series that are in my database. They show up fine in the legend, does anyone know what is wrong???

<% Option Explicit %>
<TITLE>D/90 FY02 Total Burdened Direct Hours</TITLE>
<!-- #include virtual=&quot;/adovbs.inc&quot; -->
Function ExportChartToGIF(objCSpace, strAbsFilePath, strRelFilePath)
Dim strFileName
strFileName = Timer & Rnd & &quot;.gif&quot;
objCSpace.ExportPicture strAbsFilePath & &quot;\&quot; & strFileName, &quot;gif&quot;, 765, 400
ExportChartToGIF = strRelFilePath & &quot;/&quot; & strFileName
End Function

Sub CleanUpGIF(GIFpath)
Dim objFS
Dim objFolder
Dim gif
set objFS = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(GIFpath)
for each gif in objFolder.Files
if instr(gif.Name, &quot;.gif&quot;) > 0 and DateDiff(&quot;n&quot;, gif.DateLastModified, now) > 10 then
objFS.DeleteFile GIFpath & &quot;\&quot; & gif.Name, True
end if
set objFolder = nothing
set objFS = nothing
End Sub

<BODY BGCOLOR=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;>
dim objChartSpace
dim objChart
dim objSeries
dim objConn
dim objRS
dim c
dim series
dim strChartAbsPath
dim strChartRelPath
dim strChartFile
strChartAbsPath = Server.MapPath(&quot;/metrics/chartimages&quot;)
strChartRelPath = &quot;&quot;

set objChartSpace = Server.CreateObject(&quot;OWC.Chart&quot;)
set objChart = objChartSpace.Charts.Add()
set c = objChartSpace.Constants

objChart.Type = c.chChartTypePie
objChart.HasLegend = True
objChart.Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionBottom
objChart.PlotArea.Interior.Color = &quot;White&quot;

set objConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
objConn.Open &quot;pie&quot;
set objRS = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
set objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn
objRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
objRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRS.Open &quot;select * from pie&quot;
set objChartSpace.DataSource = objRS
objChart.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, &quot;NAME&quot;
for each objSeries in objChart.SeriesCollection
objSeries.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, &quot;NAME&quot;
objSeries.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, &quot;DATA&quot;

strChartFile = ExportChartToGIF(objChartSpace, strChartAbsPath, strChartRelPath)
Response.Write &quot;<IMG SRC=&quot;&quot;/metrics/chartimages&quot; & strChartFile & &quot;&quot;&quot;>&quot; & &quot;<P>&quot;
CleanUpGIF strChartAbsPath

set objRS = nothing
set objConn = nothing
set objSeries = nothing
set objChart = nothing
set objChartSpace = nothing
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Part and Inventory Search

