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ASP pages using Access and Odbc to VFoxpro data

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Jan 17, 2000
I have created an Accesss database which links to certain Visual Foxpro tables in a mail order program.

Within the access database I can connect to all the foxpro tables and run some pretty impressive querries. The probelm lies in trying to run the same querries as ASP pages. I have created all the proper ODBC drivers for connection to both Access and FoxPro. But when I run the page, I get this error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] ODBC--connection to 'Eureka_Sales' failed.

/ow_reports/ow_mailling_polls.asp, line 22

Where 'Eureka_Sales' is the FoxPro driver that the Access database use to get to the data.

I have read many post about problems with foxpro and ODBC data drivers for ASP but nobody seems to have mastered this.
Is Eureka_Sales a system dsn?
Does it exist on your IIS box? JHall
Yes to both questions, I have replicated the DSN on Both machine so that they are exactly the same. As I said before I am able to run queries in Access, just not through ASP.

I'm having the exact same problem with linked Foxpro tables. It's working on the development server, just not on the production server. So there's obviously a way to get it to work. I've spent most of the day trying to figure out what the difference is between the 2 systems.

Did you ever find a solution?

Please help. Thanks
PLease keep me posted as I have been trying t figure this one out for quite some time.
Sounds like a permissions issue. Is the asp user priveleged enough to hit the tables? JHall
I am having the EXACT same problem. Glad to have finally found a possible answer. How can we check the permissions? I got onto the web server and it has permission to go to the folder where the FoxPro database files are located. But without MS Access or anything that can open the tables, how do I know if the web server login has permission or not?
I have a similar problem but with a different type of database and I haven't been able to find a solution please someone help.
Here's the error I get:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

ODBC--connection to 'CRGP' failed.

/galts/update_projects.asp, line 20
I'm having the same issue as well. I read somewhere else on the web that the file needs to be on the same machine as the webserver. Is this true?

I am having the same problem. I have an access database with linked tables on an ISQL table on another server. When i open and access and run the query everything is fine but when i use asp i get that ODBC -- connection to 'ptools' failed, where 'ptools' is the ODBC tot the other databse. Has anyone figured this out?
don't know if this will help but here's what I've found so far with the code I'm using:

Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
myConn.Open &quot;Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=\\mccms00\tcs\DBFMED\mf.dbf;Exclusive=No&quot;

sql = &quot;SELECT * FROM mf&quot;
Set RS = MyConn.Execute(sql)

response.write rs(1)

set rs=nothing
set myconn=nothing

- beginning_asp archive.htm

mb &quot;Where's the Ka-Boom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!&quot;
Marvin the Martian
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